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Let's play the game "Beats"


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15:29 / 24.07.04
the changing tastes of the daily news
Grey Area
15:44 / 24.07.04
The 31 tastes in Baskin & Robbins
Saint Keggers
16:12 / 24.07.04
The way zombies love the taste of either Baskin or Robins.
Grey Area
16:26 / 24.07.04
The way zombies hate a taste of cold, head-decapitating chainsaw...
the cat's iao
16:33 / 24.07.04
Shooting zombies in the head as you run for your life!
Lord Morgue
17:37 / 24.07.04
Running through a room full of zombies, waving a lawnmower.
Bastard Tweed
18:51 / 24.07.04
Directing the "Lord of the Rings" trilogy.

(but just barely)
19:27 / 24.07.04
Directing the Godfather Trilogy
the cat's iao
19:55 / 24.07.04
Being a "Godfather."
Saint Keggers
22:19 / 24.07.04
Living in Halifax and being a Codfather.
00:49 / 25.07.04
Shooting the annoying guy who sings in the Halifax adverts.
the cat's iao
01:03 / 25.07.04
Sinking Halifax into the ocean with a very diabolical device.
Saint Keggers
01:06 / 25.07.04
Realizing that due to your actions and a rip in the space time continuum Halifax is ATLANTIS!!!
the cat's iao
01:07 / 25.07.04
Plundering the magical wonders and advanced technologies of Halifax-Atlantis with yet more very diabolical devices!
Saint Keggers
01:28 / 25.07.04
And realizing the most advance technology to every come out of halifax, I got nothing.
01:37 / 25.07.04

Saint Keggers
01:40 / 25.07.04
a tuxedo made of mirrors.
the cat's iao
01:53 / 25.07.04
a mirror made of tuxedoes...
Bastard Tweed
04:41 / 25.07.04
The Tuxedo! Starring super big big kungfu star Jackie Chan!
the cat's iao
04:47 / 25.07.04
The big foot from the beginning of Monty Python's Flying Circus.
Grey Area
06:55 / 25.07.04
The worst case of athlete's foot ever encountered by podiatry.
Saint Keggers
14:30 / 25.07.04
Drug testing has barred the athletes foot from competition.
the cat's iao
16:16 / 25.07.04
Realizing that pratically all athletes take performance enhancing drugs, the Olypmic committee decides to make drug use legal and stop wasting all this time and money on testing. The athletes, of course, begin to take ever increasing doses of performance enhancers and the Olympics cease to be a showcase of exceptional human atheletic ability and instead becomes a showcase of mutant freaks!
Less searchable M0rd4nt
17:00 / 25.07.04
All the drugs make the athletes' hearts ASPLODE, and then they come back to unlife as ZOMBIE mutant freaks.
the cat's iao
21:22 / 25.07.04
Zombie mutant athlete freaks...ON THE MOON!
Grey Area
22:20 / 25.07.04
Zombie mutant athlete freaks, on the moon, BEING CHASED BY WEREWOLVES!!!
23:05 / 25.07.04
The werewolves, upon eating the zombie mutant athlete freaks, acquire zombie mutant athlete stomach worms, and have to be hospitalized by the moon people, who have superior medical technology to ours and hence have the ability to eliminate the zombie mutant athlete stomach worm problem entirely, allowing the now immune werewolves to wipe out the entire race of zombie mutant athlete freaks, and return to earth as heros, convincing all but a few skeptical right-wing nutjobs that humans and werewolves can in fact live in peace forever and ever.

the cat's iao
02:55 / 26.07.04
But of course, the handful of right-wing skeptic nutjobs are also the folks with the guns, mad survival gear, and etc.. Declaring some amendment right or other, they decree that they are outside of the law and vow that they will not live in a world where werewolves are granted the same status as "us humans." Using superiour firepower and small cells of tightly organized militants, they are vigilantly carrying out an extermination process, and--seeing as the cops really don't get along with the werewolves--they seem to be wiping the moon altered asses of the werewolves off the face of this God fearing earth.
Saint Keggers
03:28 / 26.07.04
But only three days a month.
the cat's iao
15:27 / 26.07.04
But months have been shortned to seven days and now there are 52 months in a year.
Char Aina
17:25 / 26.07.04
leap years.
the cat's iao
17:30 / 26.07.04
leaping lizards
Char Aina
17:57 / 26.07.04
the cat's iao
18:12 / 26.07.04
Saint Keggers
18:15 / 26.07.04
DEA! Nobody move! All your drugs are belong to us!

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