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Battlestar Galactica Season 1 (SPOILERS)


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22:13 / 06.03.05
I've only just seen the show's first episode. You can watch on their website... It was much better than expected. But somehow I'm guessing some of the cooler stars of the original such as Daggit or the Ovion Collective will never make an appearance... If I had television, I'd definitely be watching this, but I suppose I'll have to wait for the DVD release.
lonely as a cloud...
07:53 / 07.03.05
Boboss - d'you have a source for your spoilers, or are they just guesses? I agree with you about the amount of cliffhangers, but I s'pose they wanted to make sure a the sci-fi channel would order a second series. They did cram a hell of a lot into that last episode...!
08:55 / 07.03.05
Um, I was a little unclear. The only spoiler was Adama's "death" and my source was, well, the show itself. My assertion that he isn't dead is based on two things, firstly, my feeling that the creators wouldn't be so stupid as to kill one of their biggest assets and secondly, given the context of his death - the series finale - it's more than likely nothing more than a cheap cliffhanger trick.

On Balthar, I was responding to Jack's suggestion that he could be a cylon.
lonely as a cloud...
10:02 / 07.03.05
Ah, right. I agree totally with you on both counts, incidentally.
Planet B
16:07 / 05.04.05
Even after knowing that Adama gets "killed" from this thread, I was still blown away by the finale of this show. Damned awesome TV, and the story just keeps getting more intricate.
lonely as a cloud...
06:54 / 06.04.05
Yup. They crammed a heck of a lot into that last episode. Apparently (according to this article), season two will be airing stateside this summer - 20 new episodes. No news of it coming to Europe, though.
Tom Coates
07:42 / 06.04.05
I thought that they talked about Baltar's visions in the miniseries (out on DVD!) in which six basically suggested that she might have put an implant into his head at some point before the nuclear armageddon on Caprica.
07:04 / 07.04.05
No news of it coming to Europe, though.

There wasn't any mention of it airing in the UK first last time either though so don't feel too put out. The official site is US-centric and prefers to ignore Europe.
It's quite likely that Sky One will get it either before or at the same time as the States as it helped to pay for the first season (I can't imagine that changing too much for the second season as it was fairly popular here).
07:06 / 07.04.05
I thought that they talked about Baltar's visions in the miniseries (out on DVD!) in which six basically suggested that she might have put an implant into his head at some point before the nuclear armageddon on Caprica.

That could also be a Cylon headfuck... but I doubt Baltar will be revealed as a Cylon, he's much more despicable/entertaining as the human that betrayed his own race for a bit of hot sex.
lonely as a cloud...
08:28 / 07.04.05
Tom - did they actually mention Baltar getting an implant in the series? I don't remember that, though I probably subconciously do, as that's how I rationalised his behaviour... D'you remember which episode it was mentioned in?
08:32 / 07.04.05
Baltar got his implant in the pilot episode...
06:12 / 08.04.05
I don't think Adama's going to be dead at the start of the next series either - I think it's much more likely the early episodes of season two will see Adama in a coma, which would actually, I think, be more dramatic than him being dead - if he's dead, characters can just decide to start doing totally different things he wouldn't have approved of because, meh, he can't stop them now, can he? But if he's in a coma, then those characters have to deal with the possibility that he might wake up at some point...I imagine lots of second-guessing and trying to do things in a way people imagine Adama would do it.

Also, having Adama in a coma means the series can explore, in a little more detail, how medicine works on the Galactica. We already know that resources in all areas are stretched, and that Galactica medicine is basically like Earth medicine (i.e. no Star Trek-style stick that heals everything), so how long, realistically, can Adama be kept alive? Do they pull the plug or not?

Also, I'm sure the writers will be sure to take the opportunity to put Adama through at least one really fucking whacked-out dream sequence while he's in his coma...
09:10 / 08.04.05
I fucking hate whacked-out dream sequences - it bespeaks a lack of ideas...
Our Lady Has Left the Building
14:36 / 08.04.05
But dude, Battlestar Galactica- The Musical! I'm writing to Ron Moore now...
Planet B
21:18 / 12.04.05
I must have missed the implant but Baltar is definitely not a Cylon. Else how could he have made the Cylon-human hybrid baby which is obviously what the Cylons and their "god" are working towards, breaking down the barriers between them and humans. And it also will bring up many more moral questions in Season 2, like who is more human - the humans or the Cylons?
22:41 / 12.04.05
But isn't the honking great elephant of a question how come the robot cylons developed organic progeny... how do organic cylons relate to theior robot originators ? are the new cylons in any meaningful way equivelent to the old cylons...
Our Lady Has Left the Building
17:03 / 13.04.05
My guess is that the Cylons have some sort of belief in the cyclical nature of reality, as it was so shall it be again, as this would tend to end up with them repeatedly on the end of a shitty stick being poked in their eye by humanity they've decided to do the logical thing, make sure they're the ones holding the stick. The first stage of this was developing Cylons that look like humans, then replacing humans with Cylons (presumably the original Boomer is long dead, if she ever existed at all) and now it would seem humans and new-Cylons can breed. That would explain why, after the pilot, destroying Galactica became less of a priority in favour of simple containment. After all, whatername can beam herself directly in to Baltar's mind, they've got plotknowshowmany Cylons in the fleet, they could beam a shitload of Base Stars in there in minutes if they wanted to.
20:56 / 13.04.05
Ourlady - that's as may be, but it doesn't engage with the question of weither the new organic cylons (including the new fighters and base stations) are in any meaningful sense the same as the robotic cylons of old.

