Actually, he means "I clearly do not know one end of a computer from another, and should not be allowed near one. And if ever you happen to have a grand or so lying around, do not under any circumstances ask me which laptop to buy. I will recommend a supplier which will promptly go bust, leaving you with a machine with a dodgy graphics card and no means whatsoever to fix it".
It seems some workmen are going to be bringing around a welsh dresser tomorrow. My landlords occasionally do this - phone up and say "this is going to happen tomorrow", and then have to be talked down. It's endearing in a very specific sense. Apallingly, I'm a bit tense about having people wandering around the flat without my being there, so may try to get back from work early. Have spent the evening creating a space for it, so my bedroom is groaning under about 300 extra books and as many CDs - it looks like a lumber room and I am am going to find it very depressing until everything is sorted out. |