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Buffy final arc (US spoilers)


Page: 12(3)4

10:29 / 13.05.03
Rock on indeed - tonights is better in my opinion but didn't give the WAY-HAY HERE WE GO feeling I was hoping at the end.

I kinda like the weapon now didn't get a good look of it las week but it's more on show this week.

Only one more to go, seems like there might be a little too much to crap into 45 minutes - I have faith in Joss though well a little anyway - I really hope the ending isn't shit.
15:14 / 13.05.03
Tonight's episode damn well better be good; at least a lot better than the previous 2 eps.

That's a shame, Bear - I was seriously hoping for that feeling at the end of the penultimate ep. Ah well. Too bad the final few eps of the entire Buffy series have been sort of disappointing.

Isn't the final ep. a 2-hour finale????
Foust is SO authentic
01:21 / 14.05.03
Sorry, but I can't get behind Spike being tossed off like that. Buffy has this intense, intimate experience with Spike - the best night of his life - and next thing he sees is Buffy sucking Angel's face. Besides shitting on one of my favourite characters, I think it's too late the story to introduce a new conflict.

If Spike ends the series as a villain, I'll write off all 7 seasons as wasted.

When Caleb and Buffy were going at it, I really, honestly wanted Caleb to kill her. That would have been so very Buffy. Kill off the main character in the second last episode, leaving the rest to fight the good fight? Yes, that would have been cool.
02:09 / 14.05.03
Decent ep tonight -- although it's so disappointing that the final 3 episodes haven't given me that rush of excitement as a viewer I've come to expect from major Buffy story arcs. Hell, I was whooping and hollering with delight & smiling ear to ear at the ANGEL season finale and the last several SMALLVILLE ep's (tonight's was pretty damn good too!).

Is the series finale really going to be only one hour? I can't believe it would just be one hour!!

Best line tonight: "Well, thank God we're hot chicks with superpowers." "Yeah, that's a small consolation."

Good Buffy/Faith scene about the loneliness of being the Slayer.

Cute Anya/Andrew scene that thank GOD didn't veer into romance. They're both very naive and immature, but inherently good-hearted, characters, and it was fun to see this commonality explored a bit.

Triangle between Spike, Buffy, and Angel? *YAWN* Come on, Joss, get things going here, your fucking baby is ending.
13:59 / 14.05.03
Anyone else notice how quick everyone was to take Buffy back when she shows up with the +5 Vorpal Scythe Of The Slayer to save all their asses? Funny how quickly they get over all the self imporant democracy from just two episodes ago. Bastards. I'm still pissed at them for that.

I also think the smooch was entirely gratuitious for the fans who wanted to see Angel and Buffy get hot one last time before the show ends. Though I agree I really could have done without the extra Spike angst. He was waiting in the wings to rescue Buffy too at the last minute. Angel just beat him too it.

But I will forgive if the confrontation between the two of them is amusing enough. I mean, Angel doesn't know Spike has a soul yet. This should be fun. That is, unless he read it in the WH dossier, which he probably did. Bastards.

I also think the plot is way rushed in the end here. Calib barely got to be introduced before he's taken down. I think he should have shown up much earlier so we don't have all the plot reveals in one episode.

As for the ubervamps, they really follow standard video game powerup procedure, don't they? I mean, the first one shows up as a end-of-level boss, and is dead tough. The next time we see them, the hero has powerups and mows through a squad of them. Soon, you're fighting armies of them like they're nothing.

But the axe does make a cool swooshing sould when its swung, so that makes up for some of this. Yes, I am easily placated sometimes.
14:17 / 14.05.03
Yeah, upon closer inspection, the axe doesn't look too bad. It still looks too ultra-modern to be an old-as-fuck weapon.

And I was expecting two episodes with Angel. He just showed up at the very end! What a rippoff! I think the last episode isn't going to work just because there's too much to do before it ends. It'll seem super rushed.
14:33 / 14.05.03
yep...seems like there is a hell of a lot to deal with in one final hour. which is unfortunate considering how many episodes this season seemed to be just treading water.

why did buffy and angel kiss? why are they so easy with each other? the last time they saw each other was at the beginning of season 6 when they met off camera after she was yanked from heaven, yes? and the last on camera time was while riley was still in the picture?

i did like the writing in this had more of the old school joss touch. buffy cracking jokes like i have not seen her do in so long.

"is this the funny part?" scene with faith was great. and for faith to say that the weapon feels like hers...which it could be, even more than it is buffy's.

and the meeting with the "guardian" woman.

