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Hitchhikers Film


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The Strobe
11:20 / 16.12.04
Doing without the second head is a pretty fundamental fuckup, if you ask me. Part of the characterisation of Zaphod is that you know, he's not just got one huge ego, he's got two. Hence the growing-the-extra-hand-just-for-you-baby gag.

Certainly given that Rockwell's head is in the center of the costume, I'm not sure they can realistically graft a second on.
11:37 / 16.12.04
Saw the teaser at the cinema the other night, quite short but people in the cinema seemed excited.
Keith, like a scientist
13:17 / 16.12.04
wow...if there is no second head...i dunno. that's Zaphod, baby!

I like Mos Def, but I'm still really weirded out by the idea that he is Ford...I was sort of seeing something like Jude Law in A.I. as Ford, that slick not quite human look he had going in that...

When I read the books, Ford always looked like Bill Pullman.
13:27 / 16.12.04
Well, in those pictures he has one shoulder that's clearly oversized, almost like a hunch. It seems a safe bet that that's where they'll be CGIing the extra head in.
14:32 / 16.12.04
Indeed, the notes at the bottom say "note his shoulder", although I couldn't really see what there was to note, I assumed it pointed to second head action and goodness. I hope it's a CG'd Rockwell a la Gollum.

These pictures excite me somewhat.
20:56 / 16.12.04
I imagine they'll be digitally spilcing Zaphod's other head on in a similar fashion to the way the conjoined twins in "Big Fish."

I can see Mos Def as Ford if he can pull of the unflappable freak that Ford requires. I always envisioned him as being played by Johnny Lydon, but I know that's just me.

All of tha casting looks pretty good so far. Except Marvin. I cast my vote for a tall, angular, pointy, hunched Marvin. Short, cute and round? Please.
The Strobe
22:03 / 16.12.04
No, Lekvar! The point of Marvin was that he *looked* like your plastic pal who's fun to be with, all cute and round, but he also had those dreadful pneumatic legs, and was entirely depressed. Plus, he has a brain the size of a planet. So in some ways, the point of Marvin is that whilst he looks all sweet and cuddly, he'll still be the morose, grumpy git he always was.
03:48 / 18.12.04
wow, Paleface, you actually just sold me on the cute looking version of Marvin. I guess there is some ironic honey to be found there.

man, I want to see this movie right now...
Elegant Mess
07:24 / 20.12.04
According to Rich Johnston in this week's Lying in the Gutters:

"I understand that in the movie, Zaphod's second head is inside his nostril. And this all ties in with the increased prominence of the Church Of Arkleseizure in the movie (a race with fifty noses, and the first to develop the aerosol deodorant before the wheel) and their leader John Malkovich, who also has a second head, and Zaphod's unwillingness to sneeze."

Interesting. Dunno how true it'll turn out to be, though...
09:57 / 20.12.04
As long as they're actually working from Douglas's script... I don't care.
Our Lady Has Left the Building
13:57 / 20.12.04
One of the few times they're in the position of being able to do a second head for Zaphod and do it well, they... don't. Huh.
Bed Head
20:55 / 05.01.05

Alan Rickman as the voice of Marvin, I hear. And, y’know, Zaphod is still stooping over to one side. I’m not yet discounting CGI second head, personally.

Marvin looks fucking ace though, eh?
Bed Head
23:25 / 05.01.05
Arse. That picture didn’t last very long.

I suppose that’s me writing “I shall never leech bandwidth ever again” a thousand times, then. Trust me, it looked lovely. Like Blakes 7 on glue.
Our Lady Has Left the Building
10:45 / 07.01.05
Rickman as Marvin, Bill Bailey as the Sperm Whale?
03:56 / 10.01.05
I find it fundamentally hilarious that the teaser trailer's SFx probably cost more than the entirety of those in the two-vid miniseries.

Or, more likely, someone whipped up the teaser trailer on their Mac and it cost twenty dollars and a ham and cheese hotpocket.
01:39 / 14.01.05
Dark Horizons has part one of an interview with director Garth Franklin about the movie. Interesting stuff if, like me, you have no idea who he is.
07:11 / 14.01.05
I very much enjoyed his Darkplace...
Jack Fear
10:30 / 14.01.05
I bet you say that to all the boys.
Scrambled Password Bogus Email
11:45 / 14.01.05
Muchos mention of Zaphod's second head test shots, so that's that pretty much laid to rest.

