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Lateshift XIV: The Search For Pie


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Ethan Hawke
22:49 / 02.04.04
Really, Maz? For some reason, and don't be offended by this, I pictured you living out in the middle of a field in a farmhouse-like structure, possibly a farmhouse, with only gaslights for illumination. I have to idea why I pictured this. You're wearing a a bonnet in the picture, as well. Maybe this is how I think people "upstate" live.

Kitties! I want a kitty. In addition to cake, cigarettes and beer. My ex has the best kittie ever, and I'm ever so jealous. My apartment is far too small for a kitty, though. And cluttered.
22:51 / 02.04.04
I think that pirate cake would be better. I am a ninja, one of the few who seems to lateshift, and I must confess that I think ninja cake would be bland. Pirate cake would be scarfed down in a disgusting and speedy fashion, and you'd wake up with the worst stomach ache of your entire life, but it would have been delicious. You'd tell yourself you'd never do such a horrible thing ever again, until the memory of the stomach ache faded, and temptation would once more rise.

Ninja cake would be excessively mild, and you would have to eat it in very slim slices, ritually cut. I think the cake itself would probably not be poisoned, but the tea that ritual requires it to be eaten with would either knock one out cold or kill a person.
22:56 / 02.04.04
Sleaze: yeah, but that was suit-formal (for me, anyway) as opposed to skirt-and-trimmings-formal.
Goodness Gracious Meme
22:56 / 02.04.04
Rah for full Schottish dressh.

We really ought to have a proper Barbelith Duckie night out. Maybe when we 'housewarm' our new flat...

I haven't been to duckie for a few months, but could certainly do with a return trip. barbequeersdaytrip sounds good to me.

Oh, and damn you Todd. Now I want beer.
22:58 / 02.04.04
Upstate living, at least in the greater Albany area, is much like average suburban living. But a few people in my apartment complex and at school do have car alarms, and they must be hollered at when they leave them squealing.

I look ludicrous in a bonnet, but really few don't.
23:00 / 02.04.04
Our new flat (should we get it - the English property market being the piratical gazumpfest it is) should be grrreat for entertaining - and supremely child-unfriendly, having open stairwells and sheer drops everywhere. I've warned my sister she can't visit with the nephew until he's at least eight or nine...

A Barbequeer (or, this being Duckie, post-queer) night would be the bee's bollocks. Have to give it some serious thought.
Goodness Gracious Meme
23:02 / 02.04.04
*touches wood*

The car(alarm) in my street that used to go off 3 late nights a week at least has gone. Weeeeeeee
23:03 / 02.04.04
Alcohol. Hmmm. This being one of the few nights recently I'm not on-call (been doing looads of extra stuff to make the payslips look extra-spendy for mortgage purposes), I've been taking the opportunity to get welllll-oiled. Xoc having gone to bed, I'm having a My Music Moment, drinking the wine box dry, and starting to eye the Veuve Clicquot chilling in the 'fridge...
23:05 / 02.04.04
Ninja cake should have shuriken inside it. Possibly made of chocolate and not at all sharp, for those of squeamish disposition (me then).

Todd I shall make you jealous - I live in a shared house and we still have a cat. She's mad, but lovely. What you expect from a cat really, well those two criteria and expecting to be mewed at for food the whole time.
Goodness Gracious Meme
23:07 / 02.04.04
fab, nesh, would be v.good to see you at some point. been faaar too long.

We may have to sing Smiths songs, to maintain tradition.

Barby-posty-queery night?

Mind you, you called really call yrselves soft southern poofs until you've been to The Gay Capital Of The Uk(tm)...
23:07 / 02.04.04
Incidentally, we decided Xoc's (Kylie-inspired) striped matelot top was Brigitte Barrrrrrdot chic.
Ethan Hawke
23:08 / 02.04.04
I'm drinking tea instead of beer, because if I drink beer I will end up buying cigarettes and smoking, and I'm trying to go a week or so without doing so.

Of course, I'm supposed to go to a bar later, so that resolution is probably completely inoperable.
23:09 / 02.04.04
Hey, we're hard Northern poofs! We only live in London's Gay Village (tm) in order to scoff at the namby-pamby southerners. But yes, we will have to visit the home of La Burchill at some point...
Goodness Gracious Meme
23:11 / 02.04.04

and damn you and yr champers. though I did manage to go out drinking tonight and 'accidentally' get mixed up with a champers-laden launch party.


VC good. Prefer Moet, moiself
23:11 / 02.04.04
Oh well. Good luck anyway with the not-smoking thing. Take something else to play with?

I shall mourn the day my last friend gives up cigarettes. I don't enjoy smoking them myself but I love watching the little glow and the smoke. Oh! I love watching cigarette smoke. So beautifully chaotic.
Goodness Gracious Meme
23:14 / 02.04.04
am struggling to correlate 'hard northern poof' and 'brigitte bardot look'

And resist the urge, Todd. I managed this evening despite having sudden real strong 'must smoke' pangs. Prolly as with two people smoking my favourite rolling baccy.

