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Barbecrush 2004


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No star here laces
07:01 / 13.02.04
Dunno if Eppy stayed around cos I aint been reading much lately, but crush hir just for that one headshop post...
Jack Denfeld
08:43 / 13.02.04
No one has a crush on me? I was Jack Denfeld ya know! It's still me! You can have a crush on me. It's ok.
Cat Chant
08:54 / 13.02.04
I remain a theorysexual and consequently crush Ex, Mister Disco, and kind of Crunchy, but only kind of because I can't work out how much of that one is fear.
09:05 / 13.02.04
'salright, Monsieur Robot. Nobody ever crushes me either. How's'about if I crush you, then you crush me in return?

In a very hetero, macho, big lads arm-punching sort of way, of course.

With maybe the odd bit of fisting.
Jack Denfeld
09:21 / 13.02.04
I'm not a playa, I just crush a lot.
09:25 / 13.02.04
I crush both of you then. Between my very hetreo thews of steel.
Ninjas make great pets
10:35 / 13.02.04
Rainy day in Soho..

Crush crush!
11:18 / 13.02.04
...and so I went and looked and now I have a crush on prayingmantis too...
Matthew Fluxington
11:39 / 13.02.04
Eppy's posted here maybe four or five times tops, but those posts were all so good that yeah, he does count for a lot. If you want more, his blog is right here.

Suede rules. I love his enthusiasm.
Gypsy Lantern
11:54 / 13.02.04
Gypsy, you know I mean it in a manly "boxing at 4AM" kind of way. And can I just state for the record that fist fighting at 4am is a perfectly reasonable thing to do and has no homosexual connotations whatsoever.

Of course. Next you'll be suggesting that there' s something gay about my obsession with mexican masked wrestling.
12:04 / 13.02.04
Of course. Next you'll be suggesting that there' s something gay about my obsession with mexican masked wrestling.

< drag queen >

if there's something gay about luchadors, well, then Viva La Raza! baby... *snaps*

< /drag queen >
14:49 / 13.02.04
If wrestling isn't as gay as gay can be, then it should be.

Manly homosexual wrestling crushes go to Puck V1 who must be up to at least v2 [liver & kidneys] by now, Gingerbop and Mr Swish of course. I'll try to get a Potguns crush in there as well but, given that it's become a three on one thing, I think I'll have to tag out...
14:58 / 13.02.04
If wrestling isn't as gay as gay can be, then it should be.

there used to be an indie wrestling organization in San Francisco called the ISW (Incredibly Strange Wrestling). it was a sort of pro-queer, punk rock, over-the-top kitsch quasi-parody thing, kind of like ECW goes Rocky Horror. there was a gay tag team called El Homo Loco and The Cruiser. unlike gay characters in traditional wrestling organizations, they were babyfaces (good guys). i believe El Homo Loco wore a luchador mask. sadly, i never got to see any of their shows.
15:25 / 13.02.04
and swish, who just please me in a way that shouldnt be talked about

so obviously making a side comment to it is the way forward then. Honestly don't they teach tack to your youngsters these days.

Crushes on my brumalith brothers Mix, Puck, Pots, Y(labels be damned I'm not a slag I'm just ever loving to my fellows), honoury members Rollo, Harmony and Anna De.

And of course as an old-school member of the board throw in Fly, Sleaze, Haus (although I may of mentioned my fear of the man before) and Ganesh. God bless all who sail in them.
17:02 / 13.02.04
as ever, I have a big crush on applepicker, who consistently proves herself to be smart, cool, and kind. also terribly, terribly cute.

brand spanking new crushes are olulabelle, who seems very similar to me in all the good ways, none of the bad. anna de logardiere, for being fabulous. toksik, because, and I have to be honest here, I think he's hot. persephone, who seems to have it all together.

the entire NY crew, including those of you who don't live in NY, because you're all always good for a laugh - thanks for that.
17:04 / 13.02.04
oh god. I know I'm forgetting someone crucial who I love with all of my lusting heart and fear to scorn by omission. I love and am tormented by these threads.
gotham island fae
17:06 / 13.02.04
If I crush you, will you crush me back, bk?
17:08 / 13.02.04
it would be my pleasure, fae dear.
gotham island fae
17:29 / 13.02.04

bitchiekittie is my Barbe-crush! Cuz she's funny and sexy and caring and no-nonsense and motherly and ass-kickin' and lovely and perfect and flawed and human!

