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THE LATE SHIFT: 4 real, holmes!


Page: 1234(5)

02:20 / 23.04.04
? (Addition for last post)

I would take my phone with my but I feel I'll have a hard time convincing said individual that the noise in the background is, in fact, the rippling sound of majestic waterfalls I have installed in my study.

Besides, I get shy.
02:22 / 23.04.04
Why not change the ringtone?
Saint Keggers
02:23 / 23.04.04
Hmm... Hard to say. Ephemerat brings The Secret of N.I.H.M to mind. (Which is a good thing) But Cass recalls both Momma Cass of Momma and The Poppas and also Eva Cassidy who I think would have ended up as one of the greatest female blues artist had her life not been cut short by cancer. It's a win/win situation as far as I'm concerned.
02:25 / 23.04.04
I'm turning it off. I'm meeting her in another eight and a half hours, anyway, and besides she has her (hopefully?) passed-out boyfriend in the next room from which she's calling which is just harsh.
02:46 / 23.04.04
Keggers: Mmm, The Secret of NIMH...

I'll probably stick with Cass; it's what I know well, and has the advantage of me not having to worry about people sidling up to you at meets with red faces as they attempt to discern your identity from a from a limited selection of, ahem, codenames That You Wouldn't Want The Rest Of The Pub To Hear.
Saint Keggers
02:48 / 23.04.04
I guess thats why I decided not to go with the name Fuckfacewifebeater!
02:52 / 23.04.04
Actually, that name wouldn't go entirely amiss in some of the shitholes masquerading as drinking establishments that I frequent...
Saint Keggers
02:58 / 23.04.04
Quality control, Cass. Think about it.
03:09 / 23.04.04
Ookay, but I do kind of get a warm, affectionate, sentimental attachment for really run-down dives of pubs that most of my friends are entirely unwilling to visit for reasons of aesthetics or safety. I think it's a natural response to my dad's dragging me to them when I were young (arr). And I'm normally fine in them.

Unless, of course, you were referring to the quality of my post(s), in which case I can verify that said quality is being controlled by my being a bit shite. Anyway, am bed-bound, great to talk to you again.
Saint Keggers
03:11 / 23.04.04
Nope. completly refering to the pubs.

G'night. Nice to abuse the alphabet with you too!
03:12 / 23.04.04
G'night, man.
03:46 / 23.04.04
Still there, Keggers? Anyone? Had to go and read the late editions.
Char Aina
03:49 / 23.04.04
well, tie my stoat and powder my keg!

its the usual suspects!
in drag!
i was hoping!

03:53 / 23.04.04

Is it just me, or has the lith seen an unprecedented amount of storming off in a huff tonight? pachinko droog and Maitreya both in the same evening.

I think more pie is needed.
Saint Keggers
03:57 / 23.04.04
THey'll be back...oh yes! They will come crawling unto us! is just all around great. so...PIE FOR ALL!
Saint Keggers
03:59 / 23.04.04
and to the concoction recepie (sp?) I gave out before, I now ad some siri lankan (I think) hot sauce which renders it as amazing as fire was to
Char Aina
03:59 / 23.04.04
matreiya just didnt realise that everyone here is seventy five and grooming.

you know what i'm talking about.
Char Aina
04:01 / 23.04.04
sri lankan hot sauce?
is it tasty, or just punchy?

i like tasty and punchy, but some folks just want to lose the feeling all over their insides.
04:03 / 23.04.04
I like my hot sauces to cause physical pain. (Only not like the time I forgot to wash my hands before having a piss. That was the wrong kind of pain.)
Char Aina
04:05 / 23.04.04
oh, dude!
my dad did that once.
fucking hilarious that, your dad in genuine genital pain.
especially as i didnt know why he was so agitated...

have you ever drank tabasco with folks?
like, drop by drop til someone wusses out?
Saint Keggers
04:06 / 23.04.04
Actually Im not sure if its sri lankan or not...just a sec I'll go check to make sire the what's what is actually the what's what....

It seems its called: Srirancha HOT Chilli Sauce.
04:11 / 23.04.04
No, but shots of vodka with chilli and garlic fucking rule.
Saint Keggers
04:13 / 23.04.04
I think the 'Lith needs a brewmaster thread.
04:27 / 23.04.04
I think it needs a booze forum.
Saint Keggers
04:27 / 23.04.04
Well Im outta here for the evening folks. The Man With The Golden Gun is playing on Tv and the night is screaming for bitter retrospection.

Goodnight all you fine folks..wherever you are.
Saint Keggers
04:38 / 23.04.04
Damn! If the right CD is placed inside the drive one no longers wishes to go to sleep. Im my case its the theme music from Northern Exposure.

I also belive that the 'Lith should exist as a print magazine.
04:42 / 23.04.04
G'night... work's nearly finished so I shall be off home in- ooh, a few mintues, there to play Knights of te Old Republic until bedtime.
Saint Keggers
04:43 / 23.04.04
G'night Stoatie...keep your stick on the ice!
Char Aina
05:08 / 23.04.04
nighty night you two.

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