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The Late Shift of DOOM


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23:06 / 09.11.04
And Ashcroft has resigned, although probably just so he can earn shedloads of money...

My evening was pretty circumscribed - left work about 9, spent about an hour in the pub at a drinks thing (would probably have skipped it, but a friend was up from Brighton and I wanted to say hello), and then got home to carry on working. I am getting to the stage where I ponder whether it woudl be better to get more sleep and adbandon the work, since I might be up till all hours tomorrow, but I think there's some suffering to be wrung out yet...
23:20 / 09.11.04
I keep waiting for Colin Powell to commit seppuku.

Did you lot hear about the kid that killed himself on the World Trade center site because he was so depressed about Bush winning?
23:28 / 09.11.04
Yes. A rather messy way to register protest, but certainly demonstrative. Powell _can't_ be held on to for much longer, can he? And Rumsfeld is both a liability and a septuagenarian... I thionk the reshuffle is going to be quite impressive to see. Also, hopefully, once Powell has left he can take the gloves off...
23:30 / 09.11.04
Dude, the things that guy has allowed his boss to do to his career.
Bed Head
23:48 / 09.11.04
Pah. Career. They’ll all make oodles of money. Every last one of them. Resigning in disgrace has no meaning for these people. It’s not usually my style, but I’ve found myself wishing they’d come down with something extremely nasty and painful. Just to see how they might cope once all the rhetoric denying ‘reality based’ thinking is stripped away.

(deep breath) aaaaaanyway...
23:48 / 09.11.04
I know. And the terrible thing is, we Europeans still want desperately to like him and to trust him, because he seems like a browbeaten stooge rather than a screaming lunatic. Does he have any dignity left at this point?
23:58 / 09.11.04
In my perfect world, Ashcroft contracts some sort of non-fatal but highly embarassing anal gigantism that can only be treated by regularly taking the contraceptive pill...
00:00 / 10.11.04
Anal gigantism. A new band name, thank you.
Saint Keggers
00:06 / 10.11.04
I just want to huggle the whole lot of them. Huggle them so damn hard they pop.
00:08 / 10.11.04
Not even reality, but the reality-based sphere. Sort of the way there's cheese, and then there's cheese food. On which note, I learned today that there are four USDA grades of ham-based ham, only one of which can legally be called 'ham'. (The others are Ham with natural juices, Ham-water added, and Ham and water product. Which is what you get when you multiply ham by water, but don't try to reverse this process. As Lewis Carroll noted, divide a loaf of bread by a knife, and you get what?)
00:13 / 10.11.04
Ta daaaa! Guess who's back! Back again!
Saint Keggers
00:16 / 10.11.04
Bed Head
00:18 / 10.11.04
Funny bread you have in Canada, Keggers.
Saint Keggers
00:19 / 10.11.04
Why ever would you say that?
00:20 / 10.11.04
What's up, y'all? I'm a few beers down the road, but that's just how its gotta be right now.
Saint Keggers
00:24 / 10.11.04
Im 0 drinks down the road. I had a glass of wine with my evening meal (it was red and starting to turn)(the wine not the meal) but on a brighter note I now have 84 bottles worth of wine brewing in my kitchen.
00:25 / 10.11.04
tonight's special is ham and cheese food.
00:26 / 10.11.04

Ok, I can't help finding net-talk like that amusing. But seriously. A bottle a day would make everything that little bit better.
00:29 / 10.11.04
Every time I see that SHOT FOR MEAT! thing I get a bit peckish. Heading out to go peck at something. Have a lovely evening.
Saint Keggers
00:29 / 10.11.04
a bottle a day?...what is this concept you talk of? are you some sort of sick religious cult that practices limitations of all things good? Are you in some sort of different dimension where words like 'a day' or 'a bottle' have different meanings?
00:38 / 10.11.04
Well, I mean a bottle for breakfast, a bottle for lunch, and a bottle for dinner.

And pudding.

