So it comes down to this- if Religion goes away, what will replace it? Will it be better? I personally don't think so.
While I think all arguments against religion and it's excesses are important, i don't think there's any getting away from it, it will never cease to exist. I think William Blake says something about religion and it's churches and art and stuff being an outward sign of the divinity inside the creator of those works; he also warns that these objects become tyrannous, demand tribute from worshippers, which is the point at which idolatry comes in. TV happens to be the latest form of idolatry. So, I think that anytime a human etches a design from his head onto something external to him, he's practicing religion, whether typing a message on this board or crafting raw materials into supermarket plastic bags. People have forgotten their own divinity, which is why they service the gods of Asda, Nike, Marvel, whatever. Amongst the earliest religious acts was the first painting of a bison on a cave wall; well before the distinction between religion and magic had been made, of course, and their both essentially different threads of the same thing.
I'm interested in the pink unicorn thing; about a year back i encountered an invisible electric unicorn, a lovely white pony wearing a bizzarre blue armour made of fibreglass or something. I know this unicorn exists, but i make no arguments on the nature of that existence. I also know God exists, despite 20 odd years of the catholic church convincing me she was something entirely different. Unfortunately, i can't ever provide evidence for God's existence, because it only ever exists in your own state of consciousness. All one can do is try and make people realise that god is there, and it's the most important part of their own being. Thats not something you'll ever prove through reason or logic, but you might get it from art, literature, train spotting, whatever is your thing.
Hope this was of value to somebody. |