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01:14 / 09.08.03
Is this to do with the threads-about-pictures thread?

I am very sorry to hear that you're ill, Flowers...

And the one who got the most wishing deserved it completely. She bought a load of stuff, spent so long in the store I was still serving her 20 mins after we'd shut, she insisted I told her the price of EVERYTHING, as well as how much was saved on every buy-one-get-something-else cheaper thing, and then said "I got this petrol coupon two weeks ago- can I still use it? I know that they run out after seven days, but I haven't used it yet" and, when we told her she couldn't use it, becuase it had run out, she said that she hadn't used it yet (and she was perfectly sensible. She knew what we were talking about), in a wa that said "can't you hear by my posh voice that I am posh? I travel in a port-side cabin on the way out to America, and starboard-side cabin on the way. God knows I wouldn't stay there!"


Also, Anna, yr Firendster page reads "Anna is Your Friend". Which is fantastically cute.

And Mazarine- thank you very much.
01:46 / 09.08.03
Anna, sugar, huggles for you. I'm not angry. And I think you're the bee's knees, you charming, delightful person.
04:11 / 09.08.03
I don't know ya that well Anna but here's a big old hug with whiskers on it.
Mourne Kransky
21:49 / 09.08.03
Big old huggles all round, oh ye poorly and disgruntled.

I thought it would help my hangover to eat a bowl of olives stuffed with chilis. Hangover's gone right enough but it feels like the chilis are eating their way out now, or using napalm to corrode their way out. The tiny little ones always look so harmless. Mistake! The smaller a chili is the more malevolent it is.

So, bit poorly myself and disgruntled that this malady prevents me getting out to enjoy some of Vauxhall's fine fetish clubs, where the lovely leather and rubber people are currently all milling about stark naked on account of the heat. It's like the frog mating season (if the frogs had moustaches and the lady frogs stayed at home knitting).
Tryphena Absent
22:43 / 09.08.03
Hello everybody, I'm writing this from my hot living room, I'm about to watch the Doctor Who omnibus with my parents and eat Triple Chocolate Carte D'or. Yes, you see, the night owl in me is genetic.

Also no one knows a chip shop in London that does chips and gravy do they because I'm gaggin' fer it?
Mourne Kransky
22:52 / 09.08.03
Ice cream and Dr Who, simultaneously. Be careful or you will explode with pleasure, Mademoiselle.

We are watching the dvd of Edge of Darkness and very good it is too, but no ice cream. And we've finished all the wine.

Ah! I have just remembered a bottle of white which guests brought round and I have had in the fridge since. I don't like white wine, unless it's all I've got and it's Fahrenheit 451 in our living room.

Shall raise a glass to the poorly and disgruntled of this world.
23:09 / 09.08.03
Well, I just made potato and leek soup- I don't know why, it's very much popcicles for dinner weather- while shouting at the fruitflies (who don't listen) that have infested my damned kitchen in the past twelve hours. Where the little fuckers came from I have no idea, but they're everywhere. Grrr. I opened the fridge, and one of the little red-eyed bastards started browsing, like he was trying to decide what he'd have, before I shooed him out. The nerve.

How are the rest of you?
23:11 / 09.08.03
Anna - Hope you're enjoyinh Dr Who. Xoc. Hope you like the Edge of Darkness. And soz, no chips and gravy round here.

This evening I have been in the Spaniards Inn arguinag about what Atwood meant about "we're a society dying of too much choice". Fucking Aunty. I've tried arguing as well as I can but to no avail.

Maybe I'll start a thread in the books section when I'm much less pissed.
Mourne Kransky
23:28 / 09.08.03
Edge of Darkness going very well, apart from 'Nesh always asking me to explain plot points. Hell, it's about twenty years since I saw it; I dunno! Bloody good though. Just as good as I remember, although the 1980's were shit for clothes and haircuts and domestic interiors. I had forgotten, despite enduring those monochrome days myself. So many women with perms! So many men with side partings! 'Struth! Giving me nostalgia for the glory days of CND though. Good Lord - a digital watch! Had forgotten those too.

I think you should just go ahead and post in the Books forum, Jub Lo Mein. Gets bloody dull there. I have a particular animus against posts there which are lists of titles of books with no discussion of their merits. You get more information sometimes from a Waterstone's catalogue. Perhaps if we all got pissed before we post there we might see some more impassioned reviews and argument.

This white wine stuff is lovely and chilled, thus going down fast and fruitily, but how do people drink this stuff as a preference? Looks like urine and the taste is so bland and sweet.
23:32 / 09.08.03
1980's were shit for clothes

The trauma of shoulder pads... when will it fade?
Goodness Gracious Meme
23:36 / 09.08.03
I know. driven to it meself by the heat, and it's bearable,but it's not real booze, frankly...

I'm disgruntled as my cold/flu appeared last night, meaning i only made it out to pride in the afternoon, caught up with friends, heard about some fab parties...


At *half ten*

cold now mixing with the hormones nicely, stopping me sleeping...




