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Sopranos Season 5 UK


Page: (1)234

The Natural Way
11:48 / 09.08.04
Well, it starts on E4 on Tuesday night. And here's where we talk about it. I've just finished a mammoth 4 series watch-up of the show, and I'm fully genned on everything. This season: will the Patsy/Adriana bug chickens come HOME to roost? What's the future for Tony and his family? What's going to come of Ralph's death and Tone's increasingly shitty relationship with New Yawk? And what of Super Russian?

Matthew Fluxington
14:34 / 09.08.04
I am so psychd to read what you all have to say about this season. Please please please all of you write about every episode! Entertain me!

I shall not say anything else.
The Natural Way
16:44 / 09.08.04
Don't worry, Matt, this show's taking up pretty much ALL my love right now, so I'm definitely down for all that episode by episode analysis shit. Shit, the Soprano's makes me soooo happy.
17:34 / 09.08.04
I'm curious. Where are planning on watching said series?
Benny the Ball
19:37 / 09.08.04
How long do we have to wait before C4 put it on terrestrial, probably at a really stupidly unsocialbly late hour?

Steve Buscemi's in this series I hear. God, is the super Russina coming back? ('He was the minister of the interior or some shit' 'what did Tony say?' 'he said he was an interior designer or something' 'man, he's place looked like shit')
Issaiah Saysir
20:50 / 09.08.04
**don't get your hopes too high.


PS: Season 6 isn't due until 2006.
Goodness Gracious Meme
22:27 / 09.08.04
Praise Be! The entire fucking world has had this before us.....feel like I've been waiting years...

*checks C4 site*

This programme is currently not showing on C4


So who's got E4 that we know? (Lovely Flowers is taping it for me, but that means we won't get to see it for *months*)
The Natural Way
12:40 / 10.08.04
SteVD has E4 and that's how I'll be watching (and taping!) the show.

And Satanica: Feh! I gather America wasn't too hot on Season 4 either. Stupid America.
Goodness Gracious Meme
12:57 / 10.08.04
ooooh. Can i borrow yr tape tomorrow? Can save it for 'made a deadline' reward. Yr still at ben's, yeah?
The Natural Way
13:05 / 10.08.04
I think Ben would probably like to see it first, but, who knows, you could always JOIN US IN OUR LOVE.
Goodness Gracious Meme
13:22 / 10.08.04
Was presooming he'd be cramming into DVste's cave. Sounds good to me. could do mamaspaghetti at mine if you goombas fancied it?
Regrettable Juvenilia
22:00 / 10.08.04

'Two Tonys' - that was interesting. Not as strong as I remember Season 4 being, and I really, really hope that there hasn't been a shift in direction as a result of negative feedback to the elements of that season that I and a lot of people I respect loved. IE, all that brooding unresolved tension, the sense that anybody could get popped at any time, coupled with explorations of culture and class conflict, and rich characterisation that takes its time...

A lot of things seemed to be more obvious this episode. From Tony-the-bear and an actual bear (do you see?) to the sexual tension between Tony and Melfi becoming a pursuit, to Tony actually saying "There are two Tonys!" I know that as events move towards crisis point, issues that were implicit beforehand have to become explicit - I just hope that The Sopranos is moving towards crisis point, because although that is suggested by the last couple of years of plotlines, the show does keep getting extended... And if unsaid things aren't being said because shit is hitting the fan, then they're just being said because the writers haven't got anything else left (see: The West Wing, or rather don't anymore). Note: I'm not saying that The Sopranos has reached this stage, or that Tony pursuing Melfi now he's separated is not a natural way for his character to behave. I'm just sounding a note of caution as to where this plotline might go.

By the end of the episode, though, I was loving it. Because of that scene where Tony demands that Melfi say what exactly it is about his "values" that she won't countenance - and she struggles because for so long they've spoken in codes and euphemisms...

Other good things:

I love it when Tony gets ideas from watching TV. "I like Nolte!" Ha.

Johnny Sack, the fucking snake, I could watch him all day.

