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23:00 / 12.12.03
I spose, but you never know. His face could just crash tomorrow, like icebergs or something.
Saint Keggers
23:03 / 12.12.03
Well he's the best I could think of on such short notice.

They should do a film about the x-men when they get old.
Martin Short as Gambit. Wilford Brimley as Cyclops.
Bed Head
23:09 / 12.12.03
the guy who plays Spyke on Buffy
He might be 40 but he looks way too young! I don’t like this modern trend for all superheroes to be like buff adolescents. It’s an undignified job, so it should be a grown man, not a child. I like the bit in Superman the movie where Lois asks Christopher Reeve Superman how old he is, and he’s like ”30", without any hesitation or embarrassment about being an over-the-hill bid. Or indeed any explanation of where he’s been for the 15 years since he left Kansas, presumably just sitting around in his Fortress of Solitude like a super-slacker, eating biscuits or something.
Bed Head
23:11 / 12.12.03
They should do a film about the x-men when they get old.

Jack Nicholson as Wolverine. Bruce Dern as Gambit
Saint Keggers
23:13 / 12.12.03
Yeah but if we're casting or the existing movie...Gambit should be Rogues age. Using Marsters is perfect because he's older but still has doesnt have that anoying fresh from the goonies feel that the younger X-Men have.
Bed Head
23:16 / 12.12.03
I always thought there was something creepy and predatory about the Gambit/Rogue thing anyway. Make him a lechy old man and you'll hit box office gold

James Woods as Cyclops
Saint Keggers
23:26 / 12.12.03
Forget Jack Nicholson..too old, Wolverines got healing factor.
James Woods as Cyclops.
Dan Akroyd as Wolverine.
Robert Duval as Sabertooth
Saint Keggers
23:31 / 12.12.03
Martin Short as Night Crawler
Bed Head
23:34 / 12.12.03
You're very good at this. Er.. Mickey Rourke as Gambit.
Saint Keggers
23:37 / 12.12.03
Lol... I was thinking the same thing about you. That James Woods was a bit of casting genius.
23:37 / 12.12.03
Ann Margaret as Jean Grey.
Bed Head
23:40 / 12.12.03
I just realised I’m collecting Gambit actors like so much needle-fluff. Going to have to pitch an X-film called ‘The Seven Ages Of Gambit’. It’ll be fantastic.
Saint Keggers
23:40 / 12.12.03
Nice one!
Bed Head
23:45 / 12.12.03
Ooh, ooh, we could have Ellen Burstyn sporting the orange fright-hair from Requiem For A Dream as a nasty Madelyn Pryor, she could fight Ann Margaret for James Woods' wandering attention-span
Saint Keggers
23:59 / 12.12.03
And Carie-Ann Moss as Jubilee
Saint Keggers
00:01 / 13.12.03
Bob Barker as Magneto!
Bed Head
00:04 / 13.12.03
Tia Carrera as Jubilee

I got to get moving. I want to thank you both for turning this into the most utterly, hilariously, geek-tastic thread on Barbelith (Dan Ackroyd as Wolverine...sheer brilliance).

G’night Kegboy! G’night Maz! G’night lurkers!
Saint Keggers
00:07 / 13.12.03
Good Night Bed Head!
21:05 / 13.12.03
Oh michty me. I hate breaking up with people. Im such a bitch. My boyfriend is a lovely guy... I just dont fancy him. But he's got my xmas present. But I have to finish with him before I get it. And before I cheat on him. Cause I haven't even fecking done anything with hot Rich, but the guilt is completely eating away at me.

I just need a random lusty relationship before this circus gets on the road! So hello Rich. Either that, or he can sweep up the elephant shite or something.

I have a unicycle; can anyone go on it?
First stop, Timbuctoo.
Saint Keggers
21:25 / 13.12.03
Women! (throws hat in the air and walks away muttering)
22:12 / 13.12.03
*catches hat, throws it back in a ninja-style, knocking the perpetrator out cold*

What are you "WOMEN"ing me for, mister Kegboy?
Saint Keggers
22:19 / 13.12.03
My arnt we little miss ego tonight? Where'd you get the idea it had anything to do with you?
22:43 / 13.12.03
But I caught it, in a ninja style.
So is it just us here, all by ourselves? Never mind...

AArrrggghhhhHH Im feeling slightly queasy with guilt again. What the fuck am I doing, I really dont know. Its not even one of those situations with clear-cut right and bad-bad-dirty-bitch-girlness. I hate finishing with people. And he's so nice as well. Hmph.

I know- someone else can have him, and then he can have you, and I'll be forgotten about. Hurrah! We have a plan; now who wants him? Hands up for a gay man who fancies women...
Saint Keggers
22:48 / 13.12.03
See, what you want to do it one of those "it's not you, it's me" type break up. Then just as he's starting to think that it may be over between you two bring out the meat cleaver to confirm his hypothesis
22:56 / 13.12.03
Hmm. Scared of you now.

Oh well. 2 people from work saw me with him today (the one whos not my boyfriend), so no doubt it'll be common knowledge by the time i get there on monday. There's 145 other people at work, and I swear every one of them knows what Alans got me for crimbo. Not one of them will tell me. Perhaps if i tell them, if they tell me, and its good enough, i might stay with him... then they might say.

So maybe if he knows Im seeing rich, then he'll dump me and I'll be guilt free, and I wont have to break up with him.

Im looking for curcuses to employ me, but cant find any looking for me. Cirque du soliel wouldnt take me before you ask, cause, well, they're shithot. Hmph. Are you near there, keggie? Could i stay in ur cupboard and be their tea-lady on my way to becoming a star?
Saint Keggers
23:02 / 13.12.03
"Perhaps if i tell them, if they tell me, and its good enough, i might stay with him... then they might say."
Please tell me you're not that shallow.

CdS is about 15 minutes by car away.
23:25 / 13.12.03
Hello Kegboy, Gingerbop, are you still here?

Gingerbop, I could see you making a wonderful tea lady.
Saint Keggers
23:29 / 13.12.03
What's a tea lady?
23:31 / 13.12.03
Especially if you can spin the tea cup on a stick.

Hi. How are we all?
Saint Keggers
23:32 / 13.12.03
Oh and "Hi Olulabelle!"
(forgetting that was just so rude of me..)
23:38 / 13.12.03
Hello Mazarine. (I love typing your name, it looks really pretty.)

Kegboy, a tea lady is someone in a flowery printed apron who has a trolley full of drinks, and goes around asking "Tea? Or Coffee?" to people, usually in either big offices or hospitals. They're generally really friendly and always remember your name.
23:45 / 13.12.03
Hmmm... it would be awfully nice not to have to make my own tea anymore...
23:47 / 13.12.03
And you'd have to have a real impediment to make worse coffee than I do.
Saint Keggers
23:49 / 13.12.03
hmm... no, I dont think Id want one of those. Seems a lot of upkeep just to have someone make your tea. Now if they also made cheesecake...

Hi MAz!
23:54 / 13.12.03
Hullo Oula, Keggers and Ginger, if indeed Ginger is still about.

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