"Harry, I've put you in terrible danger this year."
"Has it really been a whole school year, sir? It's felt like about a couple of months at most! But don't worry about the danger thing. I'm sure you had no idea."
"It's not as if I was having expository dreams or anything, which you then told me not to worry about."
"And it's not as if there were any clues, like the father of a famous traitor being murdered, that would make you call up the famously inescapable Azcaban and azk them to check that the main suspect's cell isn't empty..."
"Ah well you see, in the book..."
"But don't worry, Mr Dumbledore sir, it wasn't your fault. Cedric being dead isn't your fault either. His blood isn't on your hands and all over your beard or anything. After all, it's not like you made us take part in a life-endangering competition for the sake of the school's prestige, is it?"
"It's not as if you tied our friends up at the bottom of a lake and then dropped witty punning clues about it, is it?"
"Well, ah, that is to say..."
"And I'm sure if it had been all your fault, then when you made your speech in which you positioned yourself as the fearless voice of truth speaking out in spite of teh Man's attempts to censor you, then you would have put your hands up and said 'I can't help but feel partly responsible, Diggery's blood is on my beard', wouldn't you?"
"Look, Harry, the point is, I've put you in terrible danger this year. And I'm very sorry. But I want you to know..."
"...It's okay, sir. Really."
"I want you to know..."
"Yes sir?"
"I want you to know that I can't guarantee I won't do it again next year."
"Right. If anyone wants me I'll be in the Prefects' bathroom." |