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Buffy final arc (US spoilers)


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Tom Coates
20:18 / 15.04.03
Ok. So I've just seen the episode of Buffy that airs tonight in the US, and frankly I was kind of struck dumb. Serious developments, two major fantasy sequences and not a little spilt blood.
01:08 / 16.04.03
Seriously. When the TV guide said "in an unusually violent episode," I scoffed. But Jesus.
Foust is SO authentic
01:19 / 16.04.03
This thread already has a spoilers mark, but considering the magnitude of them... another warning is due. Spoilers means what it says, people. You have been warned.

That battle scene shocked the hell out of me. Potentials killed with nary a look back... Buffy thrown around like a rag doll... then Xander. Good lord. And the blood! The blood gushed from his eye!
01:20 / 16.04.03
goo... i was MORE than creeped out at the fate of Xander... i was all "he's not really gonna do tha... OH MY GOO! WHAT THE HELL! DAMN NO!" and tossed an ink pen at the screen...
01:21 / 16.04.03
I'm not sure how I feel about this Caleb dude. In some ways, he reminds me of the sheriff from American Gothic. I know the ubervamp was killed off, but it feels a little late in the game to be bringing in this new guy. There's what, five weeks left, and next week's a rerun, so, four episodes left? Far be it from me to doubt Joss, but they've got a lot of fucking series to wind up.
01:26 / 16.04.03
I just covered my mouth for the rest of the episode after seeing Xander get attacked. Not sweet, huggable, wet dreams about potentials Xander. : ( Seeing Willow sit next to him in the hospital made me wonder if she's going to have anything significant to contribute or if she's pretty much done. Buffy keeps saying she's their most powerful weapon, but is she going to come through?
03:06 / 16.04.03
And where the fuck was Anya through all this? I'd imagine, despite their relationship being resolved and all, that she'd still be quite hurt by what happened to Xander. Poor Xander....

Caleb... I'd like to understand where his strength has come from. Good fight sequence... and nice little convo between Faith and Spike on the bed. Here's hoping Buffy choses him in the end...
07:45 / 16.04.03
Poor Xander indeed!

Good episode though, gives me faith for the end of the series.

Faith fighting Vulcans though har har

So which potentials got killed then it was the Dick Van Dyke one and the Chinese one right?

I think Anya must have been filming something else during this episode although I think everyone will be used for the final battle - too many spoilers floating around now though on the net and I've already read too much...
14:50 / 16.04.03
Pretty good ep. last night, eh? Poor Xander. Will he take to wearing an eyepatch like a pirate? I knew some potentials had to bite it. Caleb is kinda scary; great actor! And what the hell is up with the First taking Buffy's form -- as if she's already dead???!?? Is this foreshadowing for the finale? Or is this a technicality, since the First can only take the form of those who have died and Buffy's actually died twice??

Great Faith & Spike flirty scene -- I liked how they referenced the body-swap ep. Andrew is too funny.

Are Willow and Kennedy still dating? Didn't seem to be any contact between them this ep.

I love how The First Evil hasn't been shown - it's far scarier just taking the shape of dead people. Or is that big scary monster hologram that was shown in the "Previously on..." really supposed to be The First?
Elijah, Freelance Rabbi
17:43 / 16.04.03
the 1st has popped up as buffy like a million times, mostly to spike.

I'm glad to see the captain from Firefly getting work, but i had to TiVo back some of his lines to hear what he was saying, a bit heavy on the accent. I dont like that he reminds me of Jesse Custer though, down to the black jeans rather than dress slacks.

The strength i would say is a product of whatever deal he made with the first.

Ok, question time...WHY hasnt xander bought a gun yet? He has all the millitary training, at the highschool graduation they had flamethrowers, they killed a demon with a rocket propelled grenade, why doesnt ANYONE carry a 45 around with them by now?
17:58 / 16.04.03
I've seen this twice and I can't shake the Jesse Custer thing. He even has a bit of The Word power, at least on women, Buffy seems off when he was speaking to her. And When he put out Xander's eye I was like damn more preacher stuff! But it didn't ruin the ep. for me one bit. It was ruthless and fun. Can't wait to see how this all ends.
Foust is SO authentic
19:47 / 16.04.03
Yeah, I've never even read Preacher and I made the connection.

As for the gun thing... I've never understood why characters in superhero stories don't arm themselves. Surely Magneto would be far more deadly if he carried multiple automatic rifles and used them en masse, a la the train station scene in the X-Men movie?

Thread rot.
01:29 / 17.04.03
Poor sweet lil Xander.

Didn't he dress up as a pirate the Halloween he told everyone he and Anya were engaged? The irony. I was surprised that Caleb said "You're the one who sees everything." We've got all these potential slayers and only one watcher, maybe Giles is gonna start recruiting with Xander?
09:57 / 17.04.03
On the whole "You See Things" part, there's talk flying around the net that maybe someone in the Slayer house is a double agent or maybe someone is actually dead and the firt has been watching them, hmmmm?

You just know that if there ever is a spin-off and Xanders in it he's going to get some groovy demon type eye, well in my world at least.
Saint Keggers
19:28 / 17.04.03
The whole You see things is refring back to when Dawn thought she was a potential and it turned out she was just a normal. Xander said something along the lines of its the hardest job being the normal, you see everything.
22:05 / 17.04.03
I remember that- but how'd Caleb know about it?
22:39 / 17.04.03
at one time there was a potential that the first was impersonating already... by now the first should know it's enemies and would know or at least figure out what Xander's role is and would've told Caleb... yeah the first can appear as Buffy cuz she died (twice) and has from the first episode of this season on... and it's nice to see the human that the first has been talking to to get things done outside of Sunnydale, like blowing up the Watchers Council, so Caleb finally making it to Sunnydale from London doesn't bother me too much that he "just showed up" but at least shoud've been referenced earlier, maybe i missed something... yeah lack of Anya, didn't even notice until someone pointed it out...
03:08 / 18.04.03
If Buffy became a vampire, would her power be amplified by the transformation? Hehe, I mean, wouldn'tbe great if her only means of beating The First or Caleb was to become a vampire herself? How bloody ironic