But I resisted. yay me.
Ethan Hawke
23:15 / 02.04.04
I was smoking before I got on the subway this morning, and as I exhaled my last puff, a gust of wind swept over the building I was standing in front of, pressing the cloud down and out, so it looked like a wave breaking on the shore. It was really precious.
23:15 / 02.04.04
Hmm, dunno. I find Moet a little too dry. Clicquot's just sweet and toasty enough for me.

Think I should manage to resist opening the last bottle and drinking it all myself (which seems a bit sad) if I squeeze another glass of wine out of the polybag thing. So I have done.

Having a bit of a drunken Belle and Sebastian thang...
Goodness Gracious Meme
23:18 / 02.04.04
quel album? haven't heard the most recent one...

have been having a big old pulp resurgence this end. Provoked, I suspect, by Flowers giving me a couple of videos.

On vague tangent, have you seen the PSB's on their latest publicity blitz. Looking damn good for their age. Alot of Clinique and clenching over the years, methinks.

Todd: cig smoke can look really beautiful. Spliffs too, have a lovely photo of a mate, semi visible through drifting smoke, with light hitting and illuminating it. Lovely.
23:18 / 02.04.04
am struggling to correlate 'hard northern poof' and 'brigitte bardot look'

It is somewhat dissonant, but Xoc somehow carried it off. Think 'Brigitte Hardot'.

I went for the ever-reliable kilt-and-Fred-Perry look, which attracts alllll the vaguely fetishy skinheady types...
Goodness Gracious Meme
23:20 / 02.04.04
oh, and conversely, I find VC a little sweet. Not that I'm likely to refuse it, you understand.
23:21 / 02.04.04
Dear Catastrophe Waitress. Was on the iPod for Thailand/Cambodia, and feels like an old friend. Particularly like the title track, 'Piazza New York Catcher', 'Lord Anthony' (bit tranny) and 'If You Find Yourself Caught In Love'.

PSBs: yep. Just bought 'Flamboyant', which sounds oddly early-PSBs. Don't like Chris Lowe's mullet at all; apart from that, yes, they're bearing up well.
Goodness Gracious Meme
23:23 / 02.04.04
ever-reliable kilt-and-Fred-Perry look

mmmm. slinky. a good look.

saw at a club t'other night in full formal scots dress with black 'n purple tartan. Do i have it right, that's the SMGays tartan?
23:24 / 02.04.04
SM Gays is black and cobalt blue (surprise). Dunno what black and purple means...
Spatula Clarke
23:25 / 02.04.04
I hope you're wearing an oversized jumper and reminiscing with Xoc about being made to do cross country runs when all you really wanted was to read French poetry. It's the B&S thang, dontchaknow.
Goodness Gracious Meme
23:27 / 02.04.04
shoulda known.

so what do f sm gays wear? a neckerchief
Goodness Gracious Meme
23:28 / 02.04.04
crikey, just like ole times this. Where's yawn when you need him?
23:31 / 02.04.04
As a poof, E Randy, that stuff is taken as read. It's part of the job description.

Drunkenly revisiting Storytelling now: I always like the juxtaposition of the 'Mandingo Cliche' dialogue and subsequent (too short) 'Scooby Driver' thang.
Bed Head
23:32 / 02.04.04
I’m not really here. Don’t want to intrude on this gathering of old-timers. But I just had to shoehorn in another mention of Pulp. Coincidence, y’see. Been having a Pulp nostalgia day myself, since every other news bulletin on the radio has been droning on about bloody Glastonbury tickets going on sale and selling out straightaway - not that I could ever afford them, anyway. Still, I took that as my cue to get all dewy-eyed and nostalgic for the crowning moment of Pulphood and official Greatest Gig by Anyone, Ever, all those years ago. Lovely.
23:32 / 02.04.04
There are no f SM gays. Kinsey said so, so it must be true.
23:33 / 02.04.04
BiP, whatever happened to that friend of yours, Pulp's (Physically) Biggest Fan?
Goodness Gracious Meme
23:35 / 02.04.04
heh. don' worry about it, we oldtimers can't see so good anyway. and we've all got alzheimers anyway, so we probably all think yr Yawn.

Were you at *the* pulp glasto? where they replaced the Roses? Woweeee. Jealousy, it's about the only time i didn't get to see 'em that I wish I had done. Big fan over here.
Spatula Clarke
23:36 / 02.04.04
Oo. I haven't got that. I sort of lost interest after being a bit disappointed by Fold Your Hands..., then heard I'm a Cuckoo and forgave them everything. Is it any good?
Goodness Gracious Meme
23:38 / 02.04.04
oh, and as a newly-instated 2nd most important member of Barbelith, anyone who talks about pulp approvingly is hereby better than everyone else.
23:39 / 02.04.04
Yes, it's A Return To Form. As they say. Worth it for the Tom & Jerry effects in 'Dear Catastrophe Waitress' ("I'm sorry that he hit you with a full can of Coke, it's no... joke").

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