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Barbelith Top Trumps. Lots and lots of PICS.


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17:01 / 20.11.04
That is weird. In a nice, "Home Truths"-style way, though.
17:28 / 20.11.04
Anna DeLogardiere:
Strength: 6, +1 vs Mysogynists/+2 vs Capitalists/+3 vs Fascists
Max Speed: Caffienated Saunter: 2MPH
N.B. - MASS TRANSIT lets Anna move at 60 MPH for 2 turns, but her Fool Tolerance is halved as a result.
Fool Tolerance: 2,000 (Tolerance automatically granted to anyone carrying Marx)
Funk Rating: 68.25%

Whether covering the couture houses for the IWW press or a gallery opening at the behest of ________, Anna's critiques make her nowhere unfeared. From her secret base in the Selfridge's shoe department, Anna commands a network of guerrilla fashoinistas via mimeographed orders through pneumatic tubes.
Tryphena Absent
17:58 / 20.11.04
But what happens when I get in to a Bugatti?

MASS TRANSIT lets Anna move at 60 MPH for 2 turns, but her Fool Tolerance is halved as a result.

Have you been in a car with me? Who are you? How did you know that?
Bed Head
18:12 / 20.11.04
Are you sure about these categories? I mean, "Funk"? I dunno, man.

Okay, I just found where I got ‘Funk Rating’ from. A sheet of Top Trumps that Jamie Hewlett did to accompany the first episode of Fireball, which became lodged in my head as the Best Thing Ever. It’s still pretty damn cool:

...I skipped ‘Icon Possibility’ because I *really* didn’t like the sound of it, and just tried to keep it as simple as possible. And I think I like the complete lack of meaning in the scores. But then, I’ve never played Dungeons and Dragons, so maybe I’m missing the appeal of evaluating everything. Carry right on. Seriously Qalyn, I'm not about to disagree with the man who wrote such a perfect piece for Sally Dammerung.

Also - just because it's come up in a couple of PMs - they’re not really meant to be observational. I don’t properly know any of you, I haven’t met any of you. It’s more the suit-name-as-eternal-champion, archetype kinda thing. I’d hoped the drawing could be a starting point,if you want to think of it as a drabble: is that a Jack Fear who protects an orphanage and fights the state in 1940s Mexico, or the post-apocalypse Jack Fear, who travels from town to dusty town singing folk ballards about something called ‘the internet’ and Dispensing Justice like a kung fu Woody Guthrie? In my head I’ve got the Haus as a legendary prizefighter in a turn-of-the-century travelling show, but YHMV. There are other Hauses, y'know.

I'm thinking that’s the Anna deLogardiere of 1920s Manhattan. Who writes about modernist art for the Daily Eagle, solves the occasional murder mystery, drinks ‘highballs’ - whatever they are - and has extraordinary dreams about living in 21st Century London. And Smoothly Weaving has *always* struck me as sounding like a biker name - stories of Janis Joplin hanging out with real Hells Angels called Freewheelin’ Frank and Sweet William, Peter Fonda played a biker called Heavenly Blues in ‘The Wild Angels’. Smoothly Weaving is *such* a classy biker name. But I haven’t thought about it beyond the look. Stoatie cruises the desert by cover of night on his mutant war badger. What desert? Why? When? Is this a clone Stoatie, a robot Stoatie, his greatgreatgreatgreat etc grandson? Or his Biggest Ever Fan and 2525's greatest collector of 21st Century Stoatie memorabilia, who has only turned to a life of piracy as a way of emulating his historical hero, based on his reading of the few surviving Barbelith pages?

That kind of thing.

..Although, actually, I just want this thread to work out okay. So, really, do what you think works best.

Bloody hell, I’ve got a whole bunch of people to reply to. Fly, grant, Jack - you’ve all got PMs coming. And thanks again to everyone else who’s being so nice. Really, I am *totally* blown away by the response.

And yes, I’m certain there will be a Whiskey Priestess card next time.
Bed Head
18:13 / 20.11.04
heh. True to form, as I’m typing, someone gets there before me. Thank you, Iconoplast. Spot on.
19:14 / 20.11.04
Bedhead those drawings are amazing! I had no idea that you could even draw. I'd say my faves have to be Sally and Stoatie, they are just so awesome.

