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Battlestar Galactica Season 1 (SPOILERS)


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20:11 / 12.07.05
cloud, not yet. It's not due officially I guess until September. Which is why the early screwing by Best Buy and Paramount is so appalling.
Keith, like a scientist
20:51 / 12.07.05
pretty stupid of them to wait until Sept to release the set anyway. the second season is starting! it'll be over by the time september comes.

i always liked that 24 released their sets 1 month before the premiere of the following you a month to rewatch if you wanted to.

so it's selling for the full retail price, and not the Best Buy discounted price? lame.
16:09 / 13.07.05
On the subect of Baltar and an implant I remember in the pilot when Six and Baltar are getting it on her spine glows for a second. The first indication that shes not your average human and possibly when she does something to him.

But you know what I'm looking forward to is when Baltar goes even more nuts and turns the tables on Six somehow, it would be almost as good as when Starbuck kicked her ass on Caprica .
lonely as a cloud...
07:22 / 14.07.05
...when Starbuck kicked her ass on Caprica
In fairness, Starbuck had her ass well and truly kicked, which made for a more satisfying fight scene, IMHO. I can't see Balthar rebelling in any way against 6 for a while yet, unless it turns out that one of the 6's is pregnant by him...I think I recall Balthar being quite against marriage and kids in the pilot/miniseries...
Keith, like a scientist
15:36 / 16.07.05
not the greatest of season premiere's last night, skirting dangerously close to a Star Trek type of techno-plot. and definitely not enough Starbuck.
15:57 / 16.07.05
It's looking like Starbuck being on Caprica is going to be at least a medium-to long term thing...

Which leads to intrguing posibilities re- cylon/human hybrids - thus far it's been all about the cylon women wanting to carry a half human child, but what is to stop a male cylon mating with a female human...
20:43 / 17.07.05
Just watched this, I like the way it just dove straight back in, no let up in the tension having been away. I also liked the 'so where the hell is the rest of the fleet' moment and pan backward.

Starbuck 'Well you would protect the pregnant CYLON, I say waste her'. May she never bend or break .

I also like the way any of the Chief, Baltar and the gang on Kobol have no idea what they're being chased by. Of course this could just be saving on the special effects budget .
20:50 / 17.07.05
The podcast for the first of the new episodes is up on the SCI FI website now...
19:24 / 18.07.05
Hmmm whilst downloading that I found a load of deleted scenes from the first season Check out the 5th one here. Interesting, yes?
Planet B
17:25 / 20.07.05
I actually listened to the podcast during/right after the episode on Friday as it came out that day.

As for the deleted scene, I can see why they cut it but it certainly would be nice to have more background on the history of the Lords of Kobol which has been pretty vague to this point beyond the whole cyclical nature of things (ie, that this has all happened before and will happen again). I guess that might be a big part of season 2. Also, in the podcast it was stated that the first season's threads should all be wrapped up by episode 7 (the second half of a two-parter).
Keith, like a scientist
17:59 / 20.07.05
oh, what's that now? deleted scene with more info on Lords of Kobol? I hope so (i'm at work...can't watch till later). I'd really like to see more background on what this stuff means.


Best Buy lowered the price to something reasonable. Hurray.
Keith, like a scientist
19:14 / 20.07.05
How thoroughly aggravating TV shows DVD can be. So the set that Best Buy is releasing next week is the "UK Version," of which little is known. Different title sequence. 4 Disc Set.

The version that comes out in the US through all retailers is 5 discs and the first disc is the mini-series, which is already available on DVD (I JUST bought it!).

It's unknown if they have the same bonus features or not.

Full Release info on USA DVD Set
19:32 / 20.07.05
Keith, so the 5 disc US set is the miniseries pilot what'sit that's out already PLUS the 1st season?

Sweeeeeet. I think I can wait till September for that.
Keith, like a scientist
19:36 / 20.07.05
That's my understanding. It's very odd.

I'm not sure what to do. I think i'd rather have the big complete set, but I literally just bought the mini series this past weekend before this new announcement today. Argh.

