Sonny Winters here. Not my real name, you understand; that's Khaftan Shaboogie. Or possibly something else entirely.
I have been involved with this group (http://www.babylonproject.org) of charlatans since it's dubious inception and, with them, attempt various semi-magickal, quasi-intellectual, nearly nonsensical activities in order to construct a joy virus with which to infect the 'Black Iron Prison' of our prevailing Babylonian reality tunnel. The theory being that this can neither be absorbed nor ignored by Babylon and will therefore speed Homo Ignoramus (willing or not) into the evolutionary mindfuck that awaits us at the end of time and space. Om Shanti! Hallelujagobble! All Hail Eris!!
My services can also be aquired in the new and exciting field of dimensional breach management and spacio-temporal rift augmentation under the pseudonym Insanimex Pi-Crust. You can find out a little about the Dimensional Gateway Technicians League at the all new: http://www.dgtl.co.uk.
I am also in the employ of various British intelligence organisations, The Microsoft Corporation and MOSSAD. So WATCH IT!
I like pickled eggs, barbecue sauce, cashew nuts, novelty items, frisbee, sex with lots of biting, sunshine through trees and farting loudly in public. |