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THE LATE SHIFT: 4 real, holmes!


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Saint Keggers
03:51 / 22.04.04
No hemophiliac am I. I have a heart condition and ocasionally when Im blowing my nose quite alot it tends to start bleeding incessantly. Although Im told both my aunt and grandfather are like that. So maybe its genetic. But not hemophilia. And yes the visuals were quite extreeme. If only I had enough wits about me to whip out my camera.
04:40 / 22.04.04
What are import restrictions like in the land of the maple leaf and moose? I could probably send you some Twiglets, although I'm sure if I described them better you'd probably say you already had the same thing there only called something else.
Saint Keggers
00:54 / 23.04.04
After googling 'Twiglets' I find the idea rather unpleasant..what the hell is marmite? Isnt that some small rodent?
00:56 / 23.04.04
01:03 / 23.04.04

Twiglets also gave rise to oneof the best ever piecves of dialogue in "Spaced"-

Tim: I feel like shit. What did I do last night?
Daisy: You got really drunk, ate your own weight in
Twiglets, and punched an artist.
Tim: Shit. (pause)
I'm not supposed to eat Twiglets.
Daisy: Why not?
Tim: They make me violent.
Saint Keggers
01:06 / 23.04.04
Wow. Im now wanting to both know what Spaced is and to have watched it.

ps. Hi de Jade!
Jack Denfeld
01:07 / 23.04.04
In a couple of minutes I'm off to see some country band from Alternate Tentacles. I forget their name but hopefully they're good.
Spatula Clarke
01:08 / 23.04.04
Hey all.

There's probably a Spaced thread in FTV&T. In fact, there's definitely a Spaced thread in FTV&T, but I'm not going to admit that I know that, because it'll make me look like a lazy sod for not linking to it.

The Shaun of the Dead thread might have a link.
Saint Keggers
01:11 / 23.04.04
Well I'll admit im lazy. Is spaced something like reddwarf?
01:13 / 23.04.04
No. Well, in the sense that it's a British sitcom.
It's about two twenty-somethings; a failed journalist and a comic geek, who live in a house in London, and their friends. Lots of drug-taking and arguing about Star Wars ensues.
But its much funnier than that makes it sound.
Spatula Clarke
01:13 / 23.04.04
Nah. Spaced is funny.
Spatula Clarke
01:15 / 23.04.04
Here's one of the threads.
Saint Keggers
01:16 / 23.04.04
The last brit-com I watched was Coupling and before that Black Books. I miss those shows...(insert sad keggers face)
01:21 / 23.04.04
Spaced and Black Books share a lot of the same cast.
Saint Keggers
01:31 / 23.04.04
Crap! (insert whiney Kgggers voice here) I wanna see it! I wanna! I wanna !!!!

Its sounds brilliant!
Spatula Clarke
01:37 / 23.04.04
Well, you can get it on DVD now. Here, at least.

Twiglets smell like sweaty pensioners bathing in gravy, btw.
Saint Keggers
01:38 / 23.04.04
I think thats one of the reason my family left britain.
01:42 / 23.04.04
It also has one of the most beautiful ecstasy sequences I have ever seen in TV or film: All of the main characters are having huge issues with each other and themselves, and everyone is hugely stressed out when a bicycle courier (and obvious dealer) by the name of Tyres drags them out to a club. The drug-taking is never overt, in fact it's not even mentioned; but the effect is gradual, accurate, wonderful and deeply funny. It's fucking great - you must see it! You must!
01:43 / 23.04.04
Or was his name Wheels? Bah, it must be late...
Saint Keggers
01:56 / 23.04.04
#81!!! Cass, you're old! Why dont you post more? I didn't recognize the name and thought you were amongst the newbies.
02:03 / 23.04.04
I used be ephemerat back in an older incarnation of the board and I actually used to haunt this place when it was the Nexus, but I've not been posting for a while due to being painfully severed from my internet connection for a while after a terminal hard drive failure coupled with extreme lack of cash. Somehow this place lends itself to obsession or abstinence and little inbetween. Am planning on coming back with a whole bunch of threads in the next few days if the weekend doesn't kill too much brain-stem function...
Saint Keggers
02:04 / 23.04.04
ephemerat! I remember you! How ya been! Ah the good ol days of the Nexus...
02:06 / 23.04.04
Gah! You oldies.
Saint Keggers
02:07 / 23.04.04
Dont make me hit you with my walker you dang nabbit whippersnapper!
02:08 / 23.04.04
I'm telling my mum you tried to touch me.
02:09 / 23.04.04
I recently watched Spaced on DVD at a mate's house, having missed it first time round, and it is indeed v good.

However, series 2 isn't half as funny as 1, and the visual composition thing isn't as interesting either. Much more "standard sitcom".
02:10 / 23.04.04
hah, I am, like, one member number older than Stoatie

hahahaha I own you
02:11 / 23.04.04
Hi, Stoatie! How are you on this fine, fine evening? Working?

I'm currently attempting to remain as quiet as possible so as not to disturb my housemate...

Who has just woken up. Arse.

It probably hasn't helped that a certain girl who already has a guy has been calling and texting me. Usually, when I've popped to the loo so that I have to barrel my way across the landing in attempt to silence the klaxon of my ring-tone... And I've never been known for my cat-like agility.
02:14 / 23.04.04
Yeah, I'm working again.

Damn. Am I really fridge's bitch? That would suck.
Saint Keggers
02:15 / 23.04.04
I'm telling my mum you tried to touch me.

Oh Stoatie! Who do you think suggested it?
02:15 / 23.04.04
Cass- why not take your phone with you?
02:15 / 23.04.04
Saint Keggers
02:16 / 23.04.04
Tequila, OJ and Worchestershire sauce...quite the interesting combination.
02:17 / 23.04.04
I believe the sucking would be entirely your responsibility.

So, should I change my name back to ephemerat and stop having to explain who the fuck I am to anyone I meet who posts on Barbelith, or should I carve out a bright new opus under the name, Cass, y'know, the one that I go by in Real Life.
02:18 / 23.04.04
It's great being my bitch. Ask anyone. There's insurance and a health plan and everything.

I'd leave the worcestershire sauce out of that one, I have to say.

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