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Barbelith Top Trumps. Lots and lots of PICS.


Page: 123(4)

pointless & uncalled for
08:52 / 03.01.06
Tis danger and madness to try and create such an image. The elder gods have wrought destruction upon it out of respect for Golden Age Tannhauser. They also fear him a little.
15:34 / 04.01.06
B..b..b..but I can't play without a full set!
pointless & uncalled for
07:03 / 05.01.06
Use one of the blank cards from the Chance pile in Monopoly. Tape a picture of the latest upload to and know that his stats will beat everything.

This card also beats a Queen of Spades in Hearts.
Bed Head
13:48 / 05.01.06
*peeks around door*

Gosh. You guys are having a party in here! can anyone join in etc etc

(God only knows what’s going on with the Tann picture, btw - it’s gone down/been rehosted/the post has been edited to fix it twice already. This makes the third time. It’s all very rum and uncanny. May well be a nefarious plot. Why, this is a job for.. a job for...


...oh, I’ll just fix the picture then, shall I?)
13:58 / 05.01.06
Well, you can try.

I think it's the shrews. Very cunning, the shrews.
14:35 / 05.01.06
Shrewd, even.
20:08 / 19.04.07
So, um, bump?
20:30 / 19.04.07
I think you'll need to do more than bump if you want Bed.
20:48 / 19.04.07
Has he gone away forever?
Or he does he simply require offerings larger than a bump?
21:22 / 19.04.07
He changed his username about a month ago, but as far as I know nobody's heard squat from him through any channel in a while.

I really should dig his e-mail address out, I know I have it somewhere.
21:23 / 19.04.07
This is a shame.

Because Bed Head is, in many varied and wonderful ways, The Man™.
Whisky Priestess
07:33 / 20.04.07
I'd forgotten how great these were. Now I REALLY want him to do a poster for me ...
08:08 / 20.04.07
I have his email and his mobile number and I've spoken to him a bit. He's busy with lovely real life people.

I wish he'd come back though.
Whisky Priestess
08:40 / 20.04.07
Don't worry, he's been in touch (cheers for that) and I gave him the brief, but he hasn't come back with anything yet.

I'm hoping this is because, Richard Dadd style, he's been working day and night to create a masterpiece for the ages, but I think it's more likely he's forgotten.

I'll nudge him.
11:50 / 20.04.07
Can we persuade the Bed Head to help draw for the Temple journal?
10:51 / 21.04.07
We can but ask him. He'd probably really love to and I certainly think he'd be perfect.
Sibelian 2.0
14:57 / 11.05.07

/...Looks around thread...Drools...

Why did nobody tell me about this thread?!?!?!?!?
15:12 / 11.05.07
Because there's no point. *sniff*
Janean Patience
16:36 / 11.05.07
Another voice in the chorus: that's beautiful, beautiful art.
Sibelian 2.0
17:00 / 11.05.07
Is it good manners to PM him and say: "OI! Return that we may worship thee!" Or is he too self-effacing?
17:07 / 11.05.07
I think it's more to do with being otherwise occupied. But you could try.
04:06 / 17.05.07
Sheesh, I wish I was around for this. What an incredibly talented and humble guy...another example of how extraordinary this place is. Thanks for digging this up; I'd love to know what the Lord Bedhead is up to nowadays...
Sibelian 2.0
08:55 / 17.05.07
I did try PMing him. No luck thus far, it seems.


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