Well, of course it has to go. I mean, I don't even know what it thinks it's doing just popping up like that. I didn't even acidentally tap "post topic" twice or anything. The sheer audacity of even thinking about having such cheek outrages me!
Oh, I'm at work, but currently on one of the "good" bits of my "good/bad" cycle of cutting down on the medication. And the newspapers seem devoid of news tonight, which is ALWAYS a good thing. And I'm going to the pub in the morning, yay!
I've never felt such a strong urge to go to the pub! I dunno what it is. I nearly just walked out the front door just now in search of excitement. I thought better of it, though.
Hmmmm. Not this late, I don't think. I would be so up for going somewhere like that and just randomly making a fool of myself right now... so it's probably best I can't/don't know of such a place.
I've just looked at ESPN.com, and I am pleased to report that my barbelith thread about "Spidey at the bat" has effected change. They're no longer going to put Spiderman logos on the bases. Yeah!
Suedey, it would be too easy for someone to impute mean motives to my list. The Simpson's cast is not full of great role models. Though, whoever got Hank Scorpio would be grinning ear to ear.
You should just get on and do it, now. I can tell you want to, Todd. You just need to be man enough to admit it yourself. Stop lying to yourself, Todd!
Or at least tell me who I was. And if I wasn't, you're not my friend anymore.
Suede, if you ever come to New York, I'll shiv you, punk. You're Apu and you'll like it. You wash your Trans-Am in your swimming trunks and sing along to the "dream police." Apu is a GREAT character to be.