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Battlestar Galactica Season 1 (SPOILERS)


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14:11 / 04.05.04
Oh, and the central idea - that the Galactica survives because it was designed without any networked computers - is wee. No networked computers? What do they do, input all the relevant data into each computer *all the time*? No wonder it was mothballed - it must move about as fast as John Wark. Also, there are to my unpracticed eye plot holes big enough to fit a Viper through. Still and all...
We're The Great Old Ones Now
16:11 / 05.05.04
Stormtrooper COPS? That sounds familiar... Ah, yes.

Troops. When you absolutely, positively, need to die laughing. A Star Wars fan film which actually is as cool as it should be.
19:54 / 19.10.04
There is a new FIRST EPISODE of what is a new ONGOING SERIES coming out of the pilot film of the new Battlestar Galactica.

Reviews galore at

Most are quite positive, saying it improves upon the new film for the most part, keeping a dark tone and all that.
10:32 / 20.10.04
Helloo, the new series(not mini seriers)debuted on Sky one on monday in the UK and Ireland.
Is no one going to talk about it?
I found it to be quite enjoyable.Contionuing on right after the mini series and keeping the same tone.
so anyone else catch it?
uncle retrospective
10:55 / 20.10.04
I missed it but loved the mini. Can we change the snarky thread title as it seems that this may be damn good. Not Firefly but good none the less.
12:01 / 20.10.04
Maybe create a new thread about the new series and let this thread about the pilot live...?
Our Lady Has Left the Building
14:50 / 20.10.04
I liked it. Considering we see only about thirty seconds of Cylons at the beginning and end. I like the rationale for the Galactica being so old and grimy. I love how Doctor Baltar looks like Wes from Angel. I like the way at the end of the miniseries one of the Cylons says they have to go after the humans because otherwise they'll come back for revenge. I thought that most of the characters were rather stock and hope they'll have time to develop and evolve during the season. I sincerely pray that Apollo and Starbuck not only NEVER GET IT ON but they don't even develop one of those sexual tension Mulder/Scully relationships. The new Adama rocks, and apparently has a contract clause that allows him to walk the minute he thinks scripts are getting crap.

I enjoyed the first episode, I thought we really felt the griding exhaustion of the characters. I did feel that the Cylons plan with the captured liner was rather crap, they would have had more luck just chasing them. And I wonder what they're going to do with that captured partner of Boomer. A new human model of Cylon perhaps?
20:54 / 20.10.04
I've watched it but find myself getting tired of it about half way through each episode. I know it's just getting started so I'm reserving judgement until it really gets going.

I do like the skakey/hand-held camera/zoom-in effects in the battle scenes, though.
12:00 / 21.10.04
See there I'm the opposite, the shakey space fights are REALLY grating on my nerves. It's really unnecessary and distracting from what seems to be very good CGI.
But the storyline... I'm hooked. Unfortunately.
I'm a big old school fan and I'm very intrigued by the new set up, especially the Cylon among us idea, sleeper spys are the best.

And yes, Adama does indeed rock.
10:57 / 02.11.04
So what did you think of last nights episode?
Slighter slower pace, not as urgent as before and not uch in the way of gratifying space battles.This geberations apollo is coming across as a bit of a weak blanket however.
Favourite part (of the three shows so far) has to be Baltars weekly breakdown.Watching him sweat as he deasl with six in his head and someone else is a joy.Look forward to seeing where he goes from here.
Nice to see richard hatch too
Lord Morgue
06:50 / 03.11.04
Eh, I wanna see Owen Wilson as Starbuck and Ben Stiller as Apollo.
lonely as a cloud...
12:54 / 26.01.05
Well, the season finalé aired on terrestrial TV in UK and Ireland on monday, with the most jam-packed-of-things-happening episode yet!
One Boomer is pregnant! Another one discovers that she's a Cylon, blows up a huge Cylon ship and gets out alive! And then shoots Adama! Who earlier tried a military coup to oust the president! Who sent Starbuck back to Caprica to get a religious artifact!
I dunno 'bout the rest of you, but I can't wait for next season...
13:38 / 26.01.05
Don't hold your breath... they're writing it but as of yet a second series hasn't been commissioned. Depends on how well it does in the States.

