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Which Alien film is best?


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17:03 / 14.05.04
Yeah, and Alien3 broke the mould. Where's the survivor from that film, I enjoyed that arc. The survivor was a thread from the first movie to the second and then we have the weird genetic stuff skip over the third.

Basically, Alien3 was supposed to be the end. They screwed up, they could have been validated if that prisoner had shown up in the 4th film, in some way. The wonder is having one character who knows the true power of the menace, handling it, and the realisation that "we're" all gonna die.
17:09 / 15.05.04

Why - after the "TV Premier" on my paper route the next morning, I was running up the street and heard a scattering noise behind me (as i imagined claws on concrete would sound) - i didnt even look back, just ran as fast as adrenaline could boost me.

Turned the corner at full speed, and caught sight of the big friendly Black Lab that was my pal lolloping after me tail wagging amast and quiziccal "why didnt you stop and pat me on the way past?" look on her face.

It's that which remains thats the call.
The Falcon
20:05 / 15.05.04
I think Robocop may well have been the finest of all 1980's films.

Here is my Robocop ranking: 1, 2, not seen 3.
A beautiful tunnel of ghosts
20:29 / 15.05.04
Robocop is the shit, no doubt. Kurtwood Smith as Clarence Boddicker is a hypnotically manic bad guy in complete contrast to Weller's bemused mime.

'Can you fly, Bobby?'
D Terminator XXXIII
01:43 / 16.05.04
Alien: Resurrection is the best of the lot.

You have prettee colours. You have prettee actors, ugly actors. You have charged camera work. You have prettee colours. You have actors. Who are ugly, who are prettee. There is adrenaline, and the aliens are menacing.

Yes. Alien: Resurrection is the best.

(And I liked it, even before Amelie changed Jeunet's creative course)
Mike Modular
03:13 / 16.05.04
In first place: toss-up between 1 & 2. 3 & 4 are equal second.

Some reasons:

Alien has the scary atmosphere, Harry Dean Stanton and Ripley in her pants. Aliens has big guns, him off My Two Dads and "express elevator to hell - going down!"

3 & 4 place our heroine in new and exciting situations and develop her relationship with the aliens. Also, there are dog-aliens and freaky aborted clones, respectively.

1-3 remain the only triple-bill I've been to at the cinema. It was great.
Scrambled Password Bogus Email
11:08 / 16.05.04
Ooh, and this thread can run and run wityh the advent of AvP this summer, no?
The Falcon
16:11 / 16.05.04
Clarence Boddicker owns the film.

"Bitches - leave."
18:21 / 16.05.04
Makes you wonder whether or not it would really be ethical to include AvP in this discussion... I'd say potentially the film could be much better that 3 and definitely has a great chance of being better than 4, however to even allow it comparison to the cinematic majesty that are films 1 and 2 is not in the cards for me. There's been nothing left to innovate, it seems, following 2's release. And so all we are left with now are passable action flicks. Not true horror movies (and the best of their genre, arguably, I might add).
Lord Morgue
11:55 / 17.05.04
O.K., now, Big Poppa Morgue is your hookup- I got what you want riiiight here-
Includes the Gibson script for Alien3! Hahaha- I bet you want to suck my cock now.
Oh, yeah- anyone seen Death Machine? First film by "Blade"'s Stephen Norrington. Total James Cameron pastiche from start to finish- see if you can spot all the cinematic, thematic, visual and dialogue references to Aliens, Terminator and the Abyss. All this and Brad Dourif! C'mon, I can't be only cinefreak on Earth who's seen this thing...
12:23 / 17.05.04
Includes the Gibson script for Alien3! Hahaha- I bet you want to suck my cock now.

Less than ever before, which is actually pretty impressive.

Robocop makes a worhtwhile parallel - a series that followed a precise and accelerating descent. Robocop decent, Robocop 2 ropey in the extreme (there's a kid). Robocop 3 like watching a man die in slow motion of something really boring (there are rebels. There are robot ninja, but not in a good way). The only ambiguity, really, is whether it is more or less fun than the TV series...
Matthew Fluxington
12:22 / 18.05.04
That's the easiest way to express my feelings; I enjoy it, it's got great moments, Weaver's fantastic, but it seems as if it came from a parallel universe to the original.

But that's true of the whole series - one of the brilliant things about it is how each film is in a different subgenre - haunted ship, war movie, prison story, Frankenstein, monster vs. monster.