(ya, i know...a nerd's lament...)
Keith, like a scientist
23:09 / 24.07.05
am i the only one glad this show is back on in the states?
11:06 / 25.07.05
I think most regular viewers are just happy to see that this is being broadcast somewhere. Wherever it gets broadcast a significant section of it's viewership will download it. Seeing how often Galactica is quoted as being the programme that killed broadcast tv, you'd think that BOTH companies involved in financing it (SKY in the UK and the SCI FI channel in the states AFAIK) would attempt to bring the transmission dates on both sides of the atlantic as close together as possible.
Keith, like a scientist
12:18 / 25.07.05
or lead the market in the next generation of Podcasting: Television shows.
01:09 / 30.07.05
Just watched the first episode- yeah, loved the way it just piled back in. It crossed my drug-addled mind that one possibility could be that both Caprica-Boomer and Number Six are pregnant with Messiahs, cylon and human. Probably a stupid idea, though.

Adama has to get better soon, though- his presence is missed.
Keith, like a scientist
02:09 / 30.07.05
the third episode was on tonight. adama's presence is sorely missed, but jeez...this third episode was sorely missing starbuck.

still good, though.
Planet B
17:27 / 30.07.05
Saw somebody on a blog mention they thought Baltar might be a cylon, which I immediately poo-pooed. After last night's episode, I'm not so sure.

I thought this was easily the best episode of the new season. And at least the crew on Kobol thread is wrapped up so they can get back to Caprica next time.
12:35 / 31.07.05
What are our collective thoughts on spoilers for the UK fans?
I for one would like to know at least a synopsis of whats been happening... AINTITCOOL have been annoyingly vague.
12:37 / 31.07.05
Nevermind, I see the official website has full episode details.
Thank the gods.
Tom Coates
13:28 / 31.07.05
Yeah what is the plan with Battlestar. I mean, if one were to be watching it via downloads, then where would be the appropriate place to discuss it do you think?
16:18 / 31.07.05
I'd say this thread should be the one to discuss the series from the point of most recent broadcast - maybe putting spoilers in the title...
22:53 / 31.07.05
I'm watching via downloads, meaning I'm always a few days behind, but after a certain point (about now-ish, really- a couple of episodes in) I'll probably start avoiding the thread for spoilerish reasons.
Disco is My Class War
00:10 / 01.08.05
I would like somewhere to discuss new episodes. I say chuck a spoiler warning on the thread title here.

We just watched the first episode last night. Excellent! I had quite forgotten what an intense, adrenalin-packed spectatorial experience Battlestar is.
Our Lady Has Left the Building
17:19 / 01.08.05
Could we start a fresh thread with a spoiler tag for discussion of the second series, let this one stand for discussions of the mini and first series?
Bed Head
17:37 / 01.08.05
I'm pretty sure this thread *used* to have a spoiler warning on it. I think that was taken away recently, for some reason. You’re a F,TV&T mod now flowers - could you move to stick one back on, and if you’re going to start another thread, stick a spoiler warning on that too? Quickquick!

*cracks whip*
17:50 / 01.08.05
I went ahead and added a Season 2 thread and designated this one Season 1. Hopefully this separation will help all concerned and keep me good and spoiled in the new thread on all the juicy goings-ons with the new episodes.
17:55 / 01.08.05
Thank you!
lonely as a cloud...
08:06 / 05.01.06
Finally, finally, finally - BSG Series 2 starts on Sky next week, for us viewers in Ireland/UK. Note that I've posted here to avoid the SPOILERS! on the actual Season 2 thread.
08:37 / 05.01.06
Yeah, but the second half of season 2 starts in the US this week too...
lonely as a cloud...
10:47 / 05.01.06
Really? I thought it had all been shown already in the States.
11:35 / 05.01.06
The first ten episodes of season 2 have been shown in the states - the next ten start this week, so they will all air in the US before the UK, but in the US there was a pointless break in the middle making 'season2' more like season 2.1 and season 2.2...
00:27 / 01.04.06
I'm trying to avoid spoilers for the second chunk of season two, so I'm bringing back this thread to ask if anyone's heard when the second part of season two is going to be out on DVD. I heard that the third season is starting in October, so it'll likely be before then, but are we looking at a summer release, or is it going to be a wait until September?

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