So, schoolyard sarcasm and "oh shut ups" aside (wonderful way you have of making your point, Anna), nobody out there thinks that abuse (throwing things, taunting, casual insults, etc, as being the kind of things you all find acceptable or amusing) is wrong regardless of the justification for it?
It's not about who he is, it's about what he's doing.
I think people on this thread have conclusively proved that it's also about him - or rather, like I said, their perceptions of him (and it is perception, since others have said they don't share their views). Don't take my word for it, re-read the thread.
While I don't want to get all anecdotal on you, since this isn't the Head Shop, I guess it's OK. I've had eggs thrown at me, and so have several of my friends, because of the way I dress. I used to have eggs thrown at me because of the school I went to. Also taunted, abused to my face, for both reasons, and throughout my life. They presumably thought they were justified in doing so as well. Or maybe they didn't, and felt awfully bad afterwards. Didn't stop them the next time, though.
So the fact that none of my friends would dare to walk through town on a Saturday night in case they got shouted at by groups of lads, got things thrown at them, that's OK too. Also the particular fear that my girlfriend has in walking past a building site on her way to work. All fine. I see. I'm stopping short of describing the other, harder abuse - the beatings, the stones thrown, the threats - because I understand that you'll just sneer and accuse me of escalating the definition of abuse for effect in my argument, rather like a Godwin-lite.
I'm trying very hard in this post not to come over as angry as I feel about this. I'm trying to be reasonable about something I don't think is very reasonable at all. Again, here's my point - I don't think any form of abuse is acceptable, especially not the kind which seems more acceptable the more people are engaging in it.
I don't intend to continue trying to debate this amongst a group of people who have no interest in engaging me on the argument. Amazing as it may seem, I have more important things to worry about than this. I'm unhappy about the fact that I've lost a certain amount of respect for certain people over the course of this thread, but hey, no one's perfect, least of all me. So if you'd rather not think too deeply about the subject, don't mind me. Go nuts. |