There was this whole great joke about how the bear could only be removed from the premises if it injured someone, to which Tony said "so when someone's legs gone..." - it's a whole Svetlana gag. I missed it myself, but reading about it after the event impresses me.

It's good to see Robert Burke getting decent work. It's good to see Robert Loggia too, although he looks... different.

I loved Paulie and Christopher making up and rebonding over a spot of needless killing. Mostly, I like this because whenever a hatchet is buried in a show like this, somebody else ends up getting a hatchet in the head.

And I cannot WAIT for Buscemi.
07:09 / 11.08.04
Not reading spoilers.

Runce I'm going to come over to Ben's if you plan on watching the tape round his.

By the by, C4 is showing the Sopranos starting Monday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Goodness Gracious Meme
07:56 / 11.08.04
not reading spoilers either.

Monday!!!!!! You've made me the happiest woman alive, Boboss.
The Natural Way
10:39 / 11.08.04
That's just it, Fly, Tony's response to Melfi is completely understandable. He's been trying on and off to pull her for four years and, however we choose to interpret his feelings, I just can't argue with the logic of it all. I'm not sure where this "precedent" yr bemoaning is coming from. The "Two Tonys" thing is just more Tony bullshit. It's not meant to impress us all w/ an "Aaaah, maybe there are two Tonys!" feeling. Or, at least, if it is, it's only to serve the dramatic purpose of plonking us in Melfi's shoes for a minute, in order for us to get an idea of just how charming and persuasive Tone can be. But only for a minute (Melfi's not that stupid). Tony looks very, very dumb indeed in this episode, whatever lusty feelings Melfi might or might not have for him. The show goes to great pains, I think, to emphasise just how wrong Tony's uncomplicated dream of marryging his shrink really is.

So, anyway, the bear's this year's totem animal, is it?

I loved the end. Tony, back at "home" - the protector, the father. Only not. The perfunctory, formal "would you like a coffee" made a lump in my throat.

And the way he helped himself to orange juice, and Carmella chose to keep quiet.... Aaaah, Carmella! Inspite of all the Melfi-horn, that woman is in Tony's bones. Shit, this whole ep had a sickening, worn out post-break up vibe. Powerful.
Regrettable Juvenilia
11:13 / 11.08.04
Agree about the coffee line. It was the way he turned it down that got me. A great ending, and obviously an incredibly iconic image.
Matthew Fluxington
13:55 / 11.08.04
And Satanica: Feh! I gather America wasn't too hot on Season 4 either. Stupid America.

Don't listen to Satanica, season 5 was very popular and well-loved, and quite possibly the best season of the series to date.
The Natural Way
16:14 / 11.08.04
Our Lady Has Left the Building
04:48 / 12.08.04
Haven't seen seasons three or four (stupid Channel 4!) so will probably need your help as I start to get lost as the season progresses. From watching the first episode (beyond the fact that they don't seem to have added any permanent cast members since the end of season two if this first episode is anything to go by, except perhaps this husband of Janice's?) I'm wondering if they're circling round to re-establishing the status quo of Tony living at home with Carmela and being in therapy with Dr. Melfi. But looking forward to Steve next week.
The Natural Way
11:29 / 13.08.04
I think Bobby's been around since at least 2, Loz. And he's not the Janice-husband yet. I dunno, did you meet Carmine (def sp) in season 2 - not sure you did, you know. Hmmm, if I was you I wouldn't watch 5 before you've seen the others. Yr missing so much of what's going on when you don't understand the context - it's only half a show, really. You live in Brighton, don't you? I'll lend you 3 on DVD if you like.

Good Boyce.
The Natural Way
11:31 / 13.08.04
And they very definitely are not re-establishing some kind of homey shit w/ Tone and Carm. See, that's the sort of thing someone could only say having not seen the end of 4.
11:59 / 13.08.04

I too found the bear a little heavy handed, although AJ's little outburst made me piss myself.

