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Baz Auckland
23:12 / 06.12.03
'swat his profile says...
Bed Head
23:13 / 06.12.03
You freaked me out for half a second there before I realised the bleeding obvious, ie my sketchy user details are just one easy click away. I think I might change it to ‘Knots’ just for some gratuitous whimsy. It’s Nottingham, in case you don’t know.

Er, Notts is very orange. I just checked outside, and the sky is the exact same colour as it always is at night. I been way out in the country for years before I moved here, and I havnt yet gotten used to not being able to see the moon and stars and things. I like living in the city, I just wish I could switch the lights off sometimes

How’s er..Toronto?
Baz Auckland
23:21 / 06.12.03
Bloody cold. The sky here at night is usually a greenish haze. When we (and the entire east coast) had a HUGE blackout in the summer, it was great to be in the city and see the stars...

..and I'm off! G'night all!
Saint Keggers
23:25 / 06.12.03
G'night Baz!
The Tower Always Falls
01:24 / 07.12.03
I've never actually posted in one of these things, but it's something to kill time in before my girlfriend and I head out for a friend's going away party at this bar called The Hungry Brain. He's being shipped out to a Club Med in Denver for four months to bartend.

My friends and I are taking bets as to how long he'll last until he snaps, verbally and physically assualts a lawyer, and gets sent home. I'm being generous and guessing two months.
Saint Keggers
01:49 / 07.12.03
I say less than that...but then again I'm an optimist.
Cherry Bomb
09:54 / 07.12.03
The Hungry Brain - Ohmigod, you must live in Chicago! Unless there's actually two bars in the world called the Hungry Brain! That's my favorite bar in town! Have a look at the "Your Brain or Mine?" picture behind the bar that says "Your Brain or Mine?" and think of Ms. Cherry...

Me, I'm loving Christmas, only wishing that I could be on Christmas holiday NOW instead of in 2 weeks. I bought 2 Christmas dvds that are unavaialble in the UK while I was in Chicago, and now as soon as I snag a copy of "It's a Wonderful Life" my Christmas movie library shall be complete.. I've done almost all of my shopping so that's good, too!
11:38 / 07.12.03
May I take praise of introducing MFR to lith? Bear PMd me congratulating me for mentioning it aagggees ago. I have the, ahem, joy of it still being my local station.

As for my gym pic- I wouldnt worry about the leering. Its a god-awful photo. (here.) I look like a toothpaste tube with bad hair. But I am famous anyway.

As for the coaches night out, ariadne; oh dear fucking lord.
I hadnt eaten chicken for 8 years, but thought if i was getting an all-you-can-eat chinese, I may as well make the most of it. We also got all-you-can-drink wine, and every time we'd taken one gulp from our glass, a waiter would pop up from nowhere to refill. This meant that I had no idea how much Id drunk. So i got out of jimmy chungs absolutely minced, and apparently called up my man to say we'd stopped walking, and 2 minutes later called him again to tell him we'd started walking again. We went to the Corrie Gars so some funny named pub, and i'd been in there for 2 hours before my mum called me, and i told her we were in the heathmount hotel. I thought we'd been somewhere else all that time.

So anyway, about 10 of us sitting round on couches and we have a big discussion of which of the gymnastic-boys are gay, and then have a big sexuality discussion which is just bizzare (as in, coach-gymnast relationships are pretty much like teacher-pupil ones) and then a big chat about whether I will end up with a guy or a girl, and then a big sex-anecdote-telling-session. It was quite bizzare. We went round to the head-coaches for another glass of wine, and found his babysitter absolutely bladdered.

I genuinely didnt realise i'd drunk much til i walked out of the chinese. But it'd been a nice mix of schnapps, wine, vodka, zambuka, morgans, girly drinks, and suchlike. I had to coach 3 year olds at 9 am on saturday and it was not pleasant! Then I had work til half 5, and i slept all last night from 7pm til lunchtime today.

So yes. Coaches nights out are scary.
The Tower Always Falls
18:44 / 07.12.03
Yep Cherry. I just recently discovered it a few months ago and it's rapidly becoming my favorite bar. The owner is SO sweet and nice on top of it as well. Great jukebox on top of that as well. And the only bar where I ran into someone with a copy of "Breaking Open the Head" with them and we talked about shamanism for half an hour.

The evening would have been perfect if we had stuck there, but my friend Josh has this fetish for dive bars. So we went to this place called Ricochets. And then to the waiting room of Hell- St. Pauli's. It was kind of like that movie Gummo, with less attractive people and the kid in a bunny suit was replaced by rats and cokeheads.
19:17 / 07.12.03
Top of the evenin', bottom of the snowpile. How is everyone?
20:15 / 07.12.03
Very well, thanku miss mazarine. Im sitting here in my dress for my ex-school-christmas-party, with my hair done, just cause I felt like it. But what do you think- its a strapless little dress, slightly see-thru. Should I a)wear my existing black bra, pretend the dress has straps and then at least be confident it wont fall down when I dance, b)buy a black strapless, or c)buy a nude-colour strapless? Its very 50s and a wee bit funky. Not sure what shoes to wear either, cause I only have heels (comfy ones tho) that are denim-blue and suede, or should I borrow uncomfy black heels from my mother?

