1. Is there an acknowledged definitive take on her? Or at least some touchstones?
For me, her first appearances in the Golden Age, written by W. M. Marston. Doesn't have a great deal of connection to subsequent takes on the character, but I know the JLU creators were particularly inspired by her Golden Age incarnation. (In fact, they were going to make her even more in line with her original portrayal, but the producers nixed the idea.)
2. Has there ever been a true, no gimmick win, all-out brawl between her and Superman? Where does she rate?
In the Silver and Bronze Age, I believe they were almost perfectly matched--when she had superpowers at all, anyway.
Post-Crisis, I don't think they've ever had a really fair fight. She's fought Superman when he was mind-controlled a few times--generally they more or less break even, with the understanding that he's significantly more powerful but her superior fighting skills let her hang in there. In such fights, Superman obviously isn't at his best mentally, but she's not trying to kill him, either, so it's a mutual handicap.
Superman's also pretty handily smacked her down a few times, but that tends to be written by, for instance, Loeb, so I wouldn't call it a "no gimmick win."
Given her magical items and apparent power levels in her JLA appearances, there's no particular reason she shouldn't be able to score a solid win against Superman occasionally, but...he's Superman, and he has superior icon-power on his side. |