Anyone else think that Weaver in Resurrection was giving off really strong trans/intersexual vibes (particularly in the scenes near-ish the end where she's with Winona Ryder)?
I don’t know about the trans thing, exactly - it’s never occurred to me, anyway - but there certainly is something about the way she’s photographed in Resurrection. As in, her skin looks like it has texture! Real texture! Not yer super-smooth hollywood actor un-texture; instead, Weaver’s totally happy with a sort of, well, almost a ‘weatherbeaten’ look. Radiantly weatherbeaten, but still. It’s a great look; I think it’s a great performance all round, actually, the way she plays someone who’s aware they died hundreds of years previously - and she looks old, in a totally good way - and then at the same time manages to give the impression that she really was only born earlier that morning. And she never seems to shout or raise her voice at any point, does she? Haven’t seen it recently, but there’s no noisy “get away from her you bitch” moment, that I can remember. I even seem to be remembering the scene where she torches the clone lab, her angriest scene, as an almost private moment, with hardly any acknowledgment of the rest of the characters, and ending up with everyone else just clearing out of the room and leaving her alone to deal with it. Hrm. My memory might be defective there, though.
Serious/agitated little robot Winona Ryder made a great foil for that old/young, resigned-to-whatever’s-going-to-happen Ripley, too. Really, the major disappointment with that film for me might be that there’s just *too much* of all the monster stuff.
and doesn't just recycle the storyline of the first (as Alien3 essentially does).
ES, I hesitate to howl with outrage at this statement, because you’re such a nice, clever poster and all, but really. How does it essentially recycle the storyline of the first? |