Barbecrushes, huh?
Well, first and foremost I have two years worth of barbecrushes saved up for my Halloween-thread crew, for being so damn spooky. Particularly squishy barbecrushes on Sekhmet, for taking a leap of faith and then following through by being really cool, and Seamus (it's really not just the glasses, I swear) for reminding me how much energy and enthusiasm I had back when I was spending overnights in the lab. And for knowing who Gogol Bordello is without me having to tell him. Plus, I hear he's a redhead... 
I don't think I'm out of line for barbecrushing on Gypsy Lantern, since probably at least every third post he makes in the Temple comes as a well-aimed kick in the ass when I really need it (even, or especially, when the post has nothing to do with me personally). I wouldn't say I have a crush on Haus, exactly - I just hang on his every word. :| Nope, definitely not crushing on Haus. :|
I'm going to exempt those 'lithers I knew previous to the 'lith from barbecrushes. Y'all have IRL crushes to deal with, and you know who you are.
And for everyone who has ever PM'd me with help or information, unlooked for: not a crush, exactly, but thank you.
~L |