There are of course so many others that I have refrained from posting them all. Some other immediate LUVz: May Tricks, Xoc, Jack Fear (the more he mocks me, the more I LUV him!) and the inimitable gingerbop. Flyboy and Bio-K9 are those bad-boys that I'm afraid to mention my affection for in fear of them putting cigarettes out on my head behind the gym at recess.

And of course, when all is said and done,!! I LUV you ALL !!!
The Apple-Picker
19:07 / 13.02.04

I crush bitchie kittie and not just because I can count on her to have crushes on me, but it would be a lie if I didn't admit that I like that a lot.

I crush her because I can count on her for a whole hunk of things.

And I crush bunches of you others, too, but I like to pretend that I have a little mystery.
gotham island fae
00:21 / 14.02.04
And back in the shadows of the gutter behind Flyboy and Bio-K9 is Mordant. Tossin' em cigs.

BiP's gone off to college and doesn't hangout around the playground so much anymore. But I still think of her fondly.

toxik IS HOT! Egodz, Yes! The NU boyz are cute, but I'm not attached to any of them as I am MIKE.

And if I haven't ever mentioned it, Jade, you are the Beez Kneez.


[EEEEE! My Barbe's not gone! EEEEE!]
Murray Hamhandler
22:09 / 14.02.04
Hardcore crushes on all those in my 'Lith/LJ nexus. You know who you are and I want to pinch all of your cheeks. Yes, all of them.
Goodness Gracious Meme
00:35 / 15.02.04
I'm crushing Gypsy Lantern for his comments on the Weed/Paranoia thread. Which make him officially Best Thing Ever.
Tryphena Absent
18:07 / 17.02.04
I'm crushing Deva and Ex purely for their words in this thread and also Suedehead because my sweet, you make me weep joycore from my blue, blue eyes.
19:38 / 18.02.04
Dharmakaya Mass, um... do I know you?

Sorry, myth8ngel. Didn't mean to sound all supercreep there. Just thought your picture was keen.
22:35 / 25.02.04
I barbecrush Mixmage in Wizard of Oz fashion:

Because because because because because,
Because of the wonderful things he does.
Baz Auckland
03:26 / 26.02.04
I'm crushing May Tricks (sniff)....
Saint Keggers
14:54 / 26.02.04
Ditto, Baz, ditto.
Solitaire Rose as Tom Servo
00:50 / 27.02.04
I crush on Bitchiekittie, gingerbop and everyone in the comics forum...

But most of all Bear in a totally manly, non-gay way since we both have a deep abiding love of wrasslin.

At least I think it's a non-gay way. I'll have to check.
02:29 / 27.02.04
Does it cancel out Barbeslagism if you're crushed by more than 3 people? If so, I've still got a couple credit tokens up for grabs
14:32 / 05.03.04
qalyn, cos smart is sexy and height doesn't matter on the intrawebnet. (wink)
dizfactor, cos of those eyes and the sweet supportive PMs.
15:39 / 05.03.04
I adore all the Lateshifters, of course.

But a big consumptive Victorian style pining Barbecrush to Rothkoid, who I miss so, and also to Xoc, who I am ever destined to pass in the doorway, it seems. *Le sigh*
15:41 / 05.03.04
i miss rothkoid too.
8===>Q: alyn
15:52 / 05.03.04
What's this intrawebnet bullshit? I'm coming over! I'll wear lifts in my shoes if I have to.

Does this mean I have to play Barbecrush? I haven't been around much lately and, you know, outta sight outta mind. I crush the entire Boston-Atlanta axis and sections of the Heartland. Now get yo ass in this tub.
Nobody's girl
14:18 / 07.03.04
So, I'm new to this, but I totally barbecrush Jack Frost. He's a total psycho

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