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The Late Shift of DOOM


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01:08 / 09.11.04
Whatever I can get my hands on, buddy,
Saint Keggers
01:09 / 09.11.04
01:14 / 09.11.04
Is it time to play "Will Suedey Drink This?"

I have a cider now, so I'm all good.
01:16 / 09.11.04
good evening

bleach and tortilla soup?
01:16 / 09.11.04
I would normally, but I'm gonna go to bed now to watch the Sopranos.

Goodnight, humans!
Saint Keggers
01:17 / 09.11.04
It'll clean your insides better than fiber!
01:17 / 09.11.04
But not as well as fiberglass.

Hallo cuties.
Saint Keggers
01:18 / 09.11.04
Why are the Sopranos in your bed?

(boom tish!)
Saint Keggers
01:19 / 09.11.04
Hello Sally! How ya doing?
01:20 / 09.11.04
Mm, bleach...

Hi subculture! Hi Sally!

Bye Suedey!
Saint Keggers
01:21 / 09.11.04
Im tired of movies with 'one moment that will change everything'.
01:24 / 09.11.04
Pretty good actually. Picked up the new(ish) Le Tigre CD, eating generic lucky charms, enjoying the mildest early Nov. I've ever encountered, trying to figure out what to do for Thanksgiving dinner. How about your fine self?
01:25 / 09.11.04
What movie would that be, then?

Mm. Soup, cider, kitties, and a band practicing in the back room. Life is good.
01:25 / 09.11.04
Sekhmet! Bon soir!
01:26 / 09.11.04
last night I opened the late shift and then immediately left to watch The Manchurian Candidate. So I didn't really even chat with anyone. I've been feeling the loss all day. Denzel Washington and Meryl Streep, however, more than made up for not being able to talk to you lot...
Saint Keggers
01:27 / 09.11.04
Doing well. At work, drinking a cup of Tim Hortons Cappucino mixed with Maxwellhouse Instant Coffee. Currently planning my year and all the goodthings that I hope will be in it.
Saint Keggers
01:29 / 09.11.04
Im not sure Sehkmet, just some advertisment said the phrase 'one moment that will change everything' and it got me thinking about how so many movies have that.

Hi Alas, how does the Denzel version compare to the original?
01:30 / 09.11.04
Hallo dear!

Maxwell House? Instant?

(*moment of appalled silence*)

Keggers, darling, why ever are you doing that to yourself?
01:32 / 09.11.04
I hear that Denzel is extremely symetrical, which apparently adds to/amplifies his jumpability.

We don't have much to talk about at work.
Saint Keggers
01:32 / 09.11.04
I know... thats why I smothered it in Tim Hortons Capuccino mix. I think its like my own personal 'Fear Factor" competition
Saint Keggers
01:34 / 09.11.04
Denzel always seemed to tall to jump. Now Emanuel Lewis, thats a different story.
Saint Keggers
01:36 / 09.11.04
for all you people:
01:37 / 09.11.04
Tackle then. I'm a short thing, but I'm stealthy, and with a running start, I can plow into just about any man in his center of gravity and take him down.

Or I just bounce right off and blink prettily as the bodyguards drag me away.
01:38 / 09.11.04
Blaaargh. Actually, I have to drink MH at the office - it's all the company will pay for - but it's not instant, at any rate. And there is a coffee shop a couple of doors down if I get desperate.

What's the deal with everyone remaking classic movies lately? Has Hollywood finally run out of ideas entirely? Even bad ones?
01:41 / 09.11.04
Oh the second is much better, I think, although oddly Oedipal for a 2004 remake, in ways I'm pretty sure the first wasn't, really, and it came out on the tails of the 1950s, when every hollywood movie had a mother sleeping with her son, IIRC.

Ok, they don't actually sleep together but Ms. Streep does look like she's ready to give a blow job to Liev Schreiver, who plays her son. The hypnosis sequences are a little less corny but definitely walk the corny line pretty closely. Manchurian Global=Halliburton, pretty much, and they have the technology to brainwash and control the vicepresident, kill the president, and outsource all the really evil stuff to crazed scientists from evil foreign countries...
Saint Keggers
01:42 / 09.11.04
Sadly the bad ideas usually involve some selfimportant twit goingback and fucking over and over again with the trillogy that made him famous...

01:43 / 09.11.04
Amen, my brother.
01:44 / 09.11.04
I've just resorted to watching whatever Japanese movies get imported over here, rather than their remakes. Cuts out the middle man. Though I'm still trying to figure out what the fuck was going on during the last third of "Suicide Club."
01:49 / 09.11.04
It's not Hollywood's fault. The thing is, I saw it reported just last week, when we were all paying attention to the election, there's a global story shortage. We had this big surplus of stories in the United States, but then a lot of them were wiped out in the hurricanes and what with the price of gas, all the on-the-road, buddy-stories have just become too expensive, and the only other genre, the wacky but moving story of a cancer-surviving mom and her trio of madcap misfit friends, one of whom is gay and the other of whom are just a little self-centered until .... oh just forget I started this sentence, please.
Saint Keggers
01:55 / 09.11.04
I laughed at that. I like that idea. Be careful or Hollywood may take it and then charge you for the privillege of having your idea taken in by them.
01:55 / 09.11.04

I'd actually been wondering for a long time if they weren't at least running out of good titles... Every third movie that comes out now has some ridiculously asinine name...
Saint Keggers
01:57 / 09.11.04
Hey! Stella needed to get her groove back!
01:59 / 09.11.04
Have you noticed that the marker of the hip middle-aged, middle-class heterosexual white woman in films and novels is that she has one gay friend. Or a gay male couple of friends. She herself is straight, and usually knows no lesbians. (And then of course the gay man has to die so everyone can learn a valuable lesson...)
02:01 / 09.11.04

Well, it's off to watch the Daily Show and then to bed for me, folks. Have a lovely night!

Or whatever it happens to be where you are.

Saint Keggers
02:05 / 09.11.04
G'night Sehkmet!

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