Oh what the hell...
Age: 30
Sex: Female, but still very much a tomboy at heart
Location: formerly Oop North, but now North London.
Political Leanings:leftie-wingie, too scared to try the revolutionary anarchy thing...for now.
Religious/Spiritual Leanings: Soto Zen Buddhist, mixed together with Taosim, but only when I'm not a self-beating guilt-ridden Catholic. Part-Jewish as well, so my guilt/persecution complex is huuuge...
Favorite Genre of Music (or artists): Currently listening to Ladytron and Mahalia Jackson, partial to Natacha Atlas and dancy-trancy choons as well.
Education: 8 GCSEs and a BTEC National Diploma in Computer Studies. Totally useless. Had a place at uni to do Robotics and Artificial Intelligence, but being a pleb with no money I thought better of it. In a parallel universe I would be in my secret underground lab building an army of NANOBOTS.
Favorite Food: Fruit and veg can fuck right off, I live on pizza. |