( Quietly opening yet another can of stella. )
Ok ( cough, ) let's go.
I wonder a bit about DFW, insofar as I'm not entirely sure if he's got anything to say that you could definitely point to in his, er, work, and say, well, that's Dave's. I'll admit to not being a fan, but Infinite Jest just struck me as a leftover Pynchon, refried with The Ring ( the movie to do with the murderous video tape, ) along with Brett Easton Ellis with extraneous footnotes. So the form in any case seems a bit flawed, and as far as I can see, there is no content.
David Foster Wallace, along with Rick Moody, etc, there's a list, and they've all been in rehab, they've all been to Yale or wherever, they're all a bit burned-out because going for a pint is no longer an option, according to the Jesus creeps these guys alarmingly seem to be happy enough to take advice off, in a way. And I can't help feeling that a) their work is interchangeable, and b) a bit uncool. |