Aww, cheers guys. Virtual cake has made my day so far, seeing as I have to make my own tomorrow (i dont like shop-cakes), so its cherry cake all round.
I went shopping with my mammy for a present, and i'v got the fabulous coat now; its kinda a *hangs head* army coat, but its funky and has lots of pockets and a hood that makes me look like an eskimo with only a chin. And it has badges. Which i kinda like cause they're badges, and hate because they say "military" and "army". But they can be ironic if they like. And my sister's giving me a new bra (she hates buying non-practical things) and my bro's getting my provisional lisence, and my other bro and sis are getting me a combined nothing-yet. Hurrah hurrah!
ANd I start work tomorrow, which is a bit exciting!
Oooh, isnt it all lovely and shiny. |