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Lateshift...Now with all unnatural ingredients.


Page: 12345(6)78

Saint Keggers
03:18 / 12.10.04
Doubting me leads to anger..anger leads to pain...pain is french for bread...bread is not pie.
Brigade du jour
14:00 / 12.10.04
I'm currently engaged in an evil plan to plant "Copacabana" by Barry Manilow into the heads of my colleagues, by whistling the first couple of bars every now and then. I started about three days ago, and now I keep hearing it from various parts of the office. Truly I am a criminal mastermind. (Though BL Brigade's probably gonna punch me soon).

In case anyone's interested, the theme music from Battlestar Galactica acts as an excellent antidote to Copacabana.

And I'm told that The Chicken Song is even better, as it not only clears away the offending tune, but leaves no residue of itself. Like a sorbet.

Oh and I didn't punch Stoatie. I'm a glover, not a flighter.
Bed Head
21:51 / 12.10.04
*stumbles in through the door*

Oh. My. God. I’ve just seen The Punisher. What a bloody marvellous film, it’s somehow even better than the Dolph Lundgren version. Don’t even ask me how that’s possible. I’m off to read the relevant Barbelith thread to see if anyone else is brave enough to confront the truth about this work of cinematic genius. Yes, I might be drunk, but! in the morning I shall be sober, etc.
23:43 / 12.10.04
Yeah, how's that going?
Saint Keggers
00:20 / 13.10.04
and I will still be an idiot!

Why can't people understand that when you take a leak on the tv set you're not crazy but rather just marking your territory?? This means, in laymans terms, "Get your hands off my fuckin remote before I have you slowly shot!"
00:21 / 13.10.04
If Bedhead is suggesting that the latest version of the Punisher is palatable I suspect that he's not drunk, he's probably suffering from brain damage. Or enjoying it. Whichever.
Char Aina
00:22 / 13.10.04
"Get your hands off my fuckin remote before I have you slowly shot!"

bullet time!
00:25 / 13.10.04
So was it really that bad/good?
Bed Head
00:37 / 13.10.04
God, I’ve become really good at falling asleep on my desk.

Amazingly, it looks like no-one agrees with me that the new Punisher film is superfun. What can I say? It was like the A Team crossed with Friends, with extra sprinkling of explosions, and starring a clone of Christopher Lambert. Maybe if I read the comic I’d think all this was inappropriate for the character. But I haven’t laughed so much for a very long time, and the appearance of a Johnny Cash-style singing hitman made me squeal like a guinea pig on nitrous oxide. In a good way.
00:58 / 13.10.04
I think guinea pigs would probably purr on nitrous.
Bed Head
01:05 / 13.10.04

Best. Link. Ever. In fact, I think I might bookmark that and click it whenever I feel down. Bloody hell, I just love the 21st century sometimes.
Saint Keggers
01:07 / 13.10.04
thats soo cute...its like Tribbles...they purr to show you their love!!!
01:10 / 13.10.04
The Punisher was certainly interesting, not least because often people decide what sort of film they want to make before they shoot it, and in many cases before they have even assembled the cast, budget and so forth. To decide halfway through fiming that Kevin Nash in a stripy shirt would add an elusive something to a tale of Jacobean revenge... that's just classy.

Also, Russell from Six Feet Under, whose role really should have included a rendition of Froggy went a'courting.

On other news, why the Hell am I awake?
01:12 / 13.10.04
Yeah, my guinea pigs when I was wee used to do it when scritched along their spines.

So how are y'all? Purring like guinea pigs, or squealing like regular pigs, or moping like overcooked asparagus?
01:14 / 13.10.04
On other news, why the Hell am I awake?

Because it's been a long time since you've heard a guinea pig purr and it's just the sort of thing you need to round out your day? Or perhaps because you just adore BH, Keggers and myself that darn much?
Saint Keggers
01:17 / 13.10.04
For me..its a little of column A and a little of column V
01:20 / 13.10.04
Purring and moping? Oh, what for, dear Keggers?
Saint Keggers
01:22 / 13.10.04
I've spent a wonderous day chatting with an old friend (purring) but I wont be seeing her till atleast the new year (mopping)
01:26 / 13.10.04
On the bright side, though, that spillage will soon be a thing of the past...
01:33 / 13.10.04
I'm sorry sweetie.
Saint Keggers
01:37 / 13.10.04
To who? Me?
Bed Head
01:41 / 13.10.04
Yeah, to you! Mister mopey! And remember in your mopage that the year’s almost over. It’ll be a new year soon enough. And anyway, autumn is the proper season for all your moping and pining and swooning over the beauty of sunsets. This absent friend is giving you plenty of material to work with. And then there’s the letters. The sending/receiving/writing/reading of letters...all these things rock.
Saint Keggers
01:51 / 13.10.04
Yeah..but all the letters I get have this strange white powder in them and now I dont feel so well.

Bah Im not too moppey about it, Things are actually going better than I thought they would be. (or Im just reading too much into it)

SO Im happy!
Dance of Joy Happy.

Happy Happy! Joy Joy! Happy.
02:08 / 13.10.04
Yes, to you, Keggers. Anyway, I'm off to bed, as I am apparently obligated to work out tomorrow morning. Night folks.
Saint Keggers
02:15 / 13.10.04
G'night Sally!
Bed Head
02:19 / 13.10.04
Goodnight Sally. I’ll do my bit to maintain the cosmic balance by trying to be extra slothful tomorrow, to compensate for your work-out. Someone has to think of the cosmic balance.
02:56 / 13.10.04
Won't somebody think of the balance?
Bed Head
00:26 / 14.10.04
Well, precisely. Been thinking of it all day.

If anyone’s listening, this debate is really exciting. Go John Kerry! Hit him again!
01:07 / 14.10.04
Bush is foaming up at the corner of the mouth. A big old white speck.

I need a Canadian role call, because if Kerry doesn't win, I have at least one hot (female) friend moving to Canada who'll be looking for a compatable spouse (male or female). Any takers?
Saint Keggers
01:11 / 14.10.04
If she is indeed 'hot' and can passs a rigerouss mental aptitude test tehn she may indeed be qualified to join my harum.

PS: Hi aLL!
01:38 / 14.10.04
Oooh, that felt good. I love to watch the boy-king get huffy.
Saint Keggers
01:42 / 14.10.04
Huffy? Who me? Oh my dear Dont get me started!!
Saint Keggers
01:46 / 14.10.04
Just asking...Is it wrong to dabble with B and C if you're truelly comited to and toilling towards A? Just asking.
02:11 / 14.10.04
Don't you algebra at me.
Bed Head
02:27 / 14.10.04
You just dabble away, Keggers. Dabbling is what life’s all about. A will get done soon enough.

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