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Lateshiftvision song contest


Page: 123(4)5

Lord Morgue
02:52 / 06.06.04
Reagan may be gone, but his colon is immortal. As is his other lasting creation, the national debt.
05:00 / 06.06.04
I have the colon, Morgue.

I have fashioned it into a Tyrannical Gauntlet.

Abandon all hope, ye who enter Moldova.
05:17 / 06.06.04

Every RE-EDUCATION Camp in Moldova is scoured for the most attractive(read:those who haven't been systematically brutalized, gored, despoiled or otherwise starved to death) contestants, and they are locked in a Bunker with Ronald Reagan's Fluorescent and ARCANE (not to mention ELDRITCH) Colon, which, naturally, will be appointed DICTATOR IN EXCELSIS of the Bunker.

Each contestant must prostrate themselves at the bejewelled base of the OCCULT COLON, and perform sexual favours for it. Those that refuse will be Vapourised in a CHERNOBYL VAT.

Every Friday, the contestants will also have to submit to the TRIAL BY FLATULENT OLD FUCK, wherein Henry Kissinger coats himself in an unnatural Orange Baste and strips slowly atop a pile of 3rd World Childrens' Skulls. Those who flee from the Horror will have Rabid Shitzus set upon them.

The show will be hosted by Oswald Moseley genetically modified to be grown out of the side of a Lawnmower.
Lord Morgue
10:33 / 06.06.04
Truly an Occult Artifact of Power more terrifying than the Black Grail, the Bleeding Head of Arnold Palmer, the Spear of Destiny, or the Elvis Mandible.
Perhaps a lucrative contract with Franklin Mint could be arranged...
Bed Head
23:16 / 06.06.04
Urrrp. So. Anyone? Doesn’t anyone want to chew the cud of an evening anymore, now that all lateshifts are officially sans ‘Bop? Stoatie? Keggers? Ms Dammerung? Suede? BiP? Just wherefore the fuck art thou all?
23:19 / 06.06.04
So, do you think the debt could be trapped *in* Reagan's colon?

Oh God, I just said that.
23:22 / 06.06.04
I'm about, on and off (whoah, haven't Shifted in a while...)... seems like quite an easy night at work so far... after a fucking HIDEOUS week (hence no shifty for Stoatie!)
Goodness Gracious Meme
23:24 / 06.06.04
you call, BH, and here I yam.

watching BB, godhelp me.

how's all?
23:27 / 06.06.04
Having just skimmed the thread to see what I've missed due to my lack of shiftiness, I feel obliged to share with you all MY reality TV show idea.

A bunch of minor celebrities try to do complicated and dangerous cookery-type things with, like, hot fat and knives and stuff, while being molested by an over-insistent Emu.
Of course, due to his unfortunate demise, Rod Hull would have to be entirely CGI, but Emu could still be real.
Goodness Gracious Meme
23:30 / 06.06.04
you are beautiful.
Bed Head
23:43 / 06.06.04
Rod Hull could be a puppet worked by someone else. Screw CGI! This is clearly a job for the Jim Henson Creature Workshop.

BiP. Your new name. What the dickens is it all about? Apart from romance, obviously. I am properly intrigued. And would you prefer just ‘Bengali’? Or just ‘Romance’? Or, God forbid, BAATR? Bearing in mind I’ve just stumbled across your LJ, and have realised that when other posters call you ‘plums’, it’s in reference to another of your names and not just some leery familiarity to which I wouldn’t ever dare aspire.

With apologies if all this has been discussed and settled elsewhere.
23:48 / 06.06.04
Dinna dinna dinna dinna
Dinna dinna dinna dinna
Dinna dinna dinna dinna

Nope. Maybe not.
Bed Head
23:50 / 06.06.04
*punches hand*

Holy no-ones going to get that but you and me, Stoatie!
23:51 / 06.06.04
So beautiful it hurts.
Goodness Gracious Meme
00:01 / 07.06.04
Bedhead, do feel free to address me as plums... I was for a long time lickmyplumsbitch. long story.

the new name is a BB tribute. As all through Stu and Michelle's fumbling, the caption for the topic was 'Will Their Romance Last' and a more general thing how BB there's no flirting, sex, shagging or lust, but they always talk about 'Romance'.
Goodness Gracious Meme
00:08 / 07.06.04
BH, are you a lj geek too?
Bed Head
00:13 / 07.06.04
Romance. It’d be great if there were actually chaperones in the BB house. Like the bouncers on Jerry Springer, their presence causing as many fights as they can stop. 8 weeks of people being held apart, in spite what they want. That’d be romantic. In the doomed sense of the word.

