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23:44 / 08.06.04
Is it too hot to live? The survey says yes.
00:17 / 09.06.04
where are you again? feels like 90 degrees F here, according to i'm in a stuffy 3rd floor flat w/no a/c.
00:20 / 09.06.04
ok, i looked, and it feels like 32 C here, for all y'all metric users, cos i know yr all fascinated and shit.
00:37 / 09.06.04
I'm in ING-GER-LAND (getting ready for the football. flags everywhere!). I don't know what it is, but I really don't like it at all. It was 30-something, I'm sure.

And at work I'm on the fifth floor with no air conditioning... dear lord, please not again. It kind of makes me feel sick, embarassed, damp, burnt, hot, flushed and dizzy, all at once. My skin is weak. I could burst in to flames at any moment.
00:45 / 09.06.04
one time the a/c stopped working at my work and they let us all go home! at 10:30 in the morning! cos it was 94 in our workspace (they went around and measured).
why are you in an office building, isn't it quite late there (hence...lateshift)?
00:48 / 09.06.04
I'm not there anymore, but I do work in the evenings. There's no air conditioning there at all. I imagine they'd try and tell us the little fans that push hot air in your direction are doing something vaguely pleasant, and are in fact effective and worthwhile.

I dread going back.

What are you doin? I'm mainly just sittin, too frazzled to go to bed.
01:01 / 09.06.04
I figure that as long as I have someone outside to open the door every 15- 20 seconds I could live in my refrigerator indefinately- me being wee enough to fit inside.

I'm having the double dose of joy brought by the heat combining with an evil attack of hayfever to make just living painful.
01:04 / 09.06.04
Well, why the hell not. After all, Venus was visible against the surface of the sun, let's all stare at it.
01:12 / 09.06.04
Let's kill it. Or leave it a note that says "not happy, simmer down".
01:19 / 09.06.04
i'm sitting around in my own condensation, helping my roommates find a new place to live by punching addresses they get from ads in the paper into chicago's public transit automated travel planner thing, so they can see how far from the train the places are. listening to "shook ones" by mobb deep currently, but before that it was "iron galaxy" by cannibal ox, and i've played the song "staring at the sun" by tv on the radio countless times today. as in, i listened to it on repeat all the way home, after listening to it on repeat at work a good deal.
01:47 / 09.06.04
off to attempt to sleep directly in front of my fan that is directly in front of my window....yes it is v. early CST, i'm tired, ok?!
04:55 / 09.06.04
Let's kill it.

Ah, the premise of the new blockbuster disaster flick "The Twilighty-Evening-and-Subsequent-Pitch-Blackness After Tomorrow Cause Someone Went and Killed the Sun."
08:44 / 09.06.04
yes, why is it that the UK has yet to discover the joy of air conditioning that works.... in fact very few places even have it at all....
00:26 / 13.06.04
It is no longer hotter than the sun but all the wine is gone and I have noticed the late shift to be a little sparse and lack lustre of late and I can't say I find that pleasing to my fragile mind k thx bye.
00:31 / 13.06.04
jus' popping in to say hi before i go out...hi barbelith. huggles. please don't die.
00:35 / 13.06.04
I just don't find you to be trying hard enough anymore, prev. praying mantis is trying.
Solitaire Rose as Tom Servo
04:16 / 13.06.04
67 Degrees in Minneapolis and all is right with the world.

OK, temperature wise.
Baz Auckland
03:07 / 17.06.04
Anyone about this morning?

I've promised to walk my sister to work at 345am (it's 0006h local time right now), and I think I've opted for the 'try and stay awake' route rather than the 'get 3 hours sleep'. I'm sure I'll regret this course of action by 130, but ah well....
the Fool
03:12 / 17.06.04
2.11pm on a cold melbourne winter afternoon.
Baz Auckland
03:15 / 17.06.04
How cold does it get in Melbourne?
Baz Auckland
03:16 / 17.06.04
Oh, and:

Hi! How are you?
the Fool
03:30 / 17.06.04
Hello! It doesn't get that cold really. It just gets really grey. Feeling really grey at the moment.

How you?
Baz Auckland
03:33 / 17.06.04
Not bad... days are flying by too fast though. Working too much, and all my hours outside of work are spent trying to learn German so I can stop being a book monkey....

Are you at work now?
Baz Auckland
03:36 / 17.06.04
...and sorry to hear of your greyness... when does spring hit you?
03:38 / 17.06.04
Sup gentlemen. And possibly ladies.
Baz Auckland
03:42 / 17.06.04
Guten Morgen! How're you?
Bed Head
03:50 / 17.06.04
Hey, you crazy mixed-up kids. I can’t believe I’m awake.
Baz Auckland
03:59 / 17.06.04
Are you in England? ...what are you doing awake?
Bed Head
04:03 / 17.06.04
Yeah. I’m in England. The sky’s quite pretty this morning, and it’s nice and cool at this time of day. Nevertheless. I’m in that period where you’ve woken up suddenly and unexpectedly, and now you’re absolutely, wide awake even though it’s far too early and you were sleeping deeply not five minutes ago. Any minute now my brain will figure out that there’s no slavering predators behind the sofa and I’ll fall unconscious again like a light being switched off.

(*goes and checks behind the sofa anyway. Just in case.*)
Baz Auckland
04:08 / 17.06.04
That happened to me a few days ago... my brain decided that after 5 1/2 hours of sleep, I needed to be suddenly wide awake... it didn't take long for my body to yell at my brain to get back to sleep...
the Fool
04:17 / 17.06.04
In the middle of winter the brain NEVER decides to wake up early. It just concocts better dream environments to convince you that you have woken and got going quite a while ago... or that its Saturday. Happens to me all the time at the moment.

As for when spring hits... its a long way off. Both physically and metaphorically.
Bed Head
04:27 / 17.06.04
Actually, I’m surprised but I don’t mind at all. It’s only those times when I wake up before dawn and lie there for hours fretting about the state of the world, or nuclear war, or any of the other apocalyptic scenarios my brain keeps at the ready for the small hours, that it’s ever a problem. Like I say, the sky’s really pretty now, so everything’s going to be okay.

However, I do need more sleep if I’m to make it through today. Good luck with staying awake, Mr Auckland. And, another time, Fool.
Baz Auckland
04:33 / 17.06.04
Gute nacht!
04:41 / 17.06.04
Definitely too hot to sleep during the day... definitely.
Baz Auckland
04:43 / 17.06.04

Those Turbulent Patriots keeping you up as well?

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