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Battlestar Galactica Season 1 (SPOILERS)


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Our Lady of The Two Towers
17:29 / 13.11.03
I watched it a few years back, mostly awful, but it had it's good points, like the Cylons being led by the Devil, a plot ark for Balthasar or whatever John Colicos' character was called and by the end of it all the Cylons getting so desperate for leaders with braincells that they let themselves be ruled by a metallic transvestite. Class! The BG on Earth was shit without any redeeming features, with the Galactica fleet being led by the Milky Bar Kid. They get to Earth, realise it won't last five minutes if the Cylon's attack and don't immediately decide to leave?

But anyway, is there still the two different groups trying to remake Galactica? One lead by the guy who played Apollo and the others by the production company? And which group has produced this?
18:31 / 13.11.03

A review of the new show up at AintItCoolNews - this just went up today, I think - complete with a hysterical talkback!
20:45 / 13.11.03
By the way, the DVD set comes in a box shaped like a Silon's head. For that alone, I might pick it up.
Whisky Priestess
22:50 / 13.11.03
My spidersense is tingling. Is someone, somewhere, mocking a former member of the A-Team?

22:54 / 13.11.03
Um, Lady TTT: when you go, 'plot ark', fuck me I nearly missed that one, that was pretty good. Anyway, I prefer Buck Rogers but I'm kinda young.
Did that sound too bubblegum? I just watched 'Night of the Comet'.

Char Aina
04:24 / 14.11.03
"Spoonlike"? What the hell does "spoonlike" mean? Aside from the obvious?

stirs things.
Char Aina
04:37 / 14.11.03
You're upset because they might get rid of the complex moral ambiguities and edgy, gritty, provocative storylines from the original series!

yeah, thats it.
you maybe missed the bit where i said i liked the ship designs, the helmets and the fact that the home planet was doomed? (i think i said earth by mistake)
i said it was 'rougher edged', not 'rough and edgy', ya bozo. world o'difference. what i said means not finsihed properly, what you heard was NYPDblue's first series.
Char Aina
04:39 / 14.11.03
oh, and

We're The Great Old Ones Now
10:02 / 14.11.03
This is clearly an episode I missed.
Jack The Bodiless
10:25 / 14.11.03
No, no I saw that one. Starbuck is stranded on an alien world and forced to cooperate and befriend four of his own clones to survive. Of course, in the end, the one with the best hair kills and eats the others. Kind of like Battle Royale in miniature. With Dirk Benedict playing all the kids.

By the way, I love how toksik comes across as the mature adult in this thread, while Flyboy and Jack Fear... don't. I think it's a triumph of reverse Barbengineering on all their parts. Congratulations. You can all go back to your normal lives now.
19:17 / 15.11.03
Yup. Very adult to stick in a picture of ladies in bikinis flipping the bird. Very adult to call the anti-haters dicks or invite them to eat a big bag of fuck. I'm afraid, Jack, that you are mistaking "agrees with me" with "is arguing with coherence and dignity". Nobody is emerging with any credit from this thread. It is, however, very funny indeed.

Personally, I'm more interested in the second component of the phrase "American TV and polish". How is it going to be more Polish? Will they replace Robert Stack with Jim Broadbent, doing his hilarious plumber-from-Krakov schtick from Truly, Madly, Deeply? Recognising that dead Lorne Greene must be replaced by a safe pair of hands, they get in Jerzy Dudek?

I now want to see the new Batlestar Galactica more than anything, including my long-lost twin sister.
19:21 / 15.11.03
Just looked at the pictures. Are you sure this isn't "Wing Commander"? I swear that's Matthew Lilard...

