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Lateshift...Now with all unnatural ingredients.


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02:37 / 14.10.04
I'm off to bed.
Bed Head
02:48 / 14.10.04
Pleasant dreams, Sally.
00:40 / 23.10.04

It's been a while, and this place looks strange at night without it.
Alex's Grandma
00:49 / 23.10.04
Jack, hi, how's the job going,if it's started yet ? Have there been any, y'know *incidents* ?
00:55 / 23.10.04
Nah I start on Monday.

Dr Gonzo is in my head now : "Back to work. What a bummer." The good thing is that it's ten minutes away, no buses, and I can come home for dinner!
00:59 / 23.10.04
Sorry Alex, I forgot to say hi, so hi there. I'm kind of thinking about tommorrow, I'm out drinking from 11am to 11pm. (If I make it that long.) I don't know what'll be worse, that or monday.
01:00 / 23.10.04
Evening, kids. How's it hanging'?
01:01 / 23.10.04
Hey Stoatie, not too bad thanks. You?
01:04 / 23.10.04
Yeah, cool... I'm at work, but it's no big deal, really. Congrats on the new job, btw.
Tryphena Absent
01:10 / 23.10.04
Hello, hello!?
01:10 / 23.10.04
Yo. (Does funny hand thing.)
01:16 / 23.10.04
Hey Anna, and thanks Stoat, I'll be happy when I get paid I guess, or when monday is over with.
Bed Head
01:17 / 23.10.04
Tryphena Absent
01:17 / 23.10.04
What ho, very pleased to see you old chum. Down with the kids and their new fangled handshakes. I'm translating in to Bill Cosby. Woo ha-ha.
Bed Head
01:18 / 23.10.04
...And woo, congrats on your job, Jack.
Alex's Grandma
01:44 / 23.10.04
I'm looking at my cell phone right now.

I'm looking at it quite clearly, understanding what it is. what it means.

I think I'm probably going to put it in the toilet, but then again, I need feed-back, what does anyone else think ?
01:54 / 23.10.04
No point. They can breathe underwater.
Tryphena Absent
01:56 / 23.10.04
Put it in a drawer and check up on it next Saturday. Perhaps there will be baby phones- wouldn't that be a nuisance!
01:57 / 23.10.04
Mine's just been cut off- well, I can't make calls on it, anyway. Would that it were the other way around- I hate the fucking thing when it rings. Except when I get text messages. Then it plays the music from Bagpuss, and that's nice.
Brigade du jour
01:58 / 23.10.04
Whatever you do with your phone, don't go to sleep with it under your pillow. I did that the other day and when I woke up I had a weird airy headache, like I'd been bombarded with cosmic rays.

And to cap it all off I couldn't turn invisible or shit fire or even clobber stuff.
Brigade du jour
01:58 / 23.10.04
What's your ringtone then Stoatie? Not still Ride of the Valkyries is it?
02:01 / 23.10.04
Yup. It's not the ringtone I mind... it's just people phoning me up. It's annoying.
If they DON'T phone me up, on the other hand, I get all offended.
If I just didn't have one at all, neither of these would be a problem.
Brigade du jour
02:03 / 23.10.04
Well I would phone you, but it's easier on everyone if I just shout across the room. Or whistle the theme to Battlestar Galactica.
Mourne Kransky
02:18 / 23.10.04
Stoatie's ringtone is "I am what I am" ( gay anthem but does equally for a man who does his OWN thing in this confused world) at 8 a.m. on a Saturday it's going for the Royal Oak at the Columbia Road flower market. Cacti!!!!!!
Our Lady Has Left the Building
02:20 / 23.10.04
Hey, you crazy sleep deprived kids, wassup?
Alex's Grandma
02:30 / 23.10.04
It's come to my attention recently that there are... well these people, I suppose, that live in the toaster. And that's fine, y'know, that's really ok, I could cope with the voices when they weren't too intrusive.

Now though, it looks like they're taking over. I have to get Arsenal tickets, for tomorrow, in the English rain.
02:33 / 23.10.04
Yeah Bedhead, I got there in the end!

Hey Our Lady and anyone else that's arrived too, YOYOYOYOYO.

I CAN'T WAIT until all these fucking Bush names fuck off, I'm sick of them. It's like I'm getting Bush spammed all the time I'm here. I thought it was done with next week aswell, but I was a week out. Enough anyway, IT'S WEEKEND!

WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! And I'm already drinking for the saturday, Carling Black Label. Hey........just to rant on as usual : Do ANY of you remember that Carling advert from years back where it seemed like the advert had finished and then something else came on, and then it was still the Carling ad? Like it ran through 3 advert spaces or something! That was the best advert EVER. They can't top that nowadays can they?
Our Lady Has Left the Building
02:33 / 23.10.04
Ugh, I had to get up and go out to close the door of the creaky shed in my garden. Which had the drawback that it's now four-thirty, I'm wide awake and I have to get up for work in three hours...
02:36 / 23.10.04
I have to get Arsenal tickets, for tomorrow, in the English rain.

Bloody Cockney wanna be up 'ere in Yorkshire lad! None o that Emirates bollocks up 'ere!
02:51 / 23.10.04
Sorry for being real loud, I got an energy rush. I'm like a bull in a China shop aren't I. Anyway, I'm off to bed so I'll leave you peeps for now.

Later all.
03:03 / 23.10.04
Night. Who's stil there? And Xoc, if indeed you're still there, do you ever go to the Oak on a Sunday morning? Cos I usually head there for a swift few after a hard night of reading Sunday supplements...
Our Lady Has Left the Building
03:04 / 23.10.04
I'm still here, though I'll probably try and get some sleep in a bittttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt.
Alex's Grandma
04:50 / 23.10.04
Is anyone still out there ? I've tried to go to sleep, all my friends seem to have managed it, but, uh...

I'm wondering if I should go out and get some beer.

Actually, I think I will do that.
09:15 / 23.10.04
So no-one remembers the Carling ad?

I'm off the get slammered anyway, I'll do my BEST not to post when I get back in and see three computer screens spinning around.
Saint Keggers
00:56 / 29.10.04
Allo? Im back from the edge of SICK.

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