Every RE-EDUCATION Camp in Moldova is scoured for the most attractive(read:those who haven't been systematically brutalized, gored, despoiled or otherwise starved to death) contestants, and they are locked in a Bunker with Ronald Reagan's Fluorescent and ARCANE (not to mention ELDRITCH) Colon, which, naturally, will be appointed DICTATOR IN EXCELSIS of the Bunker.
Each contestant must prostrate themselves at the bejewelled base of the OCCULT COLON, and perform sexual favours for it. Those that refuse will be Vapourised in a CHERNOBYL VAT.
Every Friday, the contestants will also have to submit to the TRIAL BY FLATULENT OLD FUCK, wherein Henry Kissinger coats himself in an unnatural Orange Baste and strips slowly atop a pile of 3rd World Childrens' Skulls. Those who flee from the Horror will have Rabid Shitzus set upon them.
The show will be hosted by Oswald Moseley genetically modified to be grown out of the side of a Lawnmower. |