SPOILERS::::::::::::::::::::AS IF I HAVE TO SAY:::::::::::

As for me... I loved, loved, LOVED the season finale (count the final two episodes as one and you have a pretty good movie).
I've been enjoying this since it first aired in the UK and I've been waxing lyrical about it on my blog every week.

It really is one of the best sci-fi series out there.
My only concern is that they can't really stretch it out for more than one or two more seasons. They've already found Kobal (Cobal?) which should theoretically lead them directly to Earth (along with the Cylons). End of saga.

I'm hoping that the next season slows the pace down a little, it's been pretty frantic since the miniseries. It's great to get everyone hooked but I was expecting a 20 episode series instead of the 13 episode one we got (13 right?).

Oh... and my other gripe... they've killed off the best character. Great for the story, great cliffhanger ending for the season finale etc etc but terrible for the depth of the remaining characters.
We already have Apollo and Starbuck's guilt issues over the death of Apollo's brother, do we have to have the same about his dad? Adama was the only one who was holding it together properly. Now everyone gets to fall apart in his absence.

Loving el Pres and her religious fervour... not liking Balthar's Cylon Christhood as much though.... I was much happier when he turned on his imaginary Cylon bossom buddy and encouraged Boomer to kill herself. Finally the guy gets some balls.
17:05 / 26.01.05
I keep hearing good things about this show from people I trust. Have to check it out sometime (I don't have cable)...
21:59 / 26.01.05
I've just started watching this (rewatched the pilot and have just embarked on the series) and I'm loving it. It's like Space: Above And Beyond except they're all bonkers!
lonely as a cloud...
09:19 / 27.01.05
Heh. The bonkersness is the best part - I love it when someone walks in on Balthar snogging his imaginary Cylon gf. Also, I really don't think Adama will die. They can't kill him off, he *is* the best character.
10:30 / 27.01.05
He's good but Balthar is better. I loved his poorly concealed insanity. My bf keeps wondering why they trust him when he's so clearly mad. I think it's a great and sad indication of 1)just how smart he is and 2) the situation they are in where they have no choice but to depend on him.
Our Lady Has Left the Building
10:46 / 27.01.05
I enjoyed it, and Adama isn't necessarily dead, I'm sure a couple of bullets won't stop him if the series gets renewed. I'm surprised someone characterised it as frantic, I was about to compose a post praising it's slow and steady manner. It's the spinning of many plates that was a little irritating, trying to tell stories that give the illusion of moving on when in fact doing no such thing, such as the episode where Adama gets one of his officers to investigate claims of sabotage and then just cancels the investigation at the end of the episode. I don't think the writers have a clear idea where they are taking the story, probably afraid of Galactica 1980 disasters. But despite that, it's been an enjoyable way to spend my Monday evenings...
14:02 / 27.01.05
Please put SPOILERS at the tops of your posts if they contain them... I'm only a couple of eps in and I think SKy got it first so I'm guessing a lot of people won't have seen the whole thing yet...

So far, I'm loving it.
18:25 / 27.01.05
damn, canada is losing the battlestar race, we're only a couple of episodes in.

i love the handy cam effect in space, but they seem to do it all the time, just following people around. or am i just dizzy from the ASS-kicking cg?

i nominate this show for best SF graphics.

the production design is also spot-on. The armory consists of fenced-in lockers with padlocks, rather than shiny forcefields. all the rust, blinking lights, computer printouts with those stupid tear-off things on the side!
i can just imagine all the vacuum tubes in the back.

it really looks like a space ship built in the eighties.
Jack The Bodiless
11:28 / 28.01.05
I love this show, and yes, it is because of the bonkers. It's just nuts - not in a David Lynch/Farscape wacko kind of way, but... it's hard to explain, but it comes across as a fairly traditional space opera, but written and directed more in the style of the new wave of harder edged American drama of the last few years. And then something will flip that on its head in one second, something that in another show would be de rigeur, but that in this seems so much more screwed up and odd precisely because it's so unexpected. Like...