23:38 / 09.08.03
What the hell is up with the freaky compulsion to go "Oh, look, an ability to put a photo of myself on the internet where atleast 57341 people are going to be able to see it- let's do that!!"

Yes, it's irritating when people on Friendster don't put photos of themselves. Yes, if there was no photo of myself I would indeed be being hipocritical and annoying and yes, really, that's actually the best I can find.

As a spare passport photo, it is fine. Against the Look! Hipster hair! And hipster face! competition, it is boring. And what the hell is up with photogenicness?? How the fuck are some people photogenic? It's stupid. It doesn't make any sense. Expain it to me now.
Mourne Kransky
23:47 / 09.08.03
Trawling for compliments again, youngster? I shall resist, in case you taunt me again for pederasty.

For professional reasons, I have never posted my lovely photographic likeness online, which saves me so much hassle. But I do love, in a pervy voyeuristic way, seeing everybody else's.
23:54 / 09.08.03
Oh! Oh no! You have seen through the thick cloak of deceit with which I had hoped to conceal my secret intentions! Oh, woe is me!

Plus I look stupid when I smile in photos. And even though I am smiling here because parents ahd spent all day shooing their children away from me, becuase I was wearing nail varnish, it still looks stupid.
Tryphena Absent
23:54 / 09.08.03
Look here young _pin, your photo outshines mine in every respect. I'm like U.G.L.Y. Daphne & Celeste style so silence!
Goodness Gracious Meme
23:56 / 09.08.03
taunting? or was that meant to be flauting...

pondering on popping out for more wine....can't sleep, also pondering on going back out and infecting peoples...
Mourne Kransky
00:20 / 10.08.03
Wish I could phone for takeaway vodka, pizza and rent boy. In the absence of that facility, I must surrender this machine to my Lord and Master and go do something less interesting instead. Think I may run naked through the woods beside the house and scare the urban foxes. Would be one way to cool down at least.

Well, maybe not run. I could amble naked. Or waddle quickly.
00:35 / 10.08.03
My power cut is boring. My eyes hurt now. I love my laptop for still working, and hate my eyes for not.

Good nite Xoc.
Tryphena Absent
01:47 / 10.08.03
I'm going to bed now. I really shouldn't be awake but Friendster caught me in its tangled web of profile tweaking and Draco Malfoy fans.
Saint Keggers
02:01 / 12.08.03
Hello 'Litherines, who's up and about? Spent a great day working on the mages (got 4 new ones done!!! and they're good, all coloury and such)and playing Commander and Conquer Generals against some friends...all the bitter sweet smell of defeat.
23:27 / 16.08.03
Anyone feeling shifty?
The Return Of Rothkoid
01:01 / 17.08.03
Well, I'm always shifty. But I'm going to have to get to work soon.
01:29 / 17.08.03
I'm feeling very shifty. I've been on the computer, off and on, all day. this is a new record.

well, I'm actually doing stuff, cause it's new, but still. no life kittie.
Saint Keggers
02:12 / 17.08.03
Shifty..yes, shifty!

Hey all!
02:19 / 17.08.03
Woog. I'm bored, and in a holding pattern as I play phone tag with my new boss. So I'm gonna go to sleep eventually.
Cloned Christ on a HoverDonkey
03:13 / 17.08.03
Oh, the interminable wait until the end of another tedious night shift....

Coffee, cig, cig, Vanilla Diet Coke, cig, Doner Kebab (naan bread, salad, chil sauce), cig, yaaaaawn, coffee, surf, cig, ....

Saint Keggers
03:54 / 17.08.03
tommorow I start work on a website and I getting pain with Star Wars Galazies w/ six months access... all for only 2 day work at the most...hehehe...then I can build up a character and sell it and its stuffs on ebay.

Technology has ruined this boy.
Cloned Christ on a HoverDonkey
03:56 / 17.08.03
Any good, Star Wars Glaxies?
Baz Auckland
07:33 / 17.08.03
I just dropped in because I feel like typing. Weee!

Good night all! I am drunk and covered in ink! A fabulous girl named London drew on me and I am happy....

Love to all of Barbelith at this early hour of the mornign...
Tryphena Absent
14:29 / 21.08.03

Cheryl Ladd miss Lateshift.
Our Lady of The Two Towers
00:39 / 22.08.03
Bah, Our Lady and Plums in the house, insomnoid several hours before the opening of Bicore- sorry, Bicon. Someone will pay, oh yes they will pay. Is it true that Peaches covers the South Park song 'Shut Your Fucking Face Uncle Fucker' on her new album? Arse-dubloons!
Saint Keggers
01:02 / 22.08.03
Greetings all...< Christopher Walken >For lunch I was a wookie< /Christopher Walken >
Goodness Gracious Meme
01:08 / 22.08.03
< ralph > I *bent* my wookie
01:34 / 23.08.03
Who's awake????
Baz Auckland
01:47 / 23.08.03
Me! Me!

...but not for long. I am sick. (blah).

What's new?

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