I agree that Alien3 is great and underrated, but it's just nowhere near as perfect as the first film.
Matthew Fluxington
12:24 / 18.05.04
I think that they should do another Alien film, with the Aliens finally making it to earth. It'd the "invaders from outer space" movie. This needs to happen! They were setting it up at the end of Ressurrection and everything.

The title can be very simple: Alien Invasion.
15:35 / 18.05.04
(What on Earth are we going to do?)

(note - sorry, Americans. There is no way on Earth that gag is going to make sense. It's obscure plus)

There was at various points discussion that the Aliens comic spin-off (the first? Dark Horse one, with the moody black and white and the grown-up Newt) would or should be made into a movie, which presumably would then have been Alien 3, or Aliens 2, if you see what I mean.
08:21 / 19.05.04
mostly they come at night.... mostly.

I love that Newt never made it to the next film. All that trying to save her in Aliens and then the scriptwriters think "nah" and just have the cryo thing break. Did wonders for her career.
Chubby P
07:25 / 20.05.04
I think that they should do another Alien film, with the Aliens finally making it to earth.

The Aliens reach Earth this summer in Aliens Vs Predator.


The iconic monsters from two of the scariest film franchises ever battle each other on Earth for the first time on film. The discovery of an ancient pyrimid in Antartica sends a team of scientists and adventureres to the frozen continent. There they make an even more terrifying discovery. Two alien races engaegd in the ultimate battle.

No matter who wins we loose.
Liger Null
19:58 / 21.05.04
I think they should make an Aliens Vs. Predator movie

Seriously, my problem with Alien3 was the sound. The dialog was spoken in whispers, so you couldn't hear what the characters are saying. Then the music and other noises were ear-rupturingly loud. Thus the movie got so hard to follow that I just stopped wtching it altogether.
Liger Null
20:00 / 21.05.04
HAHAHA, didn't see that last post. I guess wishes do come true. Let's try that again...

I think I should win $2 million in the powerball lottery
eddie thirteen
21:20 / 21.05.04
Actually, Woodtiger -- YEAH. I watched Alien3 for the first time in years the other night, and I had to put on the subtitles a few times the dialogue was mixed so low. Fincher's penchant for underlighting scenes is one thing, but that shit where you can't make out what people are *saying* half the time is completely out of hand. Not to mention that the magic of DVD makes it clear like never before that characters are running away screaming from a computer-generated cartoon. Yikes. I may have to revise slightly my earlier opinion of the film. I can't imagine, however, that my feelings about Aliens will have improved at all over the three or four years it's been since last I watched it.
Hydra vs Leviathan
23:17 / 10.11.06
Looks like this is the only Alien series thread Barbelith has... bumping, as i've just watched Alien: Resurrection again on E4...

Seems like i'm the only one to agree with the thread starter that 3 is the best of all of them... I enjoy all the others too, but 3 for me is the pinnacle, both in terms of emotional intensity (it's arguably one of the darkest, bleakest set-ups for any "mainstream-Hollywood-blockbuster-type-film" ever) and sheer stark power and simplicity of story... it's got that timeless, universal feel to it, like a Greek tragedy...

The image of Ripley's "death" (in quotes only because of her resurrection) is, IMO, one of the greatest cinematic images ever (and Peter Jackson should have been forced to watch it repeatedly as an object lesson of how he should have done the pivotal scene in LotR - i didn't know whether to laugh or puke at the sheer stupidity of "sinking into molten lava as if it were quicksand", whereas Alien 3 does it perfectly)... it's the perfect utterly final ending...

which makes Alien:Resurrection a film that i have really mixed feelings about - i can see why some people i know hate it, because after 3 there simply shouldn't have been anything, but also there's a good argument for saying that, just as Alien 3 subverts the ending of Aliens, likewise Resurrection subverts 3's ending... also, i can see why people think Resurrection lacks the "feel" of the other Alien films (much less creepiness and suspense, much more detailed visual horror, and arguably sillier characters (reminiscent to me of British 2000AD-style comics)), but then there are some genuinely great, genuinely horrific moments in Resurrection - the discovery of the failed clones, the abortion/infanticide at the end...

i can see why people thought the hybrid looked silly, but for me there was something all too real about it being simultaneously endearing and repulsive - i thought there was something of King Kong in the dumb, childlike "humanity" of it...

i could go on about these films for fucking ages, especially the sex-and-gender subtext(s)...

oh yeah, anyone else think AvP was a very, very cheapened/watered-down rip-off of Lovecraft's At The Mountains Of Madness ?
Hydra vs Leviathan
23:24 / 10.11.06
I love that Newt never made it to the next film. All that trying to save her in Aliens and then the scriptwriters think "nah" and just have the cryo thing break. Did wonders for her career.