I'm also far from certain that all cylons are of the same belief... also have a feeling that when it comes toi the new cylons, there are no original humans that they based on. The Boomer on Galactica has stated that she was an orphan... sounds like the ideal cover for someone that just appeared one day in the accademy with a false paper trail backing up her history...
Planet B
18:54 / 14.06.05
Is the new season showing on Sky before here in the States? I'll take spoilers, I don't care.

Back to some of the recent posts. I think there could be dissension between the non-organic Cylons and the organics, as well as between the organic Cylons themselves who are now learning to become more human (emotional attachment and such). I've watched some of the episodes again as they play on SciFi and I see more hints of how the Cylons may have interpreted the ancient prophecies of Kobol to include them, so now they see human destiny as their own. Hard to know since we don't know what the prophecies are.

Watching it in this light made me forgive some of the things that bugged me before, like why their political/military leaders aren't much better than Blair and Bush at times. It seems this moral ambivalence may be used to highlight the question of what does it mean to be human?

Or maybe they'll go in a completely different direction and have more moral clarity after martial law is declared. Either way, I'm looking forward to mid-July.
lonely as a cloud...
07:09 / 15.06.05
I must have missed the implant but Baltar is definitely not a Cylon. Else how could he have made the Cylon-human hybrid baby which is obviously what the Cylons and their "god" are working towards...
Don't forget, the Boomer that was wandering around Caprica with Helo is preggers...and the baby at the end of the last episode was another one of Balthar's halucinations. While it's possible that the 6 that Balthar was with in the miniseries is still alive and with child, it's quite unlikely and hasn't been hinted at at all, so Boomer's will probably be the first hybrid baby, if she's allowed to have it.
lonely as a cloud...
07:17 / 15.06.05
Or maybe they'll go in a completely different direction and have more moral clarity after martial law is declared.
Given Adama's condition, and Starbuck's retrieval of the arrow of Apollo, I reckon the President will be reinstated next season, probably after she somehow uses the arrow to discover the tru location of Earth, and somehow verify it. And the Pres will have a big face-off against the invalid Adama about the fate of the pregnant Boomer. I can't wait, either...!
Disco is My Class War
09:22 / 15.06.05
Just another voice to add to the growing cacophony of BG love.


Doesn't the hallucination Baltar has in the last ep indicate that maybe Six and he are going to have babies, somehow? So, working on the hypthesis that the Cylons want to interbreed (in fact, see it as their destiny) Baltar would have to be human.

But that's one of the great things about Battlestar... there is obviously an arc, and the storylines so far contribute to great pay-offs later on, but the point of a whole lot of things is manifestly unclear. So you just have to watch it, be befuddled, and pay attention to the fantastic FX and -- most importantly -- character development. I don't think the characters are mad per se (except for Baltar, but even his actions make sense considering the implant or whatever): they've just been thrust into extraordinary circumstances and are responding accordingly. My favourite scene so far was the dinner party after Ellen (Helen) arrives back on the ship.
"If she's not a Cylon, we're in a lot of trouble." Brilliant writing, well acted, setting up a whole lot of interpersonal mousetraps and speculations that I expect to pay off nicely in the second season.
11:29 / 15.06.05
I don't think six is going to be a mother mainly because it is far more interesting for her to WANT to be a mother but to be somehow unable to carry the child, especially as Boomer has managed conceive...
Planet B
20:21 / 18.06.05
After re-watching another episode last night, I'm wondering if Six isn't going to end up being a manifestation of Baltar's guilt over helping the Cylons in the mini-series. Not saying he didn't actually meet and mess around with her, but that she's never implanted him with anything to mess with his mind. Yet this manifestation has also revealed things from his (genius) subconscious that have been right though they were guesses.
22:00 / 04.07.05
I thought that the child that Baltar sees is the one the Cylons have been trying to create through the whole series, firstly with Six and Baltar, the with Boomer and the Chief on Galatica and they finally succeed with Boomer II and Helo.