19:42 / 20.11.04
I keep thinking my picture makes me the hipster Fantomex and I keep my nervous system in my army of cats.

Hilarity ensues when people notice I ride the same Scooter in my civvies! And having to keep account of all the cats.

I love the windswept ones! I think people will start talking properly soon, BH, but you done made them all giddy. Ya big goof.
8===>Q: alyn
21:31 / 20.11.04
Aw, Bed, I wasn't entirely serious. I mean, I'll do whatever, I'm crazy, but I was goofing. These are perfect.
Bed Head
21:52 / 20.11.04
Sorry, dude. I am highly strung, you know. Play me, do I not twang?
8===>Q: alyn
22:36 / 20.11.04
I'm sorry! I didn't mean any harm.
Bed Head
22:53 / 20.11.04
Dude! No harm done! Actually, I quite enjoyed digging through the boxes to find a half-remembered, decade old Jamie Hewlett comic, and then waving it around to try and justify my use of the word ‘funk’. That’s a perfect Saturday morning for me. For which I should be thanking you.
8===>Q: alyn
23:01 / 20.11.04
You're welcome.

Man, I used to love Jamie Hewlett.

Now get to work!
05:17 / 21.11.04
I feel the need to squee - those are fantastic!
08:57 / 21.11.04
Well, I've been rendered somewhat speechless. Which is a fairly good trick in itself.
13:15 / 21.11.04
the latest issue of Jack Staff also has some great Top Trumps style action.
Kit-Cat Club
08:42 / 22.11.04
Bedhead, these are magnificent (and inspiring - I fancy trying my hand...) but bloody hell, they're good. What a great thing to come to work to on a Monday morning - I'm set up for the week...
19:11 / 22.11.04
Jack Fear, feeding the tangent: I've considered doing that with the 10-yr-old boy in my home, but he's so addicted to Runescape now that I can't compete.

Fear Runescape, Mr. Fear. It eats their souls.

more generally: I found the cards I remembered. They were Pirates vs. Ninjas. The graphics for the original cards are down, but the Booster cards are there and glorious.
20:00 / 22.11.04

Bed Head, you are a gawd.

Jack Fear is seriously reminding me of Six String Samurai...
Grey Area
23:24 / 22.11.04
Lordy, is that ftp site still up? I'd totally forgotten about them. Might dig out the old passwords and back those booster cards up.

Which does raise the possibility of Barbelith Trumps Booster Cards. And Handicap Cards. 'SQL Error' is the first handicap that comes to mind. 'Lateshift Posting' would make a fine booster, methinks.
08:43 / 23.11.04
Bedhead, I must join in the music of the masses and blow smoke up your highly talented arse. That must have taken you a fuck-load of time. And sod that Jack Fear and Flyboy, come and draw a comic for me. Flyboy's already get Nelson Evergreen tied up in his cellar.

But, back on topic, yes, wonderful.
12:25 / 23.11.04
Bedhead, those are great - what gets me is the way you've used the source material, and just extended/imagined it perfectly - the Golden Age Tanhauser with shrews is brillant - but so are they all.
13:32 / 23.11.04
Holy shit, these drawings are AMAZING!!!

Beautiful, beautiful, and still more beautiful.

When are you doing a Jenny Everywhere story???
Phex: Dorset Doom
15:40 / 23.11.04
Props Bed-Head. Props.
Oh, and a Highball is 1/4 oz. Liquor, Water, Ginger Ale, 7-Up or Soda, build with your choice of Liquor in a Highball glass filled with ice.
00:00 / 25.11.04
There are two of Todd?
The Falcon
14:44 / 01.12.04
Wow. Those are wonderful.
23:10 / 01.12.04
Aren't they just?

I want him to do everyone, (ooer) but close on 5000 pictures is a lot to ask. And anyway, 90% of them would look like NoFace:

from Spirited Away.
00:36 / 02.12.04
Holy Fucksticks!
I've somehow missed this thread up until now. These are amazing! Bedhead, you are, as they say, a Pure Minted Genius.

One of the good things about Barbelith is that it's consistently engaging my jealousy circuits to the point where I'm getting off my arse to do my own stuff.
Liger Null
23:06 / 03.12.04
I want him to do everyone, (ooer) but close on 5000 pictures is a lot to ask.