On that note, AJ really is the most vulnerable character in the show. I wonder where his arc is taking him.
Matthew Fluxington
18:55 / 16.08.04
Varriage, Bobby Baccala married Janice between seasons 4 and 5.
Our Lady Has Left the Building
16:56 / 17.08.04
Regrettable Juvenilia
17:05 / 17.08.04
Increasingly I find AJ's vulnerability very affecting - I teared up at the end of the last season when he asked his dad if he was to blame for the break-up...
19:20 / 17.08.04
Hmm. I thought the Tony-infatuated-with-Melfi thing was a bit of an unnecessary repeat from the first series, episode three or four, when he had the first, fairly predictable, feelings of falling in love with his therapist. The two of them dealt with those feelings back then, and it seemed something of a rerun to be repeating the sentiments now - which is not to say he wouldn't experience those sentiments again following a marital split.

The 'two Tonys' motif applied variously to Tony Soprano and Tony-the-bear, Tony Soprano and Tony-Steve-Buscemi, Tony and AJ and Tony-therapee and Tony-seducer.

Carmela was, as ever, a star.
yawn - thing's buddy
19:25 / 17.08.04
bear was good. I'm sure you could work 'bare' into it too.

loved paulie and chris bonding after killing together. swat they needed. mind you it made me feel sick as fuck too.

first eppies of sopranos are always good - all the groundwork laid.

did I hear buscemi say, 'you're crowding me' to tony in ep 2?

hope so.
19:48 / 17.08.04
Well, I've imagined Tony as a big ol' bear for so long, that it was almost too obvious. Liked the way the final shot focused on his gun (upright) and cigar. Could we be any more stereotypically Freudian?
Regrettable Juvenilia
21:10 / 17.08.04
From the second episode:

"There's nothing like being in the joint to teach you how to ease another man's tensions."

Benny the Ball
19:42 / 19.08.04
Tony's outburst to Melfi was quality, and the whole Pauli and Christopher stuff is great. The way they legged it after doing the dirty. Old Walnuts has been the best character in the show from day one.
Regrettable Juvenilia
10:49 / 24.08.04
Episode 2 of this season is already one of my favourites: I wasn't entirely sure how well Buscemi would fit into the mix, but in fact it's brilliant. His acting seems to be more nuanced and rewarding than a lot of his recent film roles, and the physical comedy of him giving 'Wide Guy' a massage...

Plus Tony and the painting, Adriana ratting on the flirty girl to the Feds, some great Silvio/Paulie moments - good stuff. Where are the Brighton familia? Let's talk!
11:46 / 24.08.04
The "Two Tonys" thing is just more Tony bullshit. It's not meant to impress us all w/ an "Aaaah, maybe there are two Tonys!" feeling. Or, at least, if it is, it's only to serve the dramatic purpose of plonking us in Melfi's shoes for a minute, in order for us to get an idea of just how charming and persuasive Tone can be.

I just figured it was a sly reference to Steve Buschemi's character - the other Tony, the one none of us had seen at that point… What could be interesting is seeing Melfi becoming involved in some way with the other Tony... leaving Tony S bereft of both of the two most important women in his life...
The Strobe
12:02 / 24.08.04
Aw, hell, and I missed episode two because I had guests. Dagnammit. Will catch up next week, and perhaps be constructive.
Matthew Fluxington
12:48 / 24.08.04

I just figured it was a sly reference to Steve Buschemi's character - the other Tony, the one none of us had seen at that point…

The title is partially a reference to the introduction of Tony Blundetto, but when Tony says the "two Tonys" line to Dr. Melfi, he's just talking about himself.
19:43 / 24.08.04
I missed episode two because I had guests

Should've kicked the fuckers out!

We did (eh, Paul )

Buscemi was sooo interesting. He's a threat because, well, he just isn't a threat. He's rejected the gangster lifestyle that has caused Tony so much pain, and by doing so he denies Tony any nostaligia he might have for his own gangster past (witness The Rat Pack getting thrown in the river).

Swhat I thought, anyroad.

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