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The Late Shift… like,… Whatever…. Talk to the hand…


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22:56 / 22.06.03
I had been gym teachers like that in my day. I just had to run around alot and do loads of press ups.... silly bastard used to tell me that smoking too much wasn't a valid excuse for not participating.
22:57 / 22.06.03
Or "I wish there had been" even.
Char Aina
23:04 / 22.06.03
have any of you lot heard of/tried bluejacking?

it occured to me when i got my newest phone that this would be possible, but not until tonight had i heard a name for it.

its when you search for open bluetooth devices and send them unsolicited info.
23:16 / 22.06.03
I dunno... all this modern technology kind of baffles me. Sounds impressive, though.
23:23 / 22.06.03
No- luckily this was a nice gymnastix coach- not like school P.E. stylie. She would think that smoking's a perfectly valid excuse. However, "respected" adults are not who i tend to tell about why my knees were bleeding...
Char Aina
23:24 / 22.06.03
have you a blutooth phone?

there should be a 'discover' option on it somewhere if you do.

next time you are somewhere crowded, search for other on air users, and then send them stuff.
you will know who they are because their phone/PDA/laptop will ring out and they will be the one looking vaguely puzzled.

tubes, airports, offices; loads of places.
23:25 / 22.06.03
And do i *want* to know what bluejacking is? I hope the emphasis is on "blue"...
Char Aina
23:29 / 22.06.03
bleeding knees....

jesus, ms bop, if i didnt already know you were a bit younger than me, you would have just sent me into a spiralling mess of imagination and filthy, filthy thoughts.

as it is, i am standing holding shut the mental gates...
23:45 / 22.06.03
Well, thats my job :-)
23:50 / 22.06.03
(sending you into a spiralling mess of imagination and filthy, filthy thoughts, that is. Not the bleeding knees bit)
Char Aina
23:52 / 22.06.03
MAKE... HER... STOP...

back, temptress, back!
Char Aina
23:53 / 22.06.03
right, im away to bed so that i can go and watch filthy movies tomorrow with my mate ali.


anyway, nightynight.
23:57 / 22.06.03
Sweet dreams
*mwuh huh huh*
01:39 / 23.06.03
Gracious. I hate it when I miss teasing.
02:04 / 23.06.03
I try bluejacking whenever I can, but unfortunately it has never worked, because I live in a world of techno-cretins who are scared by digital watches.
The Return Of Rothkoid
04:04 / 23.06.03
Well, I'm here. Work is pretty good today, I'm listening to Six Ft Hick (who I want to be, really) and am gonna get out of work at a reasonable time today. And a good friend gets back from the US tomorrow morning, so I'm all excited.

And goddamn, but I just put in a leave form, so I'm having a week off soon... the first in a year. Woo!
Baz Auckland
04:20 / 23.06.03
Going anywhere for the week off? or letting out a long s-i-i-i-i-g-h-h from home?

Just got in from Nick Cave. I love Warren Ellis. He is so cool. (blush)
The Return Of Rothkoid
04:46 / 23.06.03
Heh. I told you. Warren Ellis rocks. Oho, yes he does.

So far? Holiday is at home. I have a new PS2 to break in. And it's also being taken largely because a good friend of mine moves to Melbourne during that week and I want to spend time with them. And also because I'll be ratshit through the week when they leave.
04:50 / 23.06.03
Hey, was Cave good? (Think I can guess the answer to that one...) I've nearly finished work for the week so it's off down the early-morning pub for me! Oh yes. Then a week of (very cheap) debauchery until I get paid on Friday. Although there'll be reading Harry Potter to fit into that time as well, I expect. Also some swearing.
The Return Of Rothkoid
04:52 / 23.06.03
Swearing? Fuck me! I never thought you profane, Stoatie...
Baz Auckland
04:56 / 23.06.03
Swearing at Potter? or just in general? I'm looking forward to it... Bloody bookstore employers wouldn't let me borrow a copy as "they didn't have enough." Only 726 you mean? Sheesh.

