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04:03 / 02.08.03
Oh,look, Baz inquired politely, shortly after Id run off to answer the phone, then chat with Rothkoid. Traveling back in time, Atlanta's lovely, thanks - if it would stop bloody raining and generally being humid for a second, I could put the last coat of varnish on the coffee table I'm building. Then I'd be happy, oh yes.

In the meantime I've caught a bit of Reno 911! on Comedy Central. It's funny.
04:07 / 02.08.03
ooh, I remember Dino Riders. I was so diappointed when there were no rocket launchers mounted to the stegasaurus skeleton at the museum.

Saint Keggers
04:17 / 02.08.03
Now I'm felling quite old....

Remember M.A.S.K.? Those toys were kick-ass!! I mean a gas station that turned into a secret headquarters... and a motorcycle that turned into a helicopter..I want one
04:20 / 02.08.03
Now that I think about it, I must remember Dino-Riders from when I was working at Toys R Us during high school.

I remember MASK because of the silly cartoon, which was inescapable where I lived at one point. And then there was the great movie with Eric Stoltz, where he turned into Cher. That rocked.
Saint Keggers
04:22 / 02.08.03
And why the hell is YTV playing Josie and the Pussycats in Space? Fuck Josie! Get her skanky leopard print retard leotard off my tv set and put something worthy on!!! GRRRR!!! KEGBOY SMASH!!!
04:30 / 02.08.03
Oh god. I just found Warren Ellis on Friendster.
Saint Keggers
04:31 / 02.08.03
Is this a good thing or a bad thing? ( I dont think I've read any Warren Ellis )
04:35 / 02.08.03
It's just...odd. Since you can only view the profiles of people to whom you're connected by no more than three degrees of seperation, and the first two steps (in three different linkages) are Rothkoid and Kookymojo, um...I'm not really going anywhere with this.

I haven't read much of his stuff. A few Transmet issues, some other stuff here and there.
Saint Keggers
04:36 / 02.08.03
Well im off to sleep...ciao!
Baz Auckland
13:14 / 02.08.03
videodrome: that just made my day. It's through kookymojo. Hee hee.
22:10 / 02.08.03
Hmmm... nobody else here, but im spreading my goodbye-ness as far and wide as i can, in semi relevant threads.

goodbye barbelith.
goodbye internet.
goodbye 'puter.

I hope all three are still alive when i return, either off-white or scarlet, in five weeks or so, from greasy greece-land. Oh, but Im taking a gap year this year. So when i get back, I can sponge off my parents, work for a bit, make some money, and then go somewhere fucking good. Like Lisbon.

I love this year.
Night all xx
Mourne Kransky
23:14 / 02.08.03
Hooray for Gingerbop's Big Adventure!

But surely you will have occasional net access in far parts, dear departing barbelite? Probably have a Greek keyboard though, ha!

We will all just have to cope as best we can in your absence. We will sulk and comfort eat and bicker amongst ourselves until you come back.

Lilly Nowhere Late
23:48 / 02.08.03
Are people really there? Sorry not reading, just posting...stonedly...
00:29 / 03.08.03
Aww, no Ginger? Shoot, I'll miss you sugar. Take care in Graeco-world, and if you happen to find any lost Greek tragedies, scoop 'em up for me? Eat a stuffed grape leaf on my behalf? Have a good time, remember to wear sunblock... that's all I can think of. Huggles, sweetie!
Strange Machine Vs The Virus with Shoes
01:40 / 03.08.03
No-ones here its all an illusion.
Strange Machine Vs The Virus with Shoes
01:43 / 03.08.03
Strange Machine Vs The Virus with Shoes
03:19 / 03.08.03
Well, I’m happy to talk with myself now I have Nick Drake on the stereo
03:35 / 03.08.03
I'm here. But time is - fleeting.

In all probability I'm way too tired and way too [responsibilities of earnest conversation with ex, who's just been dumped by someone she liked, later today and obviously not feeling too chipper - and besides responsibility always brings me out in a reddish rash of irresponsibility] abstracted.

But, hey. You are not alone.
03:52 / 03.08.03
Checking in and bored out of my complete mind. So here I am now. Entertain us.

Strange Machine Vs The Virus with Shoes
04:01 / 03.08.03
Well, I’m happy to talk with myself now I have Nick Drake on the stereo
04:10 / 03.08.03
Goddamit. Who broke the Panarchy?
05:33 / 03.08.03
And then there was one.
Saint Keggers
03:30 / 04.08.03
Anyone up?
03:47 / 04.08.03
Me, for another couple of hours. Dutch TV showed a cheesy episode of The Hunger, hosted by David Bowie taking a circular saw to beef carcasses in a meat locker, in the spirit of Hermann Nitsch. And is there something in the Canadian Broadcasting Company code that requires lesbians and/or sadomasochists to be really hot but unhappy? Or is that just crap writing?
Saint Keggers
03:52 / 04.08.03
No, its the law here.. article 4 section seven of the canadian constitution requiers all lesbian to be hot but unhappy...Im sure its even mentioned somewhere in O Canada..

Must be bad writting and/or acting.
Saint Keggers
00:14 / 05.08.03
Lateshift train is leaving the station..all aboard!
Baz Auckland
02:29 / 05.08.03
Just popped in before bed.

Random thought to leave you with: I don't understand how anyone can work 37.5 hours a week every week. It's killing me. Only 1 month until school resumes!

On that note it's off to bed with a copy of The Secret History of the IRA.

Night all! This late shift now express to Clarkson....
Saint Keggers
02:34 / 05.08.03
G'night Baz!
Our Lady of The Two Towers
22:55 / 06.08.03
Oh you sexy Methyr fucker...

We got two turn-tables and a microphone...

...who won't let me sleep!

Jeezy Creezy... I think the hot hot heat is keeping me awake. It's ridinkylous, you can't do this to me! I pay my taxes!

Anyway, anyone else up? And was the backstory of Unicron and Primus deliberately based on the same creation myth from issue 25 of the Invisibles or was it pure coincidence?
23:07 / 06.08.03
Hey! My Little Pony reissues soon! Woolworths animal pornstars!

My back has been cauterised, and I feel asleep in a puddle of ice water at 8 and now I'm not tired and plus The Face want to give me an award.
Goodness Gracious Meme
23:35 / 06.08.03
hey there, you still about, pinster?

*ruffles pin's hair*
23:40 / 06.08.03
Yeh, I am. My back's so badly burnt I don't wanna go to bed cos if I go to bed then I'll wake up ad when I wake up I'll want to die.

So instead I'm all like totally Wheeee! over someone, in publishing, hearing about The Sky and wanting to put it on a shortlist for a zine award.

HOWEVER: all of th questions I have to answer about it will lead me to saying "It was published once, 14 months ago, it wasn't distroed anywhere, no one really read it, it's free, and we have no staff. We're not even appropriate for yr award". However, right now I don't care, but I do still want to know how they found out.
Saint Keggers
23:40 / 06.08.03
Im here!...(ofcourse Im always here)
Goodness Gracious Meme
23:44 / 06.08.03
cool... gotta love the nocturnals...

pin, that's *so* cool, however it works out....

how are we all this eve/am...
23:52 / 06.08.03
The moth in my light is freaking me out wit it's stupid noises.

I am well. I have one day less then two months 'til I move to So'ton for university, in one week I get my A Levels and in jsut under two I'm going to Northern Ireland with my girlfriend to get kneecapped for wearing make-up and being more intelligent then them.


What about you, dear?

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