Are you sure about these categories? I mean, "Funk"? I dunno, man.
Okay, I just found where I got ‘Funk Rating’ from. A sheet of Top Trumps that Jamie Hewlett did to accompany the first episode of Fireball, which became lodged in my head as the Best Thing Ever. It’s still pretty damn cool:

...I skipped ‘Icon Possibility’ because I *really* didn’t like the sound of it, and just tried to keep it as simple as possible. And I think I like the complete lack of meaning in the scores. But then, I’ve never played Dungeons and Dragons, so maybe I’m missing the appeal of evaluating everything. Carry right on. Seriously Qalyn, I'm not about to disagree with the man who wrote such a perfect piece for Sally Dammerung.
Also - just because it's come up in a couple of PMs - they’re not really meant to be observational. I don’t properly know any of you, I haven’t met any of you. It’s more the suit-name-as-eternal-champion, archetype kinda thing. I’d hoped the drawing could be a starting point,if you want to think of it as a drabble: is that a Jack Fear who protects an orphanage and fights the state in 1940s Mexico, or the post-apocalypse Jack Fear, who travels from town to dusty town singing folk ballards about something called ‘the internet’ and Dispensing Justice like a kung fu Woody Guthrie? In my head I’ve got the Haus as a legendary prizefighter in a turn-of-the-century travelling show, but YHMV. There are other Hauses, y'know.
I'm thinking that’s the Anna deLogardiere of 1920s Manhattan. Who writes about modernist art for the Daily Eagle, solves the occasional murder mystery, drinks ‘highballs’ - whatever they are - and has extraordinary dreams about living in 21st Century London. And Smoothly Weaving has *always* struck me as sounding like a biker name - stories of Janis Joplin hanging out with real Hells Angels called Freewheelin’ Frank and Sweet William, Peter Fonda played a biker called Heavenly Blues in ‘The Wild Angels’. Smoothly Weaving is *such* a classy biker name. But I haven’t thought about it beyond the look. Stoatie cruises the desert by cover of night on his mutant war badger. What desert? Why? When? Is this a clone Stoatie, a robot Stoatie, his greatgreatgreatgreat etc grandson? Or his Biggest Ever Fan and 2525's greatest collector of 21st Century Stoatie memorabilia, who has only turned to a life of piracy as a way of emulating his historical hero, based on his reading of the few surviving Barbelith pages?
That kind of thing.
..Although, actually, I just want this thread to work out okay. So, really, do what you think works best.
Bloody hell, I’ve got a whole bunch of people to reply to. Fly, grant, Jack - you’ve all got PMs coming. And thanks again to everyone else who’s being so nice. Really, I am *totally* blown away by the response.
And yes, I’m certain there will be a Whiskey Priestess card next time. |