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Lateshiftvision song contest


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Bed Head
22:25 / 13.05.04
I love the idea of Britain being ‘represented’ by a song with a title like that.
22:59 / 13.05.04
Aah... Eurovision...

A bulletin-board song contest would be ace...

"The verdict now in from Barbelith... Warren Ellis Forum, nul points".

Actually no. It'd be really, really sad.

How are you tonight, BH? Not sure how long I'll be sticking around, but should be here for a while at least. (I'm feeling a bit shit because one of my best friends- lilly's husband- was playing a gig tonight, and foolishly, I lay down to listen to the Archers, and ended up going to sleep and not making it!)
Bed Head
23:14 / 13.05.04
I rather think we’d be the ones getting nil points. What with Barbelith being notoriously snooty and generally seen to be in need of taking down a peg or two.

Blimey! The Archers! sod Eurovision, what about the Archers, eh? I didn’t see the Greg thing turning out like that. I was expecting a tastefully euphemistic treatment of the ‘issue’ of erectile dysfunction among gruff gamekeepers. Instead he’s done the decent thing and stopped getting in the way of all the more interesting storylines. Nice one.

I’d be happier still if they ditched all the characters for a while, except for Matt and Lillian. Just those two, bickering and cackling for 10 minutes each evening.
23:21 / 13.05.04
Umm... I actually slept through the Archers, too. So it was "nul points" for me on a whole shitload of levels!

I think I fell asleep towards the end of Mitch Benn's show... I remember the John Peel impersonator, but that's about it!
23:23 / 13.05.04
Oh, but if we're talking "fantasy Archers", then I definitely think David should get his nuts chewed off by a badger. Honestly, I used to actually like Ruth and David before this whole anti-badger thing reared its ugly head... now they can both fuck off. And take Brian Aldridge with them.
23:27 / 13.05.04
Bed Head
23:30 / 13.05.04
Dude, *everybody* falls asleep during Mitch Benn’s godawful show. So, are you not aware that...


...Greg Turner killed himself in a spectacularly messy fashion the other night?

Never liked David Archer. He’s always grunting. A Christmas episode a few years ago where he spent the night grunting underneath a tipped cow has seared itself on my memory, ughhh. No, Kenton is the diamond in that family. It’s rubbish that he’s vanished from sight since that stupid café was invented. I want more of him and Nigel bumbling around and getting into scrapes. And hanging out with Adam, because three such posh voices combined in one scene would ring every bell in my belfry.
23:44 / 13.05.04
Fuck, no! I didn't know that about Greg!

This Sunday morning's gonna be one big "Stoatie's playing catchup", as Henry Kelly would have said on Going for Gold.

I actually quite like Mitch Benn... I just don't think he has enough material to make a decent half-hour show every week. See him live and he's very funny... as long as you don't do it EVERY WEEK. Also- fair play to the guy for trying, but to come up with topical AND FUNNY songs every week... it's a little ambitious.

Agh. What's really concerning me now is the fact that, other than the light of this monitor, there is no light in this room. And I've managed to lose my Rizlas.

23:45 / 13.05.04
ooh. Panic over. Found 'em.
00:02 / 14.05.04
I could have got *so* much more duty free from Canada, but I didn't. They have a sensible system whereby the allowance is rated in dollars per day rather than the UK's stingy "one carton of fags and a bottle of booze" regimen. It's something like $100 per day that you've spent in the country. I could have brought in $500 of licka. But I didn't, I just got some posh wine and some posh white cider. And cassis.

What have I become?

I'm a duty free ponce, aren't I?
00:12 / 14.05.04
I dunno... I'm always surprisingly shit on the duty free front... generally by the time I go home from anywhere I've spent all my cash, and just have enough to get home!

Drug smuggling... now THAT's what I need to get into!

Anyhoo, I'm going to bed soon, so if I don't check back here beforehand, I'll say a provisional goodnight!
Jackie Susann
04:24 / 14.05.04
Today I was teaching a class on masculinity, and some of the students gave the example that if a bunch of guys order a round of beers and one of them gets a wine, that reduces his masculinity. Is there a similar dynamic in duty free, where you're less of a man if you get the good wine than, say, the import-strength bourbon?
Bed Head
20:06 / 15.05.04
damn. Sorry for having ruined the drama of the Archers for you, Stoatie. Would have apologised the other night but I wandered off for some reason.

On the big events of this night. Gotta be Ukraine, hasn’t it?
00:25 / 16.05.04
Anyone around?
00:28 / 16.05.04
Spatula Clarke
00:37 / 16.05.04
Bed Head
00:37 / 16.05.04
00:43 / 16.05.04

new trend.

How is all, you?
Spatula Clarke
00:44 / 16.05.04
Is smell actually a sense? I mean, if you smell with your tongue, then surely it's just a sub-sense of taste? Yes?
00:46 / 16.05.04
I'm good, I just needed a controversy-free thread to post in for awhile. How are you all?
00:46 / 16.05.04
I thought taste was a sub-sense of smelling.
Bed Head
00:48 / 16.05.04
Perhaps it just means your tongue is capable of multi-tasking. Multi-tasking is what it’s all about these days. The name of the game. Where it’s at.
Spatula Clarke
00:49 / 16.05.04
It's very likely that I got that wrong.

So why are they classed as distinct things? I've never understood that.
00:59 / 16.05.04
How are you, BH? And all you others?

Except Randy, who smells of wee.
01:04 / 16.05.04
I'm a little distressed, because I used to be a much nicer person. But all my schoolwork's done for awhile, my summer class doesn't start for about ten days, and I've got no place I have to be, so that's rather nice.
01:04 / 16.05.04
Smells of wee, or tastes of wee?
Mourne Kransky
01:05 / 16.05.04
Ah, no Eurovision for me. It's undoubtedly a hardship but I shall stop whining and adapt. Many people might not care but I fucking do!

But I have to say Ariadne's and Loomis' Adieu took priority and then there was bumping and grinding in my ungainly middle aged way at Duckie with Seldom Killer and Cherry Bomb. Thought about you all, really.

I am sooooo sad that I have recorded the whole Eurovision thing. I should really be taken out and shot. In my defence, I could say that I am listening to the The Ballad of Billie Jo right now...
Mourne Kransky
01:07 / 16.05.04
So, who won? Do you know? Do you care?

And Randy does not smell of wee. He is very smart. I want to have his babies.
Bed Head
01:09 / 16.05.04
Er, you can feel free to congratulate me on my unerringly correct Eurovision prediction. Upthread.
01:10 / 16.05.04
Oh, yay! It's Xoc!
01:11 / 16.05.04
The babies will smell of wee.

I do not know what Randy tastes like, but I imagine it to be something like Sherbert and/or Werthers original.

Did you know he has a Super Nintendo for a brain?
01:12 / 16.05.04
With any specific game, or are they all interchangable?
Spatula Clarke
01:14 / 16.05.04
I can't be bothered to scroll up that far, BH. Who won? I know the UK did terribly again. For shame...

I do actually smell of wee. That's what you get for trying to potty train Suedehead, I guess.
Strange Machine Vs The Virus with Shoes
01:14 / 16.05.04
The Ukrainians won, with their combination of leather dress and a decent europop tune. It was the leather that won it.
01:14 / 16.05.04
Shit, now I think I probably chose the wrong console.

Scratch that, it's Pokemen Channel - that's his brain, that is.

I'm really going for the obscure insults, now!

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