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Barbecrush 2004


Page: 1234(5)

Benny the Ball
22:03 / 19.11.04
Jester. It's the mask/frekles eyes combo.
Sean the frumious Bandersnatch
19:49 / 04.12.04
Okay, I have two. First is olulabelle. She posted a link to her weblog not long ago, and it showed that she is indeed a very pretty person. But the real reason is that, in the lateshift thread, she revealed that she's working on the Stonehenge Project Team, which I think is massively cool.

Barbecrush number two is the Fool, for his(?) pictographs. We should all send him barrels and barrels full of money.
18:19 / 16.12.04
2004 is almost over! Last chance for new Barbecrushes!

I Barbecrush Bed Head for his artistic prowess, Mordant for her utter coolness, Lepidopteran for being a sweetheart, Meludreen for fitting in more smoothly than any newbie ever, and Gypsy Lantern for always being right, dammit.

And alas and nightclub dwight, just cuz.
18:27 / 16.12.04
(*slaps forehead*)

And BarbeLillith. Duh.

(Oops. That's eight. I'm officially a barbeslag now.)
19:53 / 16.12.04
Kizzles and huggles for you Sekhmet.

Don't be shy, join the barbeslag club. Now, I shall crush you back.

Also updating my list to add, Alas, Sally Dammerung, Bitter Suite, Nightclub Dwight, Bearo and Goodness Gracious Meme.

I am crushing your head!...oops, wrong crush-thingy!
21:45 / 16.12.04
Meludreen for fitting in more smoothly than any newbie ever

You haven't done so bad yourself! I'm gonna barbecrush you and Meludreen for being so cool.
01:12 / 17.12.04
Meludreen for the dreamwork posts in Temple right about now.
01:19 / 17.12.04
Yes, those posts are amazing.

I also Barbecrush Sally Dammerung for being a kickass ninja sister.
02:33 / 17.12.04
Barbecrushes, huh?

Well, first and foremost I have two years worth of barbecrushes saved up for my Halloween-thread crew, for being so damn spooky. Particularly squishy barbecrushes on Sekhmet, for taking a leap of faith and then following through by being really cool, and Seamus (it's really not just the glasses, I swear) for reminding me how much energy and enthusiasm I had back when I was spending overnights in the lab. And for knowing who Gogol Bordello is without me having to tell him. Plus, I hear he's a redhead...

I don't think I'm out of line for barbecrushing on Gypsy Lantern, since probably at least every third post he makes in the Temple comes as a well-aimed kick in the ass when I really need it (even, or especially, when the post has nothing to do with me personally). I wouldn't say I have a crush on Haus, exactly - I just hang on his every word. :| Nope, definitely not crushing on Haus. :|

I'm going to exempt those 'lithers I knew previous to the 'lith from barbecrushes. Y'all have IRL crushes to deal with, and you know who you are.

And for everyone who has ever PM'd me with help or information, unlooked for: not a crush, exactly, but thank you.

03:34 / 17.12.04
Oh, you guys with your lovely words make me blush. Big red Barbecrushes to Sekhmet, Vahku and entity. You guys made my day.

Hmm, who else?

Sax - Cause he's funny, and his Bash Street Kids antidote to the "Get over the invisibles" thread had me giggling for hours.
Mordant - Because she also consistently makes me laugh.
Gypsy - For the reasons mentioned above.
Stoatie - His ability to tie together a love of piracy and christmas makes me think of a big kid. A big drunk kid.
Ganesh and Xoc - because...

In fact you know what? Leaving people out makes me feel like a Barbastard. I crush you all. Never mind Barbeslag, I'll be Mastress of the Barbrothel.

(Oh, but does everybody have a Barbecrush on olulabelle? 'cause I know I do)
04:28 / 17.12.04

Thank you both! Your checks, or cheques, are in the mail.
04:37 / 17.12.04
"big drunk kid"... yeah, I think you've about got me nailed there! Thanks awfully!
Our Lady Has Left the Building
07:45 / 17.12.04
I'm Barbecrushing Nelson Evergreen. And everyone I met at that Art Installation thing on Brighton seafront earlier this year.
wembley can change in 28 days
10:47 / 17.12.04
Oh good, I saved my crushes until the end of the year.

Ganesh - who psychoanalysed me in three lines or less and who actually got me thinking about a thing or two, even if he was bored while doing it.

Stoatie - how does one go about not loving Stoatie?

One left. Two weeks to get lurve!
8===>Q: alyn
10:49 / 17.12.04
Oh, but does everybody have a Barbecrush on olulabelle? 'cause I know I do

I don't. I mean, she's perfectly nice and all.
11:17 / 17.12.04
Meludreen, that's the first time I've ever been Barbecrushed, ever, I think. Run away with me and we can dress up as the Bash Street Kids and live on a little island somewhere, drinking coconut milk and making comedy bras from the shells to while away the time.
12:23 / 17.12.04
(*Squeal! I got Barbecrushes! I am complete!*)

Actually, Sax, I should Barbecrush you too, for your eloquence in the Marriage thread, and other places. You've made me tear up a few times over your lovely writing.

And yes, everyone crushes oulabelle, and nobody doesn't love Stoatie.

Dammit, I Barbecrush everybody. I love this place...
12:47 / 17.12.04
... smoothly...


I find it hard to believe you've not been Barbecrushed before, Sax. In fact, I find it hard to believe that *I* haven't Barbecrushed you. Perhaps I've always just palmed you off with Barbequotes instead... But if I wanted to palm you off, I can't think why I didn't mention it here... Apologies.
14:57 / 17.12.04
I got crushed! Oh joy! I always crush Deva, and Stoatie of course, and Barbelillith and Sekhmet right back at you, and Ganesh, of course who wouldn't . . . And all the members of the Academy who had faith in my art, when no one else did. . .
15:00 / 17.12.04
And keggers, of course, for always being there on the night shift. It's like having a teddy bear who's there in your bed everynight when you get home, just where you left him...and, unlike your dog, you don't have to take him outside right away or walk him or feed him.
16:03 / 17.12.04
Most definately barbecrushing Ganesh and Stoatie. Who doesn't?

I am a bit sweet on Ender as well...the little scamp.
23:00 / 17.12.04
Whoah. I'm all crushed.
06:25 / 18.12.04
Too late Smoothly. Sax is mine!

I'm going to palm him off right now. Round the back of the bike sheds. For a 10p packet of salt and vinegar crisps.
13:01 / 18.12.04
Count me in as having a crush on alas.
14:57 / 18.12.04
Jesus. I crush all manner of people this year. Especially olulabelle, for the poem you sent me when my dog died... lilly and Tango Mango, for coming round to my house within seconds of hearing the sad news (at about seven in the fucking morning, no less) and bringing me a sunflower their daughter had grown at nursery school (and taking care of all the vet stuff for me)...(plus by extension everyone who helped me either online or in meatspace at the time)- Baz Auckland, for many things, especially sending me a lovely framed photo of Biscuits carrying a big stick in Abney Park, her favourite place in the world.
Hmm.. who else? Oh, the list is so long...
Although special crushing mention must definitely be made to Sally Dammerung, keggers and BarbeLillith, cos they're guaranteed lateshifters and as such are guaranteed (just wanted to see if I could spell it right twice) to cheer me up when I'm having the worst time at work, and convince me temporarily that I'm actually sat around shooting the shit with some friends... and that's like fucking gold dust, that is.
Benny the Ball
23:04 / 21.12.04
Copey & Stoatie, i like.

Keggers, because of a PM that told me that I had said something funny.

Sally Dammerang, Ginger Ninja - for calling me sugar.

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