"what's your name?
"no, really."

cracked me up!

on a side note, another buffy/comic book connection:
after last weeks episode i (and many other people) recognized the weapon that buffy discovers as the same one that appears in joss's comic book Fray. i went looking for how she ended up with the weapon, but there is no explanation in the Fray comics. there is however a bit more information in the graphic novel "Tales of the Slayers", written by joss and several other writers from the show. in this novel we see Fray discovering the origin of the slayers. she stumbles upon what looks like a library of sorts, and finds a watchers diary and other slayer related books. there is also a mosaic of the weapon on the floor of the library.

Tales of Slayers also offers a look into the life of Nikki,the slayer who is Principal Wood's mother and who is killed by spike. she is even wearing spike's coat! and we also see the Future Mayor Richard Wilkins buying the land that will be sunnydale.

The graphic novel is fairly well written, and the artwork is pretty good.
16:06 / 14.05.03
I just think it's SO sad that Joss' baby, the thing that put him on the MAP for crying out loud, is going to end with a whimper and not a bang. It's all too rushed, poorly paced and poorly written (although last night's ep was an improvement over the previous 2), and the ** SERIES ** FINALE DESERVES FUCKING 2 HOURS DAMMIT!!!! Why didn't anyone at ME think of any of this???!

Am I going to feel as disappointed with the finale of BUFFY as I did with STAR WARS: EPISODES I and II (and with how disappointed I expect to be for the 'getting all bad & lukewarm reviews' MATRIX 2)? I'm afraid so, people. I'm afraid so.
19:23 / 14.05.03
Dude. So far it's playing out exactly like the script synopsis I read.
Saint Keggers
21:50 / 16.05.03
Lets see...there's this superweapon that could easily destroy us...thats bad. But the good guys know nothing about it...thats good. Without that weapon we can easily kill them...thats good. So, instead of just killing the good guys, let's spend alot of time and effort retrieving the superweapon from the insides of a boulder. And if she should happen to come across us when we're trying to obtain that weapon (which she knows nothing about)...that'd be bad.
Foust is SO authentic
21:55 / 16.05.03
But the weapon came with sprinkles... that's good.
02:36 / 18.05.03
Anna 101: "after last weeks episode i (and many other people) recognized the weapon that buffy discovers as the same one that appears in joss's comic book Fray. i went looking for how she ended up with the weapon, but there is no explanation in the Fray comics. there is however a bit more information in the graphic novel "Tales of the Slayers", written by joss and several other writers from the show. in this novel we see Fray discovering the origin of the slayers. she stumbles upon what looks like a library of sorts, and finds a watchers diary and other slayer related books. there is also a mosaic of the weapon on the floor of the library."

I ran through the issues again, as well, and couldn't find the part where she actually gets the weapon. However, I know it has to be in there, somewhere. I can specifically remember Urkonn giving it to her, but, um... it's not there. Urgh.

I had caught the Tales of the Slayer comic, and really enjoyed it, especially the Fray story. The interesting thing about the graphic novel [there's a one-shot issue also available, with a new story... came out a few months back] is that all of the stories, [with one exception] are written by writers from the show. Joss wrote three of the stories. The one exception to that fact is the story that's written by Amber Benson [Tara.]. I really liked getting a kind of brief "history of past slayers" bit.

Okay, bedtime.

Saint Keggers
03:59 / 18.05.03
"But the weapon came with sprinkles... that's good"

"No sprinkles! For every sprinkle I count...I shall KILL you!"
18:48 / 29.05.03
On UK TV of the Gods, tonight is the episode just after Buffy has been overthrown. The only people I can even stand in it anymore are Spike and Andrew. I wish Kennedy would die really fucking painfully, that Scrappy Doo little arse. Fucking spare me. Way to spit on Tara's memory, Willow - was she like the only lesbian in Sunnydale or something? I can't actually watch it properly any more because it annoys me so badly. Which is why I am in here writing this instead of sitting in front of the telly. Kind of makes you wish The First could win - why doesn't Buffy just defect to the dark side? Skewering her backstabbing little 'friends' would be about the only thing that could save the show now.

But Kennedy? Oh my god, I fucking hate her so much. I can't remember the last time I felt such unadulterated loathing for someone on tv.
Saint Keggers
19:02 / 29.05.03
Yeah I really hate her too. Its like they wrote her in so as to be able to say "Don't forget, Willow is a lesbian".
I also think the principle is a useless plot development that shouldn't have occured in the last season...a few seasons earlier would have been an improvement.
19:44 / 29.05.03
>> I wish Kennedy would die really fucking painfully, that Scrappy Doo little arse.

