Age: 8 years older than Orson Welles when he made Citizen Kane. This fact haunts me.
Sex: Not right now, thanks.
Location: Peninsular America (says so on me profile).
Political Leanings: I'm a registered member of the Reform Silly Party. I believe there are still 500 or so of us scattered around the state, but since the main party web site went down, I can't check the numbers so easily.
Religious/Spiritual Leanings: Taoist Gnostic.
Favorite Genre of Music (or artists): That which is played with sincerity, abandon, and occasional melancholy.
Education: Yes, please. I've been through graduate school. I also have a Doctorate of Divinity, but it's an honorary degree.
Favorite Food: Currently, it's Xoc. On brown rice. Steamed in green tea, then roasted quickly for a crispy outside, and sliced thin. Drizzled with a sauce made of:
1 C balsamic vinegar,
2 tsp salt,
1 Tb chopped herbs (phalaris, cannabis, dill, rue),
2-3 cloves garlic, finely chopped,
3 sexual pecadilloes (fondly remembered),
1-2 medium peacock eggs
1 1/2 Tbs ethyl ether.
Stir well over medium heat , then gradually add...
4 Tb melted ghee (blessed or unblessed),
1 tsp prudence (do not substitute regret, it *will* curdle)
Garnish with elephant bristles. |