...and I would say that my crush on Ellis is only due to his fiddle playing, but that grin of his...

Right this is getting creepy. I'm off to bed. Night all! Or in Rothkoid's case... afternoon?
05:20 / 23.06.03
Or indeed morning in mine! (And no, just swearing in general.)
07:29 / 23.06.03
Monday morning in rainy London and Barbelith seems to be asleep. I feel like Nush all alone in the BB house.
08:25 / 23.06.03
Yep, quite a downpour this morning. Barbelith is, presumably, drying.
Tryphena Absent
08:43 / 23.06.03
Well you know it doesn't rain as much North of the River and the rain isn't as wet. Mmm-hmm.
08:51 / 23.06.03
Yup the people are wet enough in the North the rain feels embarrassed and comes down south and makes all the beautiful flowers grow and rainbows appear the birds sing and squirrels dance.

It's the true it's actual...

Mourne Kransky
08:58 / 23.06.03
Happily for me, in Sarf Landan, the gentle tropical breeze is just whispering through the date palms outside my window and the sun shines brightly on all the jolly people dressed in very little. We are thinking about collecting sunshine in jars to send to the miserables to the north of us.

Ganesh, you should be working. You have forfeited the moral high ground you gained by getting up and about before me this morning. It is proving hard to sneak about here pretending to be busy when I am, in fact, trying to read another chapter of HP5. Hard to disguise this suitcase-sized volume.

I might be skiving but at least I am here. Everybody else is off sick. And I have downloaded some articles for a course I'm writing, which is tantamount to having read and digested them really.
Mr Messy
09:05 / 23.06.03
I'm still trying to fully open my eyes. Been at it for 4 and a half hours now. I may just give up and go with the myopic look.
Tryphena Absent
09:15 / 23.06.03
Yeah well I was an idiot and stayed up last night and read Harry Potter fully aware that I was going to get a miserable 3 hours of sleep. Unfortunately I still have about 100 pages left and I can't decide whether I should read them or go back to bed- I've been flicking ahead so I know they're very exciting. My arms are aching though... I should sleep.
The Return Of Rothkoid
09:17 / 23.06.03
Well, I've just had the dodgiest $5 steak dinner, and am about to go have a shower before watching The Secret Life Of Us, cleaning up a little, and attempting to get some Sopranos goodness. But who knows? This all could fall arse-about.

No. Need to clean. Hmm.
10:02 / 23.06.03
I'm attempting to hold off on HP5 until I've slpet and aren't drunk (or at the very least can spell 'slept'... but my willpower is fading. And I only have 30 pages of The Talented Mr Ripley to go as well... but Pirate Cove is calling... and I just told the guy I know who works in the cemetery that I'd probably meet him for a pint in a while as well... all told, I think leaving the pub early this morning was a waste of time. My Monday's gonna be just as much a write-off as usual...
10:05 / 23.06.03
Having successfully negotiated another weekly supervision hour with my consultant (with me wasting a good twenty minutes by diverting the conversation onto 'Harry Potter' and forcefully asserting the superiority of 'His Dark Materials'), I feel perfectly justified in kicking back back with some Barbelith leisure time...
The Return Of Rothkoid
13:27 / 23.06.03
No Sopranos. But I did clean up a bit and did some washing.

Oh, yes, and shot a lot of animated guys. Ack.

So now, reading.
Mourne Kransky
13:42 / 23.06.03
Wish I were reading. HP5 is burning a hole in my satchel under my desk. Must zoom through it before some speed-reading Barbelite gives away significant chunks of plot. Somebody has already ruined the surprise of the three way lesbian romp between Hermione, Minerva McGonagall and Cho Chang.

However, I am obliged to pretend to be a cat, tied to a stick, in frozen winter shit, for the next hour and 26 minutes. Having liberated a packet of ginger snaps from the deluxe catering provided for some group of trainees earlier, I am not noticing so much the absence of lunch.

Ginger snaps dunked in strong black coffee! If there is a Heaven, ginger snaps will grow on trees there.
20:59 / 23.06.03
But I already grow on trees here.

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