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The Late Shift 3/8- The Quest for Perfect Toast


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Jack The Bodiless
03:50 / 10.04.04
Alas, I cannot give Cass the kiss that you wish of me. I'll leave that for you to do next time you see him, yah?
Goodness Gracious Meme
03:51 / 10.04.04
Sounds wicked, let me know...
04:05 / 10.04.04
Yeah, I'd be up for that.
23:11 / 10.04.04
Another Saturday night, and I ain't got no to-oast...

anyone up?
23:19 / 10.04.04
But of course...
23:24 / 10.04.04
Of course of course. How's your evening going, monsieur le stoat?
23:28 / 10.04.04
Not bad... it's Easter Sunday so there's not much news. Hopefully that means I can finish work early this morning.
Tryphena Absent
23:46 / 10.04.04
Me n' Flyboy are waiting for 2 Fast 2 Furious to start on cable so now I'm typing and laughing at Fly who is so ignorant about DVDs. He was all like 'oh no I've lost my space' and I was all like 'hello! Scene selection! Duh!'
23:56 / 10.04.04
I don't understand. Where are there two shift threads? Why is there a blister on my finger so I can't type? Why does Anna de hate me? Why did I have to get rid of the description "cunt-out iconoclasts" from my history essay?
Tryphena Absent
00:11 / 11.04.04
We-ell, I hate you because you can't tap dance, I'm sorry but it's just such a huge flaw.
00:16 / 11.04.04
Incidently, I'm sorry I won't be able to make it to Fly's birthday. On current form, I bet I won't be at whatever party Jack has whenever he has it.

I have to stop being on this island and ergo so fucking annoying and whinny all the time.

Who wants to talk about something fun and them-centric?
Tryphena Absent
00:37 / 11.04.04
He's crying now!

2 Fast 2 Furious is fucking amazing- so damn misogynistic and Devon is soooooo wooden. Best Film Ever.

I'm turning this machine off, night all. _pin, you're rockin' even if you can't come to Fly's birthday not-sing-along! Mwah darlink.
00:41 / 11.04.04
00:42 / 11.04.04
2 Fast's great, isn't it? It's like if Miami Vice were somehow injected with Miami Vice...

Thank you very much, by the way. Good nite all.
00:51 / 11.04.04
There are two shift threads because I'm a creature of habit/tradition and prefer to stick with the late shift, and not just cause I started this one. Sorry if I'm confusing people.

I don't really like Easter very much, I don't know why.
00:54 / 11.04.04
I think the other thread's some sort of vain attempt to play down what couldbecome some very amusing rivalry between late/early shifts. We could have fights and everything.

I'm none to bothered about Easter itself- but the way it impacts on my workload is a joy.
01:01 / 11.04.04
I'm here, just waiting for my girl to settle down so that I can put out the easter basket. not that she's actually believed in an easter bunny for quite some time, it's just a habit we're in, a tradition. you know, the sort of tradition where I get to be sneaky. getting a bit too old for it, though, even if she's not.
Char Aina
02:51 / 11.04.04
i personally thin kids suss well earlier than they let on about tooth fairies and santa clauses. my wee cousin would always swear blind she believed... but i could tell.

i'm with her; its a gravy train, and i wouldnt want it to end either.
03:29 / 11.04.04
Ah, I've figured it out. Easter's secular side was just like Halloween, but with fussy dresses instead of fun costumes. And there was being made to go to church too, which is not fun on a serious sugar buzz. Not that it much matters at my age, I guess. I'll just sweep into the food stores on Monday and buy sale candy in pastel wrappers.
21:33 / 11.04.04
Anyone about? How was Easter?
21:41 / 11.04.04
Am I ever anywhere else? Easter was fine, a dull day.
21:41 / 11.04.04
And yours?
21:43 / 11.04.04
I was asleep for most of it. Ah well, one more night and then I've got a week off!
21:45 / 11.04.04
I have to go back to school on Tuesday, which means I have to get cracking on all those many projects I was supposed to be working on over break. Bleh. There's only like a month left to the majority of my degree, I have to not screw up now!
21:56 / 11.04.04
What are you studying, Maz?
Bed Head
22:26 / 11.04.04
Oh, kill me now. I’m appreciating Ken Clarke’s bonhomie. As I type, he’s on the radio presenting a programme about Bessie Smith, and it’s really great. Although tbh that’s got more to do with Bessie than with Ken.
22:28 / 11.04.04
I don't get it; why was I supposed to have any kind of easter? It's not exactly Christmas, is it? It's pretty heavily not festive...
Tryphena Absent
22:36 / 11.04.04
A chocolate egg gorgefest!
Goodness Gracious Meme
22:46 / 11.04.04
where's the Bessie smith thing, BH?

how's everyone?
Tryphena Absent
23:01 / 11.04.04
good, good, and you?
Saint Keggers
23:03 / 11.04.04
Could be better and you?
Bed Head
23:08 / 11.04.04
Oh, you’re about 15 minutes too late, Ms Platforms. Radio 4, natch. Although the website says you can listen again to the latest programme here. Apparently. Isn’t modern life sometimes just too effortless to be properly futuristic? When I were a lad if you wanted to listen to a radio programme again, you had to get in a faster-than-light spaceship and overtake the radiowaves as they sped past Jupiter.

Er, anyway. If you’ve already got the records, you’re probably better off digging those out so you don’t have to listen to wheezy Ken and Jelly Melly blathering on between the tunes.

And I'm fine, too. Full of soup.
Bed Head
23:10 / 11.04.04
Oh, I see you’re not fine. What’s up Keggers?
Saint Keggers
23:11 / 11.04.04
Oh just one of those days, I guess.
Bed Head
23:14 / 11.04.04
Didn’t you get chocolate today? Jesus died so you could have chocolate on Sunday, man! You can have mine if you want. I’m on a diet.

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