PS. That SHOT FOR MEAT! thing? Whuh whuh? I'm a thing? Get with it, kiddo.
00:40 / 10.11.04
Rats, all I've got is Gatorade. But it's very, very warm in the apartment since the cats just had a bath.
Saint Keggers
00:44 / 10.11.04
You bath your cats??? Mine would rip me to shredds!
Bed Head
00:50 / 10.11.04
In other news: rats. I’m going to start saying ‘rats’. I’ve fallen into the awful habit of screeching ‘arse’ in every mildly stressful situation. The other day I realised I’d just said it in front of my mum. I’m in urgent need of an intermediate level swear word, and ‘rats’ fits the bill.
00:53 / 10.11.04
Mine would rip me to shredds!

They did try. My fiance was in the tub with them wearing a canvas apron, and I had trimmed their claws just before hand. This is the third time they've been bathed in the year that we've had them, and the first two were because they jumped into the toilet. This time they'd just been shedding a lot and their feet smelled.
01:01 / 10.11.04
BH: you can't say "arse" in front of your mum? It's barely swearing!

I would never dare bathe my cat. Is that wrong? We've had him for years.
01:08 / 10.11.04
Personally, I saw a dead opossum in the road just now, and I think they are uglier than rats, when dead, yet I rather like them, somehow, still. Marsupials kind of, well, rock.

Still, I am glad not to have a pouch.

Colin Powell is not an opossom, nor a 'possum, as they're usually known 'round these parts, but his whole past actually smells a little ratty . . .

Remember the words "My Lai Massacre" anyone? Well, kids, this is a fun little story that your grandpa should have told you. I won't go into details (hundreds of unarmed Vietnamese killed by our boys over there, March 1968), but our hero Mr. Powell was the young major hired by the army to "investigate" the early allegations that some kind of massacre had taken place.

His response? Massacre? What massacre?: "Powell wrote, at the time: "In direct refutation of this portrayal [of the My Lai massacre and other atrocities by soldiers on the ground in Viet Nam] is the fact that relations between American soldiers and the Vietnamese people are excellent." Later, Powell's refutation would be called an act of "white-washing" the news of the Massacre, and questions would continue to remain undisclosed to the public.' "

Just like how Abu Ghraib couldn't have really taken place, because our relations with the Iraqis are just so wonderful. You see?

Can you say "cover up"? Yes. And Mr. Powell, all-American hero, is also a huge invester in the Carlyle Group. That, kids, is called "War Profiteering" by some people. Not patriotic people, mind, but just some evil commies out to brainwash y'all...

(And don't get me started on his son Michael.)

But lets get back to some happy conversation, shall we? Rats? Ticks? Leeches?
01:11 / 10.11.04
In the tub WITH THEM??? Canvas apron or no that's really scary. (You don't happen to have a video of that, do you?)
Saint Keggers
01:12 / 10.11.04
Rats? Ticks? Leeches?

I thought we weren't going to talk politics?
Bed Head
01:17 / 10.11.04
A sudden thought: aren’t cats self-cleaning? I’m sure I heard that somewhere.

And Suede, I can. I did, even. I just don’t think I should. What’s the point of having a mum if you can’t act completely differently in front of her? I mean, really.

I've also just noticed Kegboy's mention of his stash of wine, and have come over all funny.
01:22 / 10.11.04
and have come over all funny.

Come again?
01:22 / 10.11.04
aren’t cats self-cleaning?

Usually, but if you draw blood with a cat and don't clean it before putting it back into the scabbard, it corrodes.

So, are you metropolitans not familiar with the joy of home-brew?
01:23 / 10.11.04
I guess so BH... it's just that me and my parents are habitually rude to each other and I rather like it. But it might just be that I'm a rude son of a gun.

I think we should liberate Kegger's stash, unless he's willing to share. That's really too much wine for one person to have unless they're willing to have giant parties.
Saint Keggers
01:25 / 10.11.04
I always have giant parties. I just never invite anyone else to them. That way I know I'll get along with everyone.
01:28 / 10.11.04
I didn't know you were a giant, kegboy! So, have you smelled the blood of an Englishmun lately? Or been felled by a slingshot? Or been pestered by a bunch of little brats at a snobbish wizarding school?

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