For the ladies, there can be only one: Eliza Dushku. I wish she'd put on about 20 pounds, though. Too skinny, but she's unbelievably attractive. She and Keaton should do a film together, with not much of a wardrobe.

And then men:
Michael Keaton. . .better as he ages. . .and those EYEBROWS! I will even watch lame comedies to gaze upon this man. The fact that he's as old as my dad doesn't disturb me nearly as much as it should.

Robert Patrick (there is very, very little not to admire about this man)

Ian McKellen (yes, I know he doesn't play on my team, but a girl can still dream, eh?)

Gerhard Schoeder (FWOAR! If only Blair was this hot!)

Morrissey (cf. Ian McKellen, and especially when he takes his shirt off [or dresses in a priest's outfit])

Alexis Denisof (any episode of Angel or Buffy that featured he and Dushku was enough to warp my fragile little mind. . .YOWZA!)

Anthony Hopkins (Hannibal and The Human Stain. UNF.)

Bill Clinton (especially when he's bored, tired or annoyed)