....the jaw-dropping moment in Six Degrees Of Separation when Number Six leaves Bathar after an argument, and then appears on the bridge and everyone can see her. Of course, after a minute it's obvious that she's the duplicate Cylon version, not the madness-version, but for a second I actually thought I was the one going nuts. And about that... having not yet watched all the episodes, has Bathar actually tested himself and proven not to be a Cylon? Because so far the scariest part of the series for me has been the Cylons' callous and strange 'testing' of their own humanoid versions - it's almost like field testing a program or system to prove it can do what it says it can, but run through a dramatic filter that ranges from the emotionally taut (Caprica-Boomer and Helo) to the mindgames played with Galactica-Boomer. It would make sense that Bathar's supposed loopiness is yet another test... and it was never shown in the mini-series how he got from his batchelor pad on the sea to the field where Helo and Boomer were picking up survivors, after that massive nuclear explosion went off only a few klicks away and shattered his windows...
lonely as a cloud...
11:57 / 28.01.05
Actually, yeah - how *did* Balthar survive that...?
A fall of geckos
15:03 / 28.01.05
Actually, yeah - how *did* Balthar survive that...?

I watched the mini-series when it first came out, and for the life of me, I can't remember...


I only recently watched the series episodes (I never saw the original series) and I've been very surprised at how much I've enjoyed it. I was expecting something along the lines of Star Trek, or Andromida - both of which I've found bland and annoying - but I've found BSG genuinely compelling viewing.

rawkusboi said:
"My only concern is that they can't really stretch it out for more than one or two more seasons. They've already found Kobal (Cobal?) which should theoretically lead them directly to Earth (along with the Cylons). End of saga."

I actually think this would be a good thing. Far too many shows have been killed by being stretched out far further then their premise can support. If they made 2, or 3 reasonably good seasons of this, then finished the show it would be far more effective then if they kept going. And I think the killing off of one of the central characters may also be a good thing - the chaos left in the wake of the events of the final episode is going to make a great place to start the next series. I'm looking forward to the way people are forced to cope in the gap left by Adama - if he is actually dead, let alone what happens if they bring a second Boomer aboard.

In terms of the religious side to the slow, I was fascinated to learn that the original show was heavily influenced by the Book of Mormon (the producer being a member of the church of latter day saints), and that the name Kobol is a fairly unsubtle annagram of Kolob - supposedly where Elohim is from.
20:39 / 28.01.05
If the title abstract says spoilers do we really need to repeat the spoiler warning?

I shall do anyway.


jack_the_bodiless said:
having not yet watched all the episodes, has Bathar actually tested himself and proven not to be a Cylon?

I think he says after testing Boomer that everyone is given a non-Cylon result regardless of the actual result.
Despite the fact we see the screen flashing red, for Boomer, I took it for granted that he won't actually test anyone else (he only tested Boomer properly because she sat there waiting for the results).

So ostensibly they don't really have a Cylon detection system at all.
But I could have been reading between the lines... he's pretending to be pretty busy regardless.

That's the main thing about Balthar, he is completely crazy and everyone is completely ignoring it because they have to rely on him. I guess they all think his eccentricities are all part of his geniusness.
I expect someone inconsequential like Tigh's wife to pull him up on it and then everything will go bad. For him. I don't buy any chance of him coming clean after the end of this series.

As for Balthar surviving the bombs on Caprica... wasn't he with Six at the time, or at least one copy of her? I presumed she'd protected him from the blast (sci-fi-science strikes again).

Perhaps buildings on Caprica are more resilient to atomic/whatever bombs as they all seem to be still standing (albeit rather raggedly) when Helo gets to the city.
I would have thought the initial strike would have destroyed all of the major cities completely. Perhaps that was something the writers had to double back on after the series was commissioned?
23:43 / 28.01.05
We've REALLY got to do something about that thread title.
Our Lady Has Left the Building
11:55 / 29.01.05

cloudstrife Actually, yeah - how *did* Balthar survive that...?

Well, I'm guessing the crowd of people Balthar was with escaped from the city he was working in.