07:23 / 02.06.03
Has anyone seen this yet? Major Spoilers for the first episode on Angel explaining the whole Spike thing, - but as it says on the site it might just be fanfic -

Don't look unless you want to know what (possibly) happens in the first episode of Season 5.
08:25 / 02.06.03
Marge becomes a robot...
08:38 / 02.06.03
Well I was trying not to spoil but since reflect has started the ball rolling - Dirty Den is coming back!!!
Rev. Orr
08:47 / 02.06.03
Fanwank. Why would they do something like that that destorys the premise of both series, makes many of the major charcters redundant, abandons all structural and plot 'logic' and just plain sucks, solely to make thing's all about Spike?

Oh, shit.
08:36 / 05.06.03
Dinna worry yourselves about that Season 5 opener nonsense. It appears that an aspiring screenwriter wrote up a spec script and shopped it around. Said spec script was subsequently seized by the monkeylike fan-hordes and proclaimed as the One True Script, on account of they're all fuckwits. Said writer has fessed up, and apologized for any unintended confusion.

Far as I know, he hasn't apologized for the lamentable schmaltz of the script itself.
Rev. Orr
15:04 / 05.06.03
To be fair to the poor fellow, if you're writing a spec script then it is usual to try to keep to the house style.
waxy dan
15:08 / 05.06.03
I dunno. I'm okay with Spike as a regular in Season 5.
No idea how the hell they're going to do it without destroying the dynamic they've set up. But I said the same thing about Wes back in the day, so I've got a bit of faith in the writers to produce good material.
Jack The Bodiless
13:43 / 08.06.03
Yeah... we were all saying 'trust Josssssss' last season, and look where that got us.

So let's see... Angel turns up again in Buffy, which I was looking forward to. Angel gets a great reveal, punching Caleb to the floor just as he's about to chop Buffy into annoying blonde mincemeat (why couldn't he have been a little later? Why?). Angel then gets some of the cruddiest lines in the show's history ("You're <'i> so going to lose", "I forgot how much I enjoy watching this", "Aren't you pleased to see me"). What awful writing, to have Angel, who has a history of getting rather tense whenever Buffy looks like she might even get scratched, stand there smirking like a twat as she faces off against Caleb, who's been built up as a hard bastard? Right away there, we know that she's going to kill Caleb relatively easily in a few seconds. Takes all the drama out of what is supposed to be a big and scary fight scene. What a wasted opportunity.

Almost all of that penultimate episode was shite. How the fuck does she take several punches in the face from Caleb, when last time just one was enough to knock her out, and this time he's been 'powered-up' again by the First?! How is Buffy capable of breaking a stone pillar with her back and getting up with only a couple of bruises and a stupid one-liner? And, speaking of that 'powering-up' scene, that special effect was utter cumcandy.

I am SO glad this series is finishing. Kali was right when she said that it should have been buried with her death at the end of Season Five.
14:51 / 08.06.03
Sadly, the more I think about the finale of BUFFY, the more I dislike it.
Our Lady of The Two Towers
20:20 / 12.06.03
I just think that squished together with season 5, this could have been good. Replace Glory with the First. This does unfortunately mean we loose Dawn who was fucking irritating for season 5 and 6 but did start to become useful, sometimes terrifyingly so, in season 7. There is also one major plot flaw with my theory, which I'll come to.

So, season 5, we have Buffy finally coming to terms with being the Slayer. We have Faith waking from her coma early in the season, fighting Buffy, escaping to LA where she meets Angel and seeks redemption and comes back to Sunnydale to try and mend bridges with Buffy. We have the First trying to take over the world (as it didn't seem important in the end that it could only do this due to Buffy's death I'm going to ignore that here too). The Slayer gathers the Potentials around her, the last episode goes mostly like the actual last episode went, but Buffy and Spike both sacrfice themselves to close the Hellmouth/Seal of wossname/Cosmic doohickey.

The one flaw is that Spike would have to fall in love with Buffy, she would have to fall for him, they have a brief but doomed affair, he would go off to have the chip taken out but get a soul instead, come back and show a genuine willingness to do good, they fall in love again, all in 22 episodes.

