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Let's play the game "Beats"


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Bastard Tweed
01:54 / 10.08.04
A headache.
Saint Keggers
02:09 / 10.08.04
your sister
the cat's iao
03:41 / 10.08.04
Your mother!
Bastard Tweed
03:43 / 10.08.04
I was raised in the forest by a pack of wolves, they taught me their ways without which I never would have survived on my own but, alas, it was this one act of charity on their part which proved to be their undoing. I'm afraid the last of them died long ago . . .
Lord Morgue
12:51 / 10.08.04
I was born in a crossfire hurricane.
the cat's iao
00:09 / 12.08.04
unheimlich manoeuvre
00:22 / 12.08.04
abortion (%joy!%)
the cat's iao
00:32 / 12.08.04
A seriously disturbed pro-lifer with a rifle and addresses of several clinics.
unheimlich manoeuvre
01:08 / 12.08.04
the hand of GOD squashing the murderous pro-lifer, for the crime of hypocrisy.
Bastard Tweed
01:10 / 12.08.04
The pro-lifer's more reasonable cousin pointing out numerous hypocrisies of God's own. God tries to respond reasonable and collapses into a singularity.
the cat's iao
02:22 / 12.08.04
The singularity, in turn, pinches off a bit of this spactime continuum and creates a new "baby universe."
Saint Keggers
02:31 / 12.08.04
a geranium falling, cries "Oh no, not again"
Lord Morgue
09:44 / 12.08.04
Douglas Adams writes two dog sequels and dies.
13:18 / 12.08.04
"Salmon of Doubt" released posthumously and "Hitchhiker's film in production - FINALLY.
Bastard Tweed
15:38 / 12.08.04
Picking up a Terry Pratchet book.

(that's right, I said it)
Char Aina
16:33 / 12.08.04
putting it back down quickly.
Bastard Tweed
00:50 / 14.08.04
Severed hands preventing one from picking up or putting down anything.
Saint Keggers
01:10 / 14.08.04
a very dextrous tongue flipping throught Naked Lunch
the cat's iao
01:48 / 14.08.04
Bug powder!
Saint Keggers
01:51 / 14.08.04
your wife, an apple and a gun.
Bastard Tweed
02:19 / 14.08.04
Homosexuality, an orange, and a howitzer.
the cat's iao
04:38 / 14.08.04
The Bible, a juicer, and an armistice.
Bastard Tweed
05:01 / 14.08.04
A blowtorch, a cuisinart, and The League of Nations.
the cat's iao
07:16 / 14.08.04
Absolute Zero, and, well, perhaps some force disorder pumps.

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