Oh, and I now want to see it more than Jesus Christ in concert.
Char Aina
04:11 / 17.11.03
Very adult to call the anti-haters dicks

they were being dicks, though.
and grown-ups are allowed to use indoor language, especially after nine o clock.
especially grown-ups who like buckfast.
Char Aina
04:21 / 17.11.03
How is it going to be more Polish?

this guy's doing the soundtrack, and starbuck's gimmick is that she loves bad jokes.
Tom Coates
10:28 / 17.11.03
In the original series, I had such a crush on Starbuck it was untrue. Drool. Dribble. Slather. Still do actually. Mm. Benedict.
Jack The Bodiless
11:16 / 17.11.03
Yup. Very adult to stick in a picture of ladies in bikinis flipping the bird. Very adult to call the anti-haters dicks or invite them to eat a big bag of fuck. I'm afraid, Jack, that you are mistaking "agrees with me" with "is arguing with coherence and dignity". Nobody is emerging with any credit from this thread.

I'm afraid, Haus, that you are mistaking sarcasm for... not sarcasm.
at the scarwash
16:24 / 17.11.03
Oh dear, perish the thought of sarcasm in a Battlestar thread. We all know that this will be the Great Leap Forward in scifi cinema, after all.
18:19 / 17.11.03
Hmm...possibly, Jack. Possibly. So, what you meant is that Flyboy and Jack are behaving like mature adults, and toksik isn't? That does seem to make sense, except that neither of them are, which is one reason why this thread is so gloriously, untidily amusing.

Incidentally, has anyone noticed that the ships in Battlestar Galactica had exactly the same paint ajobs as the ones in Star Wars? Do you think there's a specific colour coding for intergalactic goodies, like the Red Cross/Red Crescent?
at the scarwash
18:54 / 17.11.03
As well as the hybrid CHiPs/biker loungewear uniforms of pilots for both fleets. One could suggest, of course that this is yet-another manifestation of the fact that Battlestar attempted to be as much as possible an unlicensed spin-off of Star Wars.

19:19 / 17.11.03
The Cylon is taller, and thus better. This, incidentaly, is why daleks never really succeeded across the Atlantic.
19:26 / 17.11.03
Battlestar attempted to be as much as possible an unlicensed spin-off of Star Wars.

Actually, didn't they have terrible legal problems with Lucas back in the day over this?
21:56 / 17.11.03

As I understand it, which means at about 843rd hand, Lucas took them to court to try and make them stop but the court ruled that "space opera" was a genre and that Star Wars, even though the prototype, couldn't hope to copyright the look and feel of the whole shooting match.

And how can Dirk Benedict be obscure? Dude, he was in the A-Team, dude.
22:25 / 17.11.03
Actually, it strikes me that Babylon 5 had Ivanova, who spent a frankly embarrassing amount of the first series bingling around explaining everything as "a Russian thing" ("I go to the toilet. It's a Russian thing"), talking about her life in Russia, her Russian family, and so on and so forth... so maybe we could do something similar with Battlestar G?

Commander Adamov?
Chubby P
10:05 / 05.12.03
Everyone made a big deal of Starbuck becoming a woman but no-ones complained about Boomer being changed from African American Man to Korean Woman.

Lets see now.

Theres Apollo (still a hunky man)
Starbuck (A sexy white woman)
Boomer (A sexy korean woman)
Cylons (A sexy supermodel with big breasts)

So basically its just one guy and a load of sexy women running about in sci-fi costumes. They should've just admitted they wanted to do a porn version and ran with it. "Battlecock Gigantica" has so much more potential!
15:27 / 05.12.03
I have to say I was a little disappointed to see that Col. Tigh and Boomer are no longer black. I get that they're trying real hard to bring lots of different ethnicities into the mix, but it was damned cool to have some strong black heroes in the original series and it seems like a step backwards.

The only black actor in the character rundown is Petty Officer Dualla.
23:59 / 05.12.03
I have to say I was a little disappointed to see that Col. Tigh and Boomer are no longer black.

well, I'm cool with Lando Calrissian and Morpheus that's pretty much all the action to the affirmative I need, Lando had the smooth fingerwave, and Morpheus had the smooth baldie nah-mean.

oh- and battlestar galactica was pretty sweet back in the day. But since I don't have Sci-Fi channel I'm gonna miss this one. Guess I'll just have to be content with the quality programming available on regular tv.
00:01 / 06.12.03
I know.