I’d be honoured to call you plums, then. Only another 24hours and I can get rid of this hideous name I’ve lumbered myself with.

And no, not really a LJ geek. I’ve been doing a little light lurking recently. I’ve got one but it’s pretty much all locked up and private, what with me being too tight to actually buy a proper diary with paper and all. I might start leaving comments around. Announcing my presence, like. That might get me out of my shell.
Goodness Gracious Meme
00:16 / 07.06.04
have to admit I prefer you oozy and mudded. why the name change?
00:16 / 07.06.04
It's a bit weird, isn't it? I just started a blog a couple of weeks ago, and it's odd the things I tell people in real life which it turns out they already know. Forgetting what you've put on there or being drunk while updating it is a problem!
Goodness Gracious Meme
00:19 / 07.06.04
I like your blog. but yeah, the information sprawl is pretty odd...
Saint Keggers
00:24 / 07.06.04
Hey alls!!!

Lateshift...its like getting into a nice warm bath...and not the turning the water yellow warm either.
Goodness Gracious Meme
00:26 / 07.06.04
yeuch. I'm gonna have to bow out. gotta go to bed. nnight all.
Saint Keggers
00:26 / 07.06.04
Not on my account, I hope, BiP?
Saint Keggers
00:29 / 07.06.04
Larry King just said "and that was Brian Mulroney, former Prime Minster of Great Britain." And here I was thinking it was only Canada he screwed.
Bed Head
00:30 / 07.06.04
Was watching Vanishing Point, again, and became irrationally fixated on the line ‘Speed means freedom of the soul’. Barbelith doesn’t allow enough characters for ‘bedhead means freedom of the soul’, so I though I’d wing it with an ‘=’. I’m a complete and utter idiot. But, I was rather hammered at the time. I’m no longer oozy and mudded because I’m no longer feeling quite so down and drowned, I think. Instead, I’m shorn, moving on up, feeling summery and tip-top-toppermost. Is the general idea. The name is fucking useless though. I think we can all agree on that.

Stoatie, your blog is wonderful. It’s like concentrated stoat.
00:30 / 07.06.04
Night, BiP.

Hello, Keggers! How's life in the land of the moose?
Bed Head
00:31 / 07.06.04
Fucknuts. I type something out then wonder what for. That’s the internet for you. Still, fuck me if it isn’t the long-lost Kegboy! Hurrah!
Saint Keggers
00:35 / 07.06.04
My life is damn great. No particular reason for it. But ive decided that it is so it is.

And you?
Saint Keggers
00:37 / 07.06.04
fuck me if it isn’t the long-lost Kegboy

Right now Im glad that Im the long-lost kegboy
00:38 / 07.06.04
Up and down like the fucking Syrian Empire, as per usual. Today's a good day though-last night of my shift, then a week off. Drunken VW-related camping shenanigans to follow next weekend, too!
00:39 / 07.06.04
Oops... I'm sure I read someone in another thread threatening to kill the next person to use the word "shenanigans"... let's just rpetend I didn't say that, 'kay?
Bed Head
00:43 / 07.06.04
Drunken VW-related camping sh*****gans

When you say things like this it makes me so happy you’ve got a blog. Can’t be killed for using words like that in your own space. A man’s blog is his castle, and all. And they’ll get my LJ code when they prise it from my cold, dead fingers, come to that. Etc.
Saint Keggers
00:44 / 07.06.04
What's wrong with the S word?
00:46 / 07.06.04
There'll be a full report on the... can I say "malarkey"?... when I get back! Maybe pictures too, if I can remember how.

Just randomly happy then, Keggers? I love it when that happens.
Saint Keggers
00:49 / 07.06.04
Not randomly..decidedly happy. Its great when you can just summonup emotions at the snap of a finger.

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