My only problem now is that the hype machine has ignition.
Scrambled Password Bogus Email
12:02 / 14.01.05
Ooh yeah, baby, 2 heads a go go

Down near the bottom of the page.
A Bigger Boat
17:45 / 14.01.05
To add an element of doubt back into the 'Two heads are better' debate, I seem to remember that in The Salmon of Doubt somewhere that Adams was using some ideas for a new Dirk Gently novel and suddenly realised that the material would be much better as a Hitchhikers story.

Well, from what little we have of 'Salmon' he does seem to be heading towards the idea of an alternate world accessed through the nasal passage of a rhino. This sounds VERY similar to the rumour some posts above of Zaphod's second head being inside one of his nostrils. In the interview linked to above the directors only say that they've got something up their sleeve for Zaphod's head... they don't confirm that it'll be sitting on his shoulder.

Just a thought.

P.S. I'm still in a 'Rockwell is Zaphod - YAY!' sort of mood. Every time i think about that piece of casting it puts a smile on my face.

P.P.S. my bet is that 'Wonderful World' in teaser trailer = 'Wonderful World' not in movie.

We also need thoughts on who will cameo as Gag Halfrunt. My thoughts: George Clooney (he seems to be doing this sort of stuff now: cameos in Spy Kids and Martini ads with his gf. Otherwise they might get Billy Connely. Who else could deliver the psychiatrist's famous one line? Let's get creative. Hell, let's start a Ganesh For Gag petition.
Our Lady Has Left the Building
12:10 / 15.01.05
Stephen Moore. As he's not doing the voice of Marvin they should give him his second most famous role from the show.
10:59 / 20.01.05
Aint it Cool has just confirmed Steven Fry as the Voice of the Guide.

Not since LOTR have I heard of such unrelenting genius in casting a novel-to-screen adaptation.
The Strobe
11:33 / 20.01.05
Hmn. I'm not sure that's so good, but that's because I'm hung up on Peter Jones. Fry could be good, but I'm worried he'd come over as just that little bit snide/sarky. Jones placed the painfully simple/obvious language of the guide into a friendly, soothing, paternal context. I'm not sure Fry is the voice I want to hear when I'm worried that, say, I'm about to be swallowed by the Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal.
Eloi Tsabaoth
12:15 / 20.01.05
Shame John Peel departed this plane of existence too early.
12:51 / 20.01.05
oooooh! I hadn't seen that picture!

OOOOOOOH. So excited.
01:18 / 21.01.05
Yow! Ford's got the towel AND the satchel! Zaphod looks so Zaphod-y and Trillian looks remarkably like Trillian!
I can't wait I can't wait I can't wait I can't wait I can't wait I can't wait I can't wait I can't wait!
Still don't like Marvin though.
11:19 / 28.01.05
lonely as a cloud...
12:13 / 28.01.05
Nice toys! Saw the trailer *somewhere* online... I have to say, I love the Hellboy-esque logo! Wanna get patches of the logo to sew on my towels and satchel!
13:10 / 28.01.05
Interesting about toys: lack of second head.
18:23 / 28.01.05
According to a review on AICN, Zaphod does not have a second head OR third arm visible for most of the film, they only pop out at certain moments. The reviwer speculates that it is a money-saving decision.

A pretty terrible decision, I think. Christ, I'd even be satisfied with the terrible head/arm from the tv series...
A Bigger Boat
17:30 / 30.01.05
the head from the TV series was Da Bomb. The first negative review there on AICN has set the alarm bells ringing though.
20:11 / 10.02.05
"Oh freddled gruntbuggly, thy micturations are to me..."
Brigade du jour
21:16 / 10.02.05

Thanks Cameron.
lonely as a cloud...
07:58 / 11.02.05
That's a damn fine Vogon, really looks the dusty nitpicking civil-servant part. Does anyone know if they're going to/how they're going to include the excerpts from the Guide? Is it going to be a quick voice-over, or will there be animated sequences, like in the TV series?

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