Me too. I'd love to see what he does with Ganesh, Sekhmet, and Impulsivelad.

Maybe we should spread the workload around, have other Barbelith artists sign on with their own interpretations.
8===>Q: alyn
02:02 / 04.12.04
Maybe we should finish the workload on these. Bedhead did ask for assistence...
13:02 / 04.12.04
It certainly seems that Bed Head has created a lot of picture hungry harlots.
12:22 / 05.12.04
"X" = done

Do the rest, people!

Anna De Logardiere X

Our Lady of the Flowers

Sally Dammerung X

Smoothly Weaving X

(Golden Age) Tannhauser X

Mordant Carnival X

Stoatie & Mono X (although brief)

Olulabelle X



Jack Fear
Bed Head
14:11 / 05.12.04
Indeed. Can I just jump in and give my *extra-special* thanks at this point to Alex, Grey Area, grant, Qalyn, and Iconoplast, for having already contributed such wonderful words. Q’s Sally Dammerung lonely cowboy-campfire song, Alex’s elaborate Smoothly Weaving-superstylish superstar lifestyle, grant, for the lovely phrase ‘itinerant soothsayer and sorceress’, Grey’s cake-baking as heavenly-approved superpower, and Iconoplast with the secret subterranean base and the pneumatic vacuum tubes... all these were exactly the kind of details I was hoping for. Actually, Suedey keeping his nervous system in his army of cats - that *totally* counts too (somebody run with that, please) ... Took my drawings and turned them into proper superheroes-in-search-of-a-comic. You guys rock.

And to everyone else, all who’ve said such nice things,

..and the second set of trumps is on the way. I’m not saying who’s going to be in it, you’ll have to wait and see. And everyone else who is currently waiting on art from me, it’s getting done right now. Everything fun got squeezed out by an odd weeks’ work and the sudden, pressing need to make this month’s rent. But I’m back at a drawing board for today.
16:04 / 05.12.04
For inspiration, I submit an excerpt from Saveloy's post in this thread.

Deva - 1916
WWI, steam trains, Shackleton, tweed

Deva sends and receives posts via carrier pigeons, released from a wicker basket which she keeps in the side-car of her Triumph motorcycle.

Suedey - 1950
De-mob suits, pork pies and Ealing comedies

Suedey logs on with the short-wave radio set installed in his uncle Terry's garden shed (a converted Andersen shelter). He can view pictures as ghostly green waveforms on his uncle's cathode ray oscilloscope.
19:15 / 05.12.04
(This needs an edit - anyone, feel free)

STRENGTH - 6 2/3
Special Attack:Aestheto-Ray Gun - Strength 8 vs Squares
MAX SPEED - 88kph

The best known of the Situationist Action Heros, the masked figure known only as The Suedehead was a byword for Art and Revolution, by any means necessary.

The stray cats his Uncle took in were as close to siblings as the young Suedehead (nee SuedeBoy) had. After the operation, of course, the distributed nerve center of a feline cortex made reconnasance easy, but distraction easier.

By day, Suedey found his directives by logging onto what he called the EtherWeb with the short-wave radio set installed in his uncle Terry's garden shed (a converted Andersen shelter). He claimed he could view pictures as ghostly green waveforms on his cathode ray oscilloscope.

By night, the mod marauder and his aestheto-ray gun ("Click. Bang! Now you're art!") were unstoppable. 'Hearing the meow,' a byword for a visit from The Suedehead and his phalanx of hungry kittens, was no idle threat in those tumultuous days.
Bed Head
20:26 / 05.12.04
Hee! But surely that moped can go faster than 88 kph.

What about..

Suedey Muckle and his mickle kitties keep the mean streets of Leicester free from bullies and cads. Always such a sensitive boy, ever since his epic battle with Mister Quiver* he’s found it necessary to spread his sensitivity throughout a hundred cats across the city, and discovered he is able to draw strange and unearthly powers from the loving attention they receive each and every day. Which he channels into both crime fighting and art, according to who needs what when. And how.

In his secret identity, he is Rusty James from Rumble Fish, but in a really good way.

(* Giant-Sized Strangeness and Charm #3! - Bed)

Someone else try. There is no right answer, you know.

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