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23:22 / 18.06.04
Woooo late!
23:45 / 18.06.04

*waves goodbye*
Tryphena Absent
23:51 / 18.06.04
Can I just express a little childlike glee. I have horrible skin that hurts during winter and now it's summer and my neck loves it, no bad skin, far less itching. Goooo Summmmeeerrrr!
00:13 / 19.06.04
Work sucks.
But at the moment being at home sucks more, so work ain't so bad.

Get Mr Cheerful here!
01:30 / 19.06.04
You know what else sucks? Shopping for a swimsuit. Ms. Cheerful, reporting for duty.
01:34 / 19.06.04
Hey, Maz!
Tryphena Absent
01:37 / 19.06.04
Yuk, I really hate swimsuits.
01:44 / 19.06.04
Hey all. I wouldn't even buy one except that my brother's wedding is going to be at a place on the beach, where we will all supposedly be spending a great deal of time. Man, there is nothing like swimwear to make you feel like a monster. I'm standing there looking at myself in the mirror thinking "My god, who stapled these two lumps of mozarella cheese to my chest? Oh wait, those are my breasts."

If only I could get swimwear designers to say "shennanigans" in my presence.
01:45 / 19.06.04
Pistol-whip dem bitches.
01:47 / 19.06.04
Believe me, I'm on it. How are y'all?
01:54 / 19.06.04
Yes, please more Supertroopers references!

Ahhhh, the lovely San Francisco Bay Area. A delightfully temperate 64 degrees F.

Too bad I live 45 minutes inland where it gets horribly hot and humid. Not too bad today though.

I hereby second the motion to kill the sun.
Tryphena Absent
02:02 / 19.06.04
I guess the best approach to swimwear is to remember that you're not 15 anymore. The nasty thing about bisexuality is that you damn well know when another girl's better looking than you, it's like this whole wistful jealousy accompanied by a hint of lust thing and that makes other 15 year olds in swimwear the object of real hatred. I swear that's where my swim hate comes from or maybe it's that I can't jump in to pools and I'm always disturbed by murky water.
02:08 / 19.06.04
I just hate the damn ocean. Fucking tide. Ah well, off to the all night discount store, I need a phone.

Levkar, I'm out of supertrooper references, as I have no mustache to be ridden. Thank god.
06:12 / 19.06.04
Now its early, I really don't like flying. I hope someone offers me a glass of milk.

21:58 / 19.06.04
Good lord, I have been internet starved for far to long, so I'm hoping I'm not the only one not out on saturday night.

Ooh! And I got into The Circus Space! So I'm muchly excited about starting there. And other stuff- I'm au pairing for a family who are moving to Devon next month, then going on holiday. They've asked me to housesit for them- but they stressed that they do not want me to do it on my own- I have to invite lots of friends down. Now... I thought my last job was great; shiny redundancy bonus, far too much free champagne; but this may well be just as good.
23:15 / 19.06.04
Hey, gb! Long time no shifty!

Circus Space? fucking wicked!
the cat's iao
23:34 / 19.06.04
Hi Mr. Maominstoatie, howz everything with thou these days?
23:54 / 19.06.04
Not bad at all... bit stressful at home, but I've got 3 weeks' holiday coming up in a couple of days, so I'm happy. How's yourself?
the cat's iao
00:06 / 20.06.04
Ah the bliss of holidays! I am not so lucky. Working at a crap job and thinking about looking for a different job--one that is hopefully not as crap! I've been wondering about you know how's things going with troubles and stuff, but I suppose some things might be better expressed not in public?
the cat's iao
00:19 / 20.06.04
And I realize, as I light up a smoke, that I totally fuckin' hungry, but there is nothing I really want to eat in my home. Drat! And, to top that off, I find myself in one of those moods were nothing sounds particularly pleasing to my palate, so I don’t know what to feed upon.
Bed Head
00:27 / 20.06.04
Saucer of milk, perhaps, iao?

Relating to nothing in particular, I was shocked to discover this week that my parents have recently started feeding their cat tinned dog food. Apparently, he prefers it. Go figure.
the cat's iao
00:31 / 20.06.04
Hmm, a saucer of milk maybe--indeed, I've been toying with the idea of having a bowl of cereal to whet my appetite for something else!

Cat's are a strange lot indeed...
00:34 / 20.06.04
Golden Grahams?
the cat's iao
00:37 / 20.06.04
Ooo, too sweet! I gots me some brown sugar mini-wheats, which are my fave.
Bed Head
00:44 / 20.06.04
I gots me some brown sugar mini-wheats

...just like a young girl should

Erm, so to speak.
the cat's iao
00:47 / 20.06.04
Sigh...if only it were true!

Tryphena Absent
01:30 / 20.06.04
My parents feed the cat tinned salmon and sardines. He's 15 and his digestive system is screwed partly from old age but also because he was run over about ten years ago. He just processes real food better. He's become a much thinner cat now, he used to be huuugely fat but he's all sleek and young again.
Saint Keggers
02:36 / 21.06.04
Solitaire Rose as Tom Servo
03:05 / 21.06.04
It's not hot in's very nice and I have windows open. It's all about them summer.

I wish there was a drive in in my back yard, because it is perfect weather for me.
Saint Keggers
03:12 / 21.06.04
Ooooh! A drive in in the backyard! What a wonderfull idea.
Now my mind if full of wonderfull ideas.
A giant screen on floating platform at the lake withthe movie being projected from shore. Sitting by the fire watching a movie, throwing back a few beer with good friends. Ah, I now have a dream.
Thank you, Solitaire!
Solitaire Rose as Tom Servo
03:14 / 21.06.04
And I'll pick the PERFECT drive in movies. I have tonnes of them here on DVD, and they are all great for people who don't need to pay attention to the movies.
Saint Keggers
03:17 / 21.06.04
Whoooha! Filmfest at Keggers summer place!
03:47 / 21.06.04
Gentlemen! How are we this fine damn early Monday morning?
Saint Keggers
04:01 / 21.06.04
Oh Sally (may I call you Sally?), I cant speak, or type, for others but I am doing quite well. A wonderfull weekend spent eating birthday cake and hanging out with friends who turned a simple get-together into a roast keggers evening worthy of Dean Martin himself.

and you?
Ethan Hawke
12:15 / 21.06.04
Brown Cow Cream Top yogurt is too rich for human consumption. I've been fooled!

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