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The Late Shift of DOOM


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01:29 / 10.11.04
aren’t cats self-cleaning?

Yes, they are mostly. But we're getting to winter now, no open windows, so I'd like to have them get one bath in before hand, and I occasionally need to show them that I'M dominant, damn it.

That and I love the way they smell when they're all appley fresh from their shampoo. (This sentence originally written with w's in place of all the r's and l's, but then I realized that it was just creepy. And embarassing.)
01:32 / 10.11.04
need to show them that I'M dominant, damn it.

I'm still stunned by the fiance in the tub with them. Case closed on Sally's dominance. Dominatrix of the year, I say...
01:33 / 10.11.04
I'm going to bed now.
ibis the being
01:36 / 10.11.04
Hi everyone. I just got off the night shift at my second job. Picked up a bomber of Newcastle and now I'm 2/3 through it I realize I misunderestimated how much beer I'll be wanting.
Saint Keggers
01:37 / 10.11.04
Im a giant to all the Lilliputians!
Saint Keggers
01:38 / 10.11.04
how much is a bomber?
01:42 / 10.11.04
About 15 grand.
Saint Keggers
01:43 / 10.11.04
and Goodnight suedehead!
ibis the being
01:45 / 10.11.04
Bombers (regional slang) vary by brand, mine's a pint but they're generally in the neighborhood of 20oz.
ibis the being
01:46 / 10.11.04
And, good Lord, it's dawning on me I could go for another 36oz but not a drop in the house.
01:50 / 10.11.04
Night Suedey!

Aww, bootnote, that's so cute...
01:53 / 10.11.04
Good night everyone. Sally, get that cat out away from me! I'm not getting in the bathtub! No! Not the leather apron! Not the cat nip! Don't!Stop!
Bed Head
02:18 / 10.11.04
Curses. I step out for a second and everyone disappears. Goodnight Suedey, goodnight Alas. Goodnight Dwight from ages ago, come to that. And goodnight everyone else, for I am going too.

I have a new quilt, too. Woo!
Saint Keggers
02:23 / 10.11.04
Ah a new quilt can bring such joy. Unless you have to kill someone to get it..then you feel bad cause of this big quilt trip.
04:48 / 10.11.04
Only if it gets wrapped about your ankles while you're walking.

And hello.
23:42 / 10.11.04
Unless Stoatie is around, I suspect I'm the only person at work. Anyone about?
23:54 / 10.11.04
Evening Haus. I'm around, although notionally cleaning my flat in preparation for a guest who's visiting for a few days. We've got things in the fridge we never eat. We have brown bread. I think we might have dip.
What are you doing at work at this hour?
23:55 / 10.11.04
I said goodnight already, but that was last night. Goodnight again, and haus! Keep an eye on livejournal tomorrow, I'm going to leave you a message, I don't want it to get lost in the shuffle.
00:00 / 11.11.04
Oh, writing. Slowly. It wouldn't be too bad, but it's gone into that death cycle thing where you just pass something around, dead-eyed, hacking bits off it like a zombie with a machete.

How are you, Smoothly? I am wishing I had taken you up on the Bushbet now, although I suspect it would not have lightened my mood much... Still, the moral is that I should always trust my instincts. Right now my instincts tell me to ululate at my employers.

00:01 / 11.11.04
Dwight: I shall do my best. I know I still owe you a tinder-dry disquisition on the science of ending sentences with prepositions. Night night.
00:02 / 11.11.04
I am here. I think Keggers should be coming by soon.

How are you doing, Haus?

I am feeling a little angst because of the futility of exsisting on this planet. I might just go and sit under a Bodhi tree and contemplate the lovely little heart-shaped leaves for a while.

00:07 / 11.11.04
Well, there's futility and futility, BL. On the plus side, you live in Canada, which makes you an object of envy for millions of people to your south...
00:10 / 11.11.04

Nation's Wildlife Fleeing To Canada

The Onion is particularly good this week I think.

I'm well, Haus. Keeping a grip. I'm feeling faintly mutinous at work myself at the moment, but I manage to keep that to business hours.
I'm trying not to think about that night. My confidence then is so depressing in retrospect. That fact that i made money rather than lost a fortune is the only silver-lining, but pretty hollow compensation. Bah.
00:21 / 11.11.04
I felt it on the way home - my vague suspicion of a Bush win crashing into floor-shuddering certainty. I'm not ashamed to say I blubbed like Fotherington-Thomas with a hangnail.
Saint Keggers
00:24 / 11.11.04
Im here now. I want Whiskey. Pref. single malt. Really pref ALOT OF IT!!!
00:26 / 11.11.04
Yes Haus, apparently you are right.

The futility is the feeling that there is very little I can do to prevent the suffering of so many lives.

But, nevermind. We have other threads for this. Besides, I was a lovely little message from a very sweet woman, who said she is going to send me some warm fuzzies, so I feel good about that.

Now, if I send warm fuzzies to two friends, and they send warm fuzzies to two friends, and so on and so on...this whole damn thing will be resolved!

There, everyone is now sending warm fuzzies. Has the war stopped?
Saint Keggers
00:30 / 11.11.04
Mmm... your warm fuzzies went great with the last of the Stilton.
00:32 / 11.11.04
I was a lovely little message from a very sweet woman...

that should read: I HAD a lovely little message from a very sweet woman...

I can barely post a messaage, nevermind be one!
00:34 / 11.11.04
Have you considered attempting to contact the dead? I am lead to believe that the medium is the message...
Saint Keggers
00:38 / 11.11.04
bad haus! Bad! No more puns for you!!1
00:40 / 11.11.04
Did benfox jump ship?

I'm going to feel like a mean bully if he did.
Bed Head
00:48 / 11.11.04
Blimey, I’m weirdly reassured to hear I’m not the only one who cried, when it seeemd everyone else was being either stoic or angry. I haven’t cried for years. And the morning after the election it was like floodgates opening: I sobbed like you only can when you’ve been wound up tight for weeks and weeks on end. And then felt absolutely empty for days after. I still can’t understand it, really. I still find myself clutching at every ludicrous conspiracy theory that floats before me, anything to reassure myself that the majority of people aren’t all either stupid or evil.

Gah. Hello, everybody. Never mind about the fuzzies, I have wine. Nasty, cheap wine. Fuzzies come later.
00:48 / 11.11.04
I don't think benfox has an absolute existence, so we may be talking about a lightening of the ship by 21 grams.
00:50 / 11.11.04 is making me feel better about the elction.
00:54 / 11.11.04
There is an astonishign amount of wine in a cupboard behind me. Not a single corkscrew.

Alanis Morrisette made an entire career out of situations like that.

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