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The Late Shift 3/8- The Quest for Perfect Toast


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22:54 / 08.04.04
Wall Street Journal. It sucks. Lloyd's List also sucks, but I can't understand a word of it, so I'm not quite sure how badly.
23:43 / 08.04.04
My hair's brown naturally, but it's been a damn long time since anyone's seen that. I dye it red. Blue is about the only color it's never been, other than pink and purple.
23:46 / 08.04.04
Blue's always difficult to do right, though- it always fucks up.
I might have to go back to my pink/white striped Bagpuss hair again, soon. It feels like the time.
00:23 / 09.04.04
I wish I could do pink hair, out of sheer anime geekdom. I give you Utena Tenjou:

Unfortunately, pink really fights with my skintone, so no dice. Blue seems to fade faster than other colors, doesn't it? Same with purple.
00:23 / 09.04.04
How did you engineer the stripes, Stoatie?
00:24 / 09.04.04
You'd have to ask lilly... she was the one who actually did it for me. It took a while, though.
03:35 / 09.04.04
Darn it all, this does not fit anyone's description of bright auburn blonde. Curse you, Garnier, you tricked me again!
19:06 / 09.04.04
Hello? Any survivors? Im making toast.
Mourne Kransky
19:25 / 09.04.04
Mmmm, toast. I have samosas. They'll have to do in the absence of toastable bread.

The big excitement here on Good Friday evening is that the last downlighter in the bathroom just blew and we haven't any ladder to reach up and replace it. So, stumbling around in the dimness to use the facilities. Ganesh having a bath with forty candles flickering. Must be working as he's managing to read the Guardian's Moz supplement. All very gothy and atmospheric.

Think I may reverse my decision to give my liver a night off and go open some cheapo vino alcoholissimo.
Mourne Kransky
19:32 / 09.04.04
And Stoatie's Bagpuss hair was the best thing since the last legendary pink and white stripey brilliance.
19:36 / 09.04.04
I reversed that decision hours ago. It feel great.
19:37 / 09.04.04
Feels great, that is.
Mourne Kransky
19:41 / 09.04.04
The local supermarket was obviously feeling charitable today, being a religious holiday and all, and positiviely giving Ruby Cabernet away at £2.99 a bottle.

And I have searched and found some stale bread to toast! It is brown wholemeal, not therefore the best for toasting, but better than reading about virtual toast and having real pangs.

There is mature cheddar too. Hooray! Good job there are functioning overhead lights in the kitchen.
19:46 / 09.04.04
Toast and beer, spectacular. And I have, in my very hands, some authentic toast bread..! What a night..
19:50 / 09.04.04
No wine or toast here, just green apple soda.
19:52 / 09.04.04
Is it any good then? Four beers left. Damn, I need a refill.
20:06 / 09.04.04
It's delicious, I think.
20:07 / 09.04.04
Great. Well, Im moving on upstairs where one is allowed to have a fag.. And some anime. Have a good one all.
Mourne Kransky
20:30 / 09.04.04
Mazarine, you know the rules are that never we twain shall meet on the Late Shift! Astral bodies may stumble and ricochet off one another, the Earth may reverse its polarity, penguins might arm and take over the warm parts of the planet too... And all because of us. Or maybe not. [Joey Trebbiani]How you doin?[/Joey]
Tryphena Absent
20:54 / 09.04.04
Hello there dancing penguin-people.
Mourne Kransky
21:10 / 09.04.04
zdrastvoyte tovarishch!

Sensibly shod? Toast on your mind?
21:16 / 09.04.04
I'm thinking of toast, but wearing para boots.
Mourne Kransky
21:38 / 09.04.04
I seem to be scaring everyone away. Even in your para boots, you're far cuddlier than I, stoatie.

I hate being in on a Friday night. If you come to Barbelith, you realise the whole world is out having fun except you. And stoatie's at work.

Nothing for it but more West Wing. Alternative universe wish fulfilment fantasy. Perfect for the wee small hours.
Tryphena Absent
21:49 / 09.04.04
Yes, I too feel sad.
Mourne Kransky
21:54 / 09.04.04
What I need right now (apart from the rent boy/s and the silver ewer full of cocaine) is a good disaster movie. Nothing makes me feel more cheery than watching a volcano explode or a tidal wave engulf a major inhabited area. With hackneyed plot and lead characters. No surprises, just a perfectly predictable catastrophefest. Like hobbits would watch, if they had tv.
22:06 / 09.04.04
I'll stick to the third man thanks...
Tryphena Absent
22:10 / 09.04.04
I need a film with a major song and dance number. Or Pirates of the Carribbean but I seem to have misplaced it!
22:18 / 09.04.04
Bah, had to run to FedEx, because I happened to be asleep when they tried to deliver my fiance's package. Darn it. I hate FedEx.

Xoc, it looks like this is some sort of great astral convergence.
Mourne Kransky
22:18 / 09.04.04
Mr Depp is the cure for all ills, sure 'nuff.

I think I may have to crawl to bed. I am not the man I was, yesterday. Ah, whole glass left in that bottle of red. Will slurp my way to unintelligibility first. Hey that's a good word. I have never used that word before. Maybe I just made it up. Hard to spell with all those similar little syllables piled up together.
22:25 / 09.04.04
Slurping red wine into sleepfulness is a good way to spend a good friday...
Mourne Kransky
22:31 / 09.04.04
Oops, there goes another useful collection of irreplaceable brain cells. You know, if I hadn't been such a lush I would be so much smarter than I am. I could be the thinking poof's Carol Vorderman. I could be building a particle accelerator right now in the bedroom. That would surprise the sleeping Ganesh quite a bit. I could have been Stephen Hawking, without the wheels. Darn. *hic*

Hi Maz! *falls into a stupor*
22:34 / 09.04.04
But... but without the wheels, where would the fun be in being Stephen Hawking?

Stevie's all about the wheels, dude.
22:35 / 09.04.04
Got any perfect toast yet?
Mourne Kransky
22:48 / 09.04.04
Last spring I was sitting by a canal in Amsterdam, drifting off on a cloud of ferocious grass, when I saw Stephen Hawking being pushed past me in his chair. I was torn between the thought that I'd overdone it a bit, had begun hallucinating, and the desire to turf him out of the chair and have a go at a few wheelies.

Wouldn't think Amsterdam would be the most disabled friendly place, with all those tight, narrow little houses and killer stairs. I'm sure he went on to enjoy the Red Light District though. Should have offered him a spliff really. We could have had great chats about the meaning of life, although I'd not have understood a word.
Bed Head
23:09 / 09.04.04
Don’t all canalside houses in Amsterdam come with those winch-contraptions as standard? I’m sure The Hawk gets himself winched to the first floor, while the rest of his entourage of lickspittles and lackeys have to wiggle their arses up the stairs. He’s pretty clever.

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