Anyway, I recently found the curling tongs from about 20 years ago, and am seeing if the hair will stay up or not. Its just the front bits curled to the back. Not sure if its chic 50s or if its bad princess Di. Who cares, I feel posh.
20:29 / 07.12.03
I'm sure you look splendid posh darling! Personally, I'd get a nude strapless, preferably a convertable one if you can find it (that way you can wear it with halter dresses, one shoulder things, if you're so inclined). As for the shoes, it depends on whether or not you'll be able to ditch shoes entirely and run around barefoot, which is always my preferred choice.
01:12 / 08.12.03
Don't tell me I'm the only one snowbound and bored.
Gypsy Lantern
22:21 / 08.12.03
So anybody else awake later than they should be on a monday night?
22:38 / 08.12.03
Gypsy Lantern
22:47 / 08.12.03
What you up to? I've just been to an occult pub quiz, but I didn't win. Should really go to sleep, but I can't be bothered getting involved with all of that "eye-closing" and "lying-down" shit yet.
22:51 / 08.12.03
currently trying to get msn to work... it vil nut co-operrrrate! might give up soon, but got that similar aversion to closed-eye horizontality myself.
22:51 / 08.12.03
I am here. "Painting" digital art with my son before his bed.
22:54 / 08.12.03
Where is the Keggers?

*looks around*
Saint Keggers
23:34 / 08.12.03
Im here! Sorry Im late. I had dishes to wash.
Bed Head
00:16 / 09.12.03
Helllooooo Barbelith! Is anybody in the world still up? Gahd, what’s going on? No sleep last night, worked like a dog all day, but now I’m buzzed and can't sleep again. Just watched hippy surfing film classic ‘Crystal Voyager’ in a vain attempt at, like, chilling out, man.

I’m in a good mood though. This time last week I was looking a tad porky, but accidentally caught sight of myself in a shop window today and I seem to have turned cadaverous since then. This is my ideal pre-Christmas weight, I think.
Saint Keggers
00:20 / 09.12.03
yup, nothing like that 'Im a corpse' look to brighten your hollidays. It just screams "Ok turkey..this year you're my bitch!"
Bed Head
00:33 / 09.12.03
You know what I mean. I can indulge myself and eat and drink as much as I want for three straight days without a care in the world. Hurrah! I say, Hurrah! Anyway, I put weight on easily and I lose weight easily, but it’s always a nice surprise to find you’ve dropped a few pounds without even noticing, right?

- Not that I ever weigh myself, of course. Haven’t got a clue what I weigh, haven’t been on any scales for years.

How you doing Keggers? What's going on over your side of the planet? Weirdly, my Dad gave me a book about Canada today.
Saint Keggers
00:41 / 09.12.03
Not much our first real snow yesterday, not alot but enough to snowball fight. Its a quiet evening here. Just put a cup of coffee on and am starting to plan christmas shopping. I just have the folks and a few friends left to get so it shouldnt be too bad.
Bed Head
01:11 / 09.12.03
(*impressed*) - Nice, you’re very organised.

The only person I have to buy for this year is my niece, which is okay. Because she’s only three it’s been generally agreed in my family that we’ll allow her to enjoy the Magic Of Christmas for a while yet, but me and all the rest of the grown-ups have taken the sensible decision to have a gift-free year. God bless my family’s strongly atheist/strangely anti-commercial leanings. Christmas Day itself is just going to be a cute 3-year with lots of toys and a bunch of adults guzzling wine. It’s going to be the best Christmas ever!!
Saint Keggers
01:24 / 09.12.03
I got my niece(4) Finding Nemo and 2 Mona the Explorer tapes for her sister(3). They were sent of in the mail today as my brother and his brood live at out in British Columbia.

Our family christmas is filled with presents. There's usually upwards of 30 people gathered at my grandparents place. Aunts and Uncle and cousins and in-laws on and so on and. Lots of gifts under the tree and around the tree and in the hallway... Its insane. And then theres the food... All my aunts (and my mother) are amazing cooks. Pies and tarts ard cookies and turkey and the list goes on and on... and then there's the drinking..

good times. Actually its about the only day of the year when nobody is swearing at or about someone else.
Bed Head
01:36 / 09.12.03
Finding Nemo. That’s a very good idea, actually. I was wondering what I should buy her, aside from some wellington boots, which I’m gonna get and paint stuff on so she’s got a pair of funky, unique, hyper-coloured water-traversing devices. Because, y’know, she likes splashing puddles.

Your Christmas sounds great, by the way.
Saint Keggers
01:41 / 09.12.03
It is.
Im thinking of renting it out by the hour.
Im calling it "Kegboy: The Christmas Xperience!"
Bed Head
02:05 / 09.12.03
Or: 'A Very Kegboy Christmas'
20:55 / 09.12.03
Jingle Bells
21:19 / 09.12.03
Batman smells.

Ahem. Sorry.
Saint Keggers
21:29 / 09.12.03
Robin layed an egg.
The batmobile lost its wheel
and the joker got away!

(see I can be immature too!!!)
21:45 / 09.12.03
21:46 / 09.12.03
Only 8 minutes until I see the full Rock return, yeah you heard me the - JINGLE BELLS
Saint Keggers
21:48 / 09.12.03
< toy piano> Tink tink tink, tink tink tink. Tink tink tink tink tink < /toy piano>

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