One fanplot i saw somewhere online for a putative 5th (6th now i guess, but i think this was before AvP) Alien film was to open with a montage of scenes from 3 and Resurrection, cut with images of a withered looking Ripley in cryosleep, then cut to a grown up Newt, talking to doctors who say that, because the cryo machine went wrong, they couldn't wake her - effectively retconning all of the 3rd and 4th films into Ripley's dream/hallucination, and creating a new, Ripley-free post-Aliens continuity...
Bed Head
00:01 / 11.11.06
Oooh. Yay, a little support, here! I think you’re spot on that one of 3's real strengths is the way it subverts the genre expectations - I dimly remember a big long article in - God help me, I think it was in The Modern Review - on just that subject, making the point that usually sequels gather extra sidekicks and added complications and suchlike, and Alien 3 instead opts to hack all of that Aliens ‘nuclear family’ stuff away just to begin with. And then, just for good measure, it cuts up the cute kid and burns the remains. Everything’s cut away, even any hope or expectation that the heroine is going to be surviving this one, or that there’s be any fucking point to surviving or anything.

Still haven’t seen the revised ‘Director’s cut’ version of Alien 3, though. Was all hyped up for it and then someone told me that that final image, the shot of Ripley’s death, was different in it, and that just put me off the whole idea.

As for Alien Resurrection - it’s really growing on me. It’s a grower! Yeah, it really is 2000AD-ish, or maybe its more of a Eurocomix-ish vibe - I have a friend who swears blind that the proper way to watch it is on DVD with the French audio track and English subtitles. I have tended to agree with Stoatie and others, that maybe it would have been a much better movie if all the stuff after she gets dragged down through the floor hadn't happened, but I dunno, I mind it less and less. And that whole film really is utterly beautiful to look at. Has anyone in that cast ever looked so fantastic in anything else?
01:39 / 11.11.06
Should've been monks. They're still monks in my head. Take off that prison uniform. They're monks.
D Terminator XXXIII
02:05 / 11.11.06
And, even during all that ridiculous post-WTS threads, I've always have adored the 4th, Jeunet and all. So...
02:24 / 11.11.06
Finally! I'm not alone anymore! I enjoyed Resurrection and I'm not ashamed to admit it! I have to say that my order of preference is 2,3,4,1. I know I'm not giving Alien its due, but I saw it after I saw Alien3, and by that point I'd seen so many sci-fi and horror movies that had shamelessly it ripped-of that it made little impression on me. I loathed AvP though. I wonder why the poweres that be decided to take so many cues from the Dark Horse miniseries but relocate the whole movie to present day Antarctica? They could have made a kikck-ass space western.

Well, to be honest they couldn't have made it kick ass.
Hydra vs Leviathan
09:40 / 11.11.06
Anyone else think that Weaver in Resurrection was giving off really strong trans/intersexual vibes (particularly in the scenes near-ish the end where she's with Winona Ryder)?

She'd probably be my first choice of a non-trans actress to play an M2F in a serious drama...
Michelle Gale
11:09 / 11.11.06
I'd have to say 1 3 4,

I don't tend to count Aliens, it would be almost exactly the same movie with anything: zombies, robots, killer birds, rabid monkeys. imo Aliens kind of subverts the whole point of the thing, the fancy guns and splosions are the star. Really good special effects though.
11:42 / 11.11.06
Zombies couldn't cut the power.
11:44 / 11.11.06
Plus the facehugger scene in the infirmary is the best facehugger scene ever.
Evil Scientist
12:08 / 11.11.06
I don't tend to count Aliens, it would be almost exactly the same movie with anything: zombies, robots, killer birds, rabid monkeys. imo Aliens kind of subverts the whole point of the thing, the fancy guns and splosions are the star. Really good special effects though.

