"What, we wanna stop anyone thinking of doing anything fun, whether pure showmanship or not?"
Not at all, that's why we're encouraging the throwing of eggs. THAT is fun. Looking at someone sitting in a box for 44 days is DULL.
"Do I care if it's real? No. But someone is attempting to entertain us."
Yeah, but in as dull a fashion as could be imagined. In the old days, people who wanted attention would be good enough to do something genuinely entertaining and dangerous in a thrilling way, like ride over the Niagra falls in a biscuit tin, or travel between the twin towers on a unicycle, via a piece of cotton, with fireworks coming out of their arse. And it didn't take flipping weeks to take in. This joker is trying to grab maximum attention for minimum effort, the lazy, greedy sod!
"But I can't be totally opposed to someone who's just trying to make life more fun (for which read... Harry Houdini. You dissing him?)"
Again, where's the fun? Houdini ruled, for the above reasons (ie he did edge-of-yer-seat, heart-in-mouth stuff).
Anyway, all of this takes no account of the best reasons for hating Blaine, which are his obnoxious, slack-jawed, mogadon drawl and his dopey "I am a simple man, and yet I am also the Messiah, do you see?" face. |