There's hints here that each of the human cyclons have their own ideas about what to do with the prophecy and Boomer II has broken from the rest of them, possibly the Mystic cyclon as well. I'd hope we'd see a bit more of this factionalism in the second series.
Yay Paul
12:20 / 06.07.05
I'd hope we'd see a bit more of this factionalism in the second series.

That mixed with…

I thought that the child that Baltar sees is the one the Cylons have been trying to create

…would be an excellent add-on or secondary plot to the second series; Boomer II breaking away, even joining and helping the humans, as an opposite to what happened in the original series with Baltar joining and eventually leading the cylons, could perhaps work. With the religious idealist Six, taking a kind of step right away from the cylons main plan, heavy on her heels looking to catch her/for revenge?

Either way if they find earth and end up riding flying motor bikes that can stealth next to a tree I’m likely to hurt someone!
A fall of geckos
12:31 / 06.07.05
Never mind the flying motor bikes, the real question is when they'll be introducing the grim and gritty version of Muffett II
18:01 / 11.07.05
Ok kids...
So Battlestar Galactica is back on US screens this Friday (according to aintitcool). Does anyone know if/when it will be screened in the UK?
Sky One managed a coup for the first season and got it really early, do we lose out this time? By months? Weeks? Days?
Keith, like a scientist
03:42 / 12.07.05
HOLY FRAK, where the hell have I been with this show?

As a gear up towards the second season premiere, NBC showed the last couple episodes Saturday night. I taped one, and torrented a couple more. I've seen the last 4 episodes only, but I say again, holy frak.

I kept seeing positive things about this on the AICN site, but, as I loathe the original series, I ignored the hype about this new series. My too bad, apparently. So intensely good. I'm seriously really impressed. I'm working on trying to see the rest of the season 1 this week if I can make it happen (torrent gods, please hear my call).

Damn. Science Fiction TV is back.
05:10 / 12.07.05
I too am an NBC Saturday convert. And holy fucking hell... After seeing those last three episodes of the 1st season I had to run out and rent the pilot DVD and read up a little on the episodes. It seems strangely ironic to me that the robotic Cylons pilot organic ships and the organic humans pilot mechanical ships.

But having missed the interim episodes, I have to ask...


What's up with the Boomer on Caprica? And how did she end up with Helo's bebee.
lonely as a cloud...
06:49 / 12.07.05
Hieronymous: There are several copies of each "human" Cylon - and I think it was mentioned at some point that there were 12 models. Anyway, Boomer is one of those models. Originally, one of the Boomers (the one who was serving on board Galactica) piloted a shuttle with Helo; after the first Cylon attack, they landed on Caprica to pick up as many survivors as they could. Places on the shuttle were given by raffle. Helo gave up his own place to Doctor Balthar, famous scientist and possible loony, and stayed on Caprica; Boomer piloted the shuttle to Galactica.
Left on Caprica, Helo wandered around trying to find another shuttle; unknown to him he was being watched by the Cylons, and was captured by a number 6 (Balthar's blonde friend) and one or two of the robot cylons. This was a set-up, though, and he was rescued by a Boomer, who claimed that she had come back to rescue him. Together, they traveled to Caprica city to try and find a shuttle, and on the way, they "fell in love" (although Helo obviously had had some feelings for "Boomer" beforehand); by the end of the season, Boomer was pregnant, which was probably part of the Cylon plan.
Hope that clears things up for you!
07:09 / 12.07.05
Ahhhh. Okay. I wondered where she came from. Thanks cloud.

According to this, Universal is letting Best Buy sell the Season 1 DVDs early on July 26th.. but at a cost of $69.99. Other stores won't be able to sell them until September.
lonely as a cloud...
07:54 / 12.07.05
Hieronymous - I got the BSG season 1 box set for around £25 stg off Amazon UK months it not available in the US yet?
Evil Scientist
09:52 / 12.07.05
Going back to the Balthar/implant question. There isn't actually any evidence that the Cylons have done this. We certainly don't see it happen in the pilot.

Six suggests an implant as one of a number of reasons Balthar is seeing her, but she doesn't confirm it. I would have thought this is going to be something they leave hanging for a while longer.

Thoughts on the Helo situation. For most of the first season I was theorising that he was a new Cylon replicant (number 13) and they were conditioning him to believe he was the real Helo so they could let him escape back to the fleet.

But the whole preggers Boomer situation threw that out. I'm not sure if it's part of the Cylon Masterplan though. The Six on Caprica seemed pissed that Boomer had gone rogue.

Just brought the Season 1 box. I love that first episode with everyone chronically sleep deprived and drugged up on stims. I do like that Firefly-esque handcam CGI.
13:13 / 12.07.05
I still don't think 6 is pissed that Boomer has gone rogue as much as she is pissed that Boomer is attempting to/has fulfilled the prophesy about creating an offspring of humans and cylons...

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