the man's bugging me, I think I may just tie him to the bedposts and leave the bottle of vodka on the nighttable, open, with a desk fan blowing the scent toward him...
hewwo evweywun, how is yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh?
That was supposed to sound weird in the same way that Reece Shearsmith sounded weird saying 'I hadn't thought of that' in that episode of Spaced, as opposed to just scary.
I'm not sure if I meant the fellows who trim his coat tails or who park the cars of the recently damned. How are you crazy guys? I'm currently listening to Hitchikers on BBC R4. Having waited for the actual repeat to end in a sad manner.
The Brockian Ultra-Cricket tutorial was very good. I'm trying to work on, well, everything I need to work on. While listening to a radio show and typing this. I need two heads.