This episode wasn't the send off Buffy needed, 'The Gift' was however.
Tryphena Absent
22:07 / 12.06.03
Wow and I thought I'd be sad when Buffy ended. That was even worse than the season 6 finale. That was atrociously embarrassing.
22:33 / 12.06.03
Really, I rather liked it. I think the band of slayers idea was a great concept for Joss for future shows and to finish up Buffy. I liked that Angel was brought back in to remind us that their love affair marks all their future relationships. That was really the point of having him there, and as a final nod to the fans I think. I liked the way they had Spike die, and I liked that he acknowledged that Buffy had never loved him. On that score I noticed this interesting piece on UPI in which James Masters gives his opinion on the whole Buffy/Spike dynamic.

There was humour in the last couple of episodes that had been terribly missing in the whole series. Series seven has by far been the weakest of the lot - and that seems to be the law of diminishing returns that you can see in almost every TV show. I personally think the show peaked at Season 3, but there were always great episodes in ever following season - except this last one. I think the last couple of episodes will be my favourite from this season.

It was grand to see Buffy smiling at the end of the episode, looking forward to life where she's one of many slayers, and the major pressure is off.

I certainly can see movies in the future...

And of course, Josh has created some interesting issues here. There may be no more Buffy the TV series, but he still has Angel, and you can be sure that September next year he'll have a spin-off show of some variety. If every girl with the Slayer ability is automatically a Slayer, from birth, that's going to mean that there are a lot of girls causing problems in the world, and no watchers to keep them in check. There is more likelihood for them to go "bad" like Faith. You could end up with some kind of good sisterhood battling it out with the bad sisterhood. In this regard you are heading more into superhero territory. Certainly, it's fertile ground for stories...

The one thing about them is that Slayers lead, they don't follow, so a group of them is unlikely to stay together for long.

And of course, I think about this stuff way too much.

Overall I feel rather nostalgic about the show. It seems strange to contemplate not having Buffy next season. It's rather like an old pal who's changed over the years, but who you're still fond of because you remember those great times together that won't be forgotten. I don't think I've ever watched any TV series for as long as I have watched Buffy. So, it wasn't such a bad feat for Josh, and his talented cast and crew, to pull off.
Our Lady of The Two Towers
05:52 / 13.06.03
Actually, I've just figured out a reason for digging that axe out, the First could have used it as part of it's posessing everyone in the world plan, much as Buffy and Willow used it to spread Slayer Power round the world.

But, in the last two years we've had Warren, Caleb, a ridiculously contrived story to try and suggest that Spike was trying to rape Buffy, the father figure of Giles leaving and a gay male character treated by the scriptwriters with none of the respect they gave to Willow 'Take Two Bottles into the Shower? I just wash and destroy the world' Rosenberg. Plus practically every episode had it's obligatory torture Spike moment. And then in it's final episode to have a cheesy 'attractive teenage girls of the world stand up! You now have the power!' moment.

There was a time long ago when just because the Slayer was a girl didn't mean the boys were second rate. We had Oz and... Well, mainly it was just that we had Oz.
17:48 / 13.06.03
Interesting point about the lack of strong male characters in the show's final years -- Giles does definitely get left in the dust and pretty much emasculated. I would have liked to have seen Xander do a little more in the final ep. Xander's best moment lately was when he talks to Dawn in mid-season 7 about what it's like to always be the supportive friend watching from the sidelines. Many fans, like myself, thought he'd have a little more to do given Caleb's "So, you're the one who watches" comment... but alas, no.

But let's be fair -- not all the teen girls in the world who got Slayer power were 'attractive'. It seemed like they were kind of across the board to me, especially the one heavier girl who was not what we would consider classically attractive, as she stopped the swinging fist of what I took to be her abusive father?'

Uh, and Spike was trying to rape Buffy in that one episode (ducks head to avoid oncoming flame war). He was out of control in that scene and he knew it; he acknowledged it and apologized profusely thereafter.
Jack The Bodiless
10:26 / 17.06.03
Absolutely. So that's OK, then.
Gary Lactus
11:05 / 17.06.03
For sure! And that girl getting hit who stood up to her abuser was a right munter.

Saint Keggers
16:42 / 17.06.03
What's a 'munter'?
18:01 / 17.06.03
Schoolyard UK term for an extremely unattractive woman. Origin unknown. There's a munter hitch, which is a type of knot, and of course munter is German for something like "perky, awake".

The verb "to munt" I suspect derives backwards, and means simply "to be a munter".

Basically, a term used by mem to describe women far enough away that they will not immediately receive a slap. I've heard that there is a racial component to it, but have not encountered much corroborating evidence.
Gary Lactus
08:26 / 18.06.03
Munt the face.

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