Those two characters were not in Battlestar galactica.

8===>Q: alyn
14:21 / 06.12.03
You'd think they'd have kept those really sweet suede jackets, though. There's entirely too much polyblend in sci-fi these days.

When's the A Team movie, starring Tae Diggs as BA Baracus' nephew, coming out? Or the epic live-action Thundar the Barbarian movie starring Peter Krause, Vivica A Fox, Mankind as Ookla the Mok and the Rock as Ookla's horse? I heard Don Johnson is going to have a cameo as Thundar's father.
17:03 / 09.12.03
Anyone watch this? The prevailing reviews seem to say "Not very good except for the sexy Cylon"
21:03 / 09.12.03
Or the epic live-action Thundar the Barbarian movie

Now that I would pay money to see!
Jack The Bodiless
10:27 / 10.12.03
Hmm...possibly, Jack. Possibly. So, what you meant is that Flyboy and Jack are behaving like mature adults, and toksik isn't? That does seem to make sense, except that neither of them are, which is one reason why this thread is so gloriously, untidily amusing.

Nooo... no, Haus. This is where you always fall down. Less assumption, please. If you don't understand what someone is talking about, it's always best to ask. No one will think any the less of you.

FYI, dear lad - 'sarcasm' does not simply revolve around reversing traditional or expected positions for comic effect.

Anyway, it does seem as though the new Galactica TV series will be moderately awful... kind of along the same lines as Andromeda, Stargate or Charmed, just mediocre genre television. Of course the original series wasn't much cop... however, I get the sense of a missed opportunity, personally. The idea of a convoy of refugees from a genocidal invasion trying to find a safe place to settle does resonate somewhat with the times. I think there's definitely a germ of an interesting idea in there... of course it was never going to happen that way. Still....
12:09 / 10.12.03
kind of along the same lines as Andromeda, Stargate or Charmed, just mediocre genre television

Hey hey! Stargate and Charmed are truly mediocre, but Andromeda - come on, the bad guys are called Nietzscheans, the hero is the fantastically cheesy Kevin Sorbo, and it's got a Kirk-era Star Trek blue-skinned alien chick. There aint nothing mediocre about that!
23:33 / 01.05.04
I am almost painfully excited to announce that I have snagged a copy of the DVD of this TV movie for the price of a bag of chips. As soon as I have an opportunity, I will feed back with my findings.
13:32 / 02.05.04
...ummm... someone taped it for me off Sci-Fi Channel and...
...ummm... I actually quite liked it.
I was drunk, though. But I didn't think it was that bad at all.
00:50 / 04.05.04
It is certainly Battleshag Galactica - everybody's at it. It is also shot to a surprising extent in NYPD Blue-style Shakeycam(tm), which is quite odd in a sci-fi context. Stormtrooper COPS, anyone?

The characters are pretty sketchy, and fairly obvious - Starbuck is rebellious but massively able, Apollo angst-ridden, Adama a better father to his ship than to his son... no surprises.

The setting and the action are, contra Toksik's fears, actually surprisingly grim. The first 2 hours or so are basically made up of humanity being wiped out, with due misery and wretchedness. The Cylons, hilariously, keep going for the kiddies - just to remind us that they are the baddies, we get at least two angelic little tots being absolutely mullered by the robots.

The "human" cyborgs are a bit cheapos, really, although the CGI oldskool Cyclons, despite being relegated to the role of bystanders (literally - their role is to walk through doors and stand on either side as the humons), and it's probably worth noting that the new Cylon ship designs are a bit cock - they have KITT-style glowing eyes, for God's sake. That's not menacing.

But yes... some nice set pieces, the odd nice moment, and a lot of dead kiddies - not great, but not awful either. Better than Wing Commander, not as good as Blakes 7. I think a lot will depend on how much you have invested in old-style Galactica.

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