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Late-Shift: October stylie


Page: 1234(5)678

08:51 / 09.10.03
And to think... I use to think I was SOOOO FUNNY.
08:54 / 09.10.03
and good with computers.
02:23 / 10.10.03
Anyone up? I'm waiting for a phone call, and I'm now thinking I should have left a message on my boss' home machine as well as her voice-mail at work.

Anyway, how are we all this fine even'n?
Char Aina
02:29 / 10.10.03
no sae bad.
i just got in and i am trying to craft an email to a girly i know almost too well.

one of those i want to get jut sright, but also one of those where my brain and my heart keep tripping each other up in the race to control my fingers. i think there may be some match fixing from my cock as well, but thats not nice so i'll pretend i didnt say that if you can.

damnit, buggrit, damn. and blast...and oh... i dont know.
02:34 / 10.10.03
That is a problem. I solved it, but mostly by no longer talking to the overwhelming majority of people. It's not a very good solution. That is the beauty of e-mail though, you don't have to send it. Makes me wonder why I still have a phone.
Char Aina
02:40 / 10.10.03
unfortunately, not sending it would be the option that plunges me into more of the hell i already wallow in too often in real life, that 'what if?' mysery that makes me want to change the subject. when i am talking to myself.

i almost sent her a text instead, but snapped out of that silliness before i got home.

160 characters is not a fair trade for 500 words.
Saint Keggers
02:45 / 10.10.03
Hey la gang!

Toksik: What you want to do is follow Fridges' advice to panic: The next time you see her punch her in the face. Then, one way or the other, the email wont seem like such a big issue.
02:51 / 10.10.03
Toksik, don't listen to Keggers.

Keggers, stop listening to Fridge.

Char Aina
03:06 / 10.10.03
(psst...keggers... should i punch maz in the face?)
Saint Keggers
03:12 / 10.10.03
(maybe just flick her nose..but jump out of the shadows to do it while yelling the names of various condiments)
03:16 / 10.10.03
Flick my nose? Like a bad kitten? Well, I guess it's better than getting punched. But I have no fear of your dread condiments.

Wait. That was all parenthetical. So I guess I'm oblivious to all these cahoots.

Anyway, how's your evening going Keggers?
Saint Keggers
03:22 / 10.10.03
No complaints.
I've spent most of the evening desiging a DANGER!MAGESINTRAINING sculpture. I think its looking more like salt and pepper shakers. I've also had the song Tainted Love running incessantly through my head for far far far too long. SO now Im trying to find the new Dido album in mp3 but I cant find any download site that doesnt want me to register first...argh!

And your evening?
Char Aina
03:28 / 10.10.03
man, you need to work a way of mass prooducing those mages.
get a website, sell tshirts from it.
and sculptures.
and stickers, the kids love stickers.
and badges, maybe ones that say "I'M a mage in training!", would go down a treat.

and dude, you need your own range of snackfoods.
Saint Keggers
03:30 / 10.10.03
03:33 / 10.10.03
I would totally buy D!MIT salt and pepper shakers. If they weren't very expensive. Cause, you know, not much in the luxury items market.

I don't think the phone call I'm waiting on is coming, so I think I'm gonna head to bed pretty soon. Gotta face the youth in the morning.
Saint Keggers
03:38 / 10.10.03
Yeah i think im gonna head off to the land of nod too.

G'night all!
03:39 / 10.10.03
I'm off. Good night you two. Don't punch each other in the face, please. Huggles.
Char Aina
04:06 / 10.10.03
oh my... i had completely forgotten abou the sleeping thing.
The Return Of Rothkoid
13:54 / 10.10.03
Sleeping is overrated. But I'm going to go do some anyway.
23:42 / 10.10.03
Are we up?
I am
a) Slightly drunk
b) 17 tomorrow
c) Hurraying, at realising that I think May and Jade are rather lovely, May thinks Jade is lovely, and Jade thinks May is lovely. I think we have a rather jolly scenario in the making.
01:12 / 11.10.03
I'm up, drinkin' tea, reading more frigging Stanislavski, printing out my planner and watching Queer Eye For the Straight Guy. The DVD I ordered from Amazon arrived today, and I'm always amazed by how much clearer the picture is.

Our sweet Ginger turning 17! I send you thoughts of cake and presents.
18:18 / 11.10.03
Happy b-day Ginger! I hope 17 is good and stuff. I don't know what else to say except: you know you're gettig old when the youngness of other people alarms you

Oh and Keggers, I'm really sorry about "Tainted Love". I sympathise.
18:38 / 11.10.03
Happy birthday gb! (17 was my best year... I relive it constantly). I'm up... these lateshifts seem to get earlier and earlier in my (stridently non-Canadian) hemisphere. I've just been out buying Chinese food and am currently negotiating with my dog over who gets to eat how much of it.
Eloi Tsabaoth
18:47 / 11.10.03
Happy Birthday! In one more year you can legally buy porn, which is a cheaper, less emotionally taxing alternative to a relationship. I'm currently trying to turn an Avenger Penguins into a Dangermouse.
Less searchable M0rd4nt
18:55 / 11.10.03
Happy b-day, gingerbop!
Less searchable M0rd4nt
20:17 / 11.10.03
Oooh. New cartoons, Biz? *rubs hands*
22:28 / 11.10.03
Aww, cheers guys. Virtual cake has made my day so far, seeing as I have to make my own tomorrow (i dont like shop-cakes), so its cherry cake all round.

I went shopping with my mammy for a present, and i'v got the fabulous coat now; its kinda a *hangs head* army coat, but its funky and has lots of pockets and a hood that makes me look like an eskimo with only a chin. And it has badges. Which i kinda like cause they're badges, and hate because they say "military" and "army". But they can be ironic if they like. And my sister's giving me a new bra (she hates buying non-practical things) and my bro's getting my provisional lisence, and my other bro and sis are getting me a combined nothing-yet. Hurrah hurrah!

ANd I start work tomorrow, which is a bit exciting!
Oooh, isnt it all lovely and shiny.
Saint Keggers
22:55 / 11.10.03
Hey Gingerbop!
Eloi Tsabaoth
23:19 / 11.10.03
Gingerbop's boundless youthful energy is an inspiration to us all. Drugs, probably.
Mordant, I'm working on the pilot script of a new as yet uncommissioned animated series. It's great to be on the ground floor, but there's always the terrifying possibility that it may collapse and you'll find yourself in the basement.
23:26 / 11.10.03
Nice image, Keg- is that Cretino?
23:27 / 11.10.03
The font, that is.
23:34 / 11.10.03
Drugs? Moi? Never.
Thats until I forget that I dont do drugs, do drugs, and then wonder why I dont do drugs.

Is Trix about tonight? Her formal request has been done.
Thanks for the cake, keggers. Can almost taste it. It tastes like computer screens, though.
23:36 / 11.10.03
For that matter, where the heck is bitchiekittie with that damned chocolate soup recipe? I shan't be at peace till I have it.
Saint Keggers
23:41 / 11.10.03
Im back...the combination of Monster House and Trading Spaces 100000$ is going to put me into shock.

Maz: Good eye! Yup it is Cretino! Ya gotta love freefont sites.
Gingerbop: You're welcome..the cake is actually blackforest.
23:52 / 11.10.03
yeah... Hmm, she must be around somewhere- she posted on the 2nd hand books thread... so she must just be ignoring us. Lets make our own reipe and drown her in it.
Thats how I want to die, anyway.

But yes, Trix has to return for a rampant threesome with Jade.

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