I'd disagree, a large portion of the film doesn't have any gunplay going on it's all tense build-up, first to discover what has happened, and then waiting for the xenos to attack. Aliens is a fantastic sequel because it expands on the first and doesn't just recycle the storyline of the first (as Alien3 essentially does). We get an idea of just how deadly the creatures are, it doesn't matter that these are tough Colonial Marines hombres, their firepower is nearly ineffective.

Having just had my eyes burnt out by watching the atrocity that is Aliens Resurrection I find it hard to believe that anyone could think it higher up in the quadrology than the absolute bottom.

And to think that that was the version Whedon tidied up!

(About the only good thing in it is Ripleyclone, but that's probably just due to my love of tall women in leather).
D Terminator XXXIII
13:25 / 11.11.06
About the only good thing in it is Ripleyclone

Well, you're wrong. Aside from being the most visually (and kinetically) interesting movie of the bunch, it has great character personalities - a no-nonsense, non-whiny, lesbo-Ripley, the shoplifter and habitual smoker Winona Ryder, a pissed off Hellboy, and that French actor of Jeunet. 3: whine, whine, subtext. 2: whine, whine, boom, boom, no subtlety. 1: Tho great they all die except for Ripley. It's exciting! It's suspenceful! It's funny! It flows easily from beginning til end. What's no to like?

(Incidentally, does anyone else think that Firefly is the Betty?)
Bed Head
13:57 / 11.11.06
Anyone else think that Weaver in Resurrection was giving off really strong trans/intersexual vibes (particularly in the scenes near-ish the end where she's with Winona Ryder)?

I don’t know about the trans thing, exactly - it’s never occurred to me, anyway - but there certainly is something about the way she’s photographed in Resurrection. As in, her skin looks like it has texture! Real texture! Not yer super-smooth hollywood actor un-texture; instead, Weaver’s totally happy with a sort of, well, almost a ‘weatherbeaten’ look. Radiantly weatherbeaten, but still. It’s a great look; I think it’s a great performance all round, actually, the way she plays someone who’s aware they died hundreds of years previously - and she looks old, in a totally good way - and then at the same time manages to give the impression that she really was only born earlier that morning. And she never seems to shout or raise her voice at any point, does she? Haven’t seen it recently, but there’s no noisy “get away from her you bitch” moment, that I can remember. I even seem to be remembering the scene where she torches the clone lab, her angriest scene, as an almost private moment, with hardly any acknowledgment of the rest of the characters, and ending up with everyone else just clearing out of the room and leaving her alone to deal with it. Hrm. My memory might be defective there, though.

Serious/agitated little robot Winona Ryder made a great foil for that old/young, resigned-to-whatever’s-going-to-happen Ripley, too. Really, the major disappointment with that film for me might be that there’s just *too much* of all the monster stuff.

and doesn't just recycle the storyline of the first (as Alien3 essentially does).

ES, I hesitate to howl with outrage at this statement, because you’re such a nice, clever poster and all, but really. How does it essentially recycle the storyline of the first?
14:11 / 11.11.06
People trapped in an industrial set without weapons being hunted by an Alien one by one? Shit, you're right, they're nothing alike.

it has great character personalities

Haha. Hahahaha! The main criticism I'd level at the film is that the characterisation is worse than Armageddon, a group of plucky quirky hard dudes each with their own schtick? It's sub-JLA dude, really really poor 2D stock characters. I couldn't tell you the names of a single one of the characters except Ripley, even Winona's android was rubbish. Weaver stood out in the film because she can act, it made me cringe a bit to see her try and stay deadpan among the clown troupe.
And Brad Dourif's Peter Lorre imitation was entertainingly caricatured, but you couldn't say his 'personality' was anything other than a few mannerisms and Wormtongue eyes.
14:15 / 11.11.06
Let me borrow a bit of this IMDb review;

...the image, the sound and presence of the 'alien' was so removed from the past three movies it was atrocious.
The last half of this movie is so bad I am embarrassed for the producers. The new alien is terrible and diminishes the power and chill of the alien.
14:18 / 11.11.06
I can see how someone could like Jeunet's visual style, but it tends to drag me out of what I'm watching. It's just so self-conscious, so fantastical and ungrounded, and it's a big part of why I loathed Alien 4.

I'm convinced that to dislike Aliens is to dislike action films full stop. It's right at the top of genre in my book.

So then, Alien vs Predator (obvs), Alien, Aliens, Alien 3, Alien Resurrection (c'mon, the weird babything actually says "MUMMY!" - puh-fucking-lease)

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