It's been a few months, I guess. I came off them because I was sick of them, after I OD'd...and it actually hasn't made any difference to my general state - I'm as balanced as I ever was, possibly more so - more up than down, too. Except I cry at bad fantasy novels, I cry at Buffy, I can't even go *near* Lord of the Rings...and, for some reason (I know what that reason is, but it doesn't make it better), Harry Potter slash makes me weep like a little girl, which is very distracting when one is trying to do bloody research. It wouldn't be such a pain if I didn't feel inclined to hide from everyone else the fact that my tear ducts have got a hair trigger...because I'm blokey as fuck, really.
Aaannnyway... ne'ermind. Sorry for dribbling on about it... |