I liked it, but I was a little confused about the Cape Horn sequence...so they went through Cape Horn where everything (even the polar bears) was covered in dark chocolate, just to collect some chocolate? OK....but the transition from the previous scene to the Cape Horn scene felt a little weird to me. Twice I turned the pages back to make sure I hadn't missed a page.
And the other dark chocolate-as-land-mass confusion thing came up for me when they go to Atlantis and Seaguy says "careful now Chubby, stay with me, we don't want to crash into half-melted dark chocolate" -- but they're not at Cape Horn anymore?? They're underwater, right, far from there?? I see a big brown mountain or land mass near Atlantis underwater, but are we to understand that's chocolate too?? Then, several pages later, Seaguy mentions they're in a dark chocolate Sagrasso sea that has to melt so they can leave the area?? So the sea is now part chocolate too? How could they be floating around in if it was hard (since they're saying they have to wait for it to melt?)? There's an awful lot of chocolate! 
This is all just on a first read, but honestly, I was a bit perplexed and I don't normally think of myself as dense. 
Anyway, lots of good stuff here. The guy who can tell there's a Xoo nearby looks like a homemade Cipherman from the INVISIBLES.
It gets very realistic and very dark very quickly with our heroes stranded....I don't know quite how I felt about that abrupt change in tone.
Also, the sequence with the interrogation on the ship seemed like it might have been a little too much action crammed into a few short pages. When they said 'how did you like your dinner' and Seaguy is all dazed, are they feeding him something with a truth serum-type thing in it? Or is he just playing dumb about remembering back to when he ate/drank the Xoo? This scene came off slightly wonky to me as well.
Have we seen the last of sometimes cute/sometimes deadly XOO? |