What really surprised me was Number Six, after spending the season doing little more than whisper sweet nothings in Balthar's ear, giving Starbuck a right kicking...
lonely as a cloud...
08:40 / 31.01.05
Spoilers, probably...
What really surprised me was Number Six, after spending the season doing little more than whisper sweet nothings in Balthar's ear, giving Starbuck a right kicking...
Well, in fairness, she also popped up on Galactica in person, as Jack mentioned above, and the incarnation that gave Starbuck a kicking spent the season talking down human emotion and such on Caprica - which was kinda at odds with the jealous version sweet-talking Balthar, although that jealousy certainly appeared when the Caprica version was laying the smackdown on Starbuck.
So, anyway, a theory just occured to me - did Balthar ever test himself? He may not actually be a Cylon, but after the explosion, the number 6 he was shacked up with might've first shielded him from the blast (though how she'd survive that and not the drop that Starbuck survived in the last ep), then done some surgery to put an implant in him, to control his visions. I can't see how his visions could be just all in his mind.
Jack The Bodiless
11:34 / 01.02.05
See, this is the thing. We see the explosion go off, he screams in agony and covers his eyes, and cowers behind 6 as the wall-window to his house explodes inwards with the shockwave. Next time we see him he's a bit battered, but physically fine and, on foot, trying to get a lift with Helo and Boomer. This is also the last time that (potentially) he sees the 6 he's been fucking, moving away in the crowd, but that could also be the first time he sees the 6 that's in his head.

So, is Bathar actually insane or a Cylon being tested to the limits of his pseudo-human sanity?
14:53 / 01.02.05
Well quite. Who's to say he won't wake up in the shower at the start of next season, the entire first season having been just a dream...
23:36 / 12.02.05

There will be more!!!

I've just been handed the last episode, which I will watch tomorrow...

Oh, and I've realised exactly WHY they're all so fucking bonkers. They're constantly drinking absinthe, for fuck's sake!
06:21 / 14.02.05

Just watched the last episode, having done the lot in about a fortnight, and I have to say that if it weren't for the fact that there WILL be more, I'd be really fucked off now. That was ace, but a looot of cliffhangers
I mainly started watching it to fill the Millennium-shaped hole while I waited between being able to afford DVDs... but boy is it addictive.

I'm guessing Adama isn't dead- larelgy because he IS one of the best things in it, and to ditch him may lose them viewers.
Was anyone else surprised that Boomer (G) didn't finally blow her own brains out after shooting him?

The resolution of the "Helo and Boomer (C) trudging across Caprica" plot was nicely handled, with Starbuck returning... (of course, Helo still has to steal a ship as I don't think there's much room in that Raider... I'm guessing that'll be the "action" portions of the first one of the second season taken care of)
The coup was a good idea, too- the thing I like about this show is that (while the plot's not exactly watertight) it's well-enough plotted that major "twisty" events are almost always the result of an earlier chain of events, rather than just chucked in as an episode resolution.
The crowd of Boomers was nicely creepy, too, especially when they brought in the God stuff.
And the Rosemary's Baby moment with Baltar and No 6...

Fucking ace. I can't WAIT until the 2nd series (always assuming it actually DOES happen and the station doesn't get closed down or something...).

The best space show in years. (Although bear in mind that I loved Lexx. Apparently this is not normal.) And yes, better than the original. Though possibly, Mr Fear, not as good as being eight.
07:14 / 01.03.05
And isn't it obvious why/how Baltar survived the attack?

It was God's will.
lonely as a cloud...
08:40 / 01.03.05
The more I think about it, the more I'm convinced that Balthar was given an implant of some sort in between the explosion and him turning up at Helo and Boomer's ship.
Anyone know if Dirk Benedict is gonna show up in the second series at any stage?
12:39 / 05.03.05

Two things. Firstly, Adama isn't dead. That would be silly. Secondly, wouldn't Balthar being a Cylon rather ruin the point of the character. Balthar is a complex and difficult because he *is* human and acts in such a way as to endanger the future of the species. That's how I see it, anyways.
12:41 / 05.03.05
Oh yeah, does anyone else feel gipped by series finales that are all cliffhanger and no resolution. Don't get me wrong, I'm liking the show, but I could do with more than a load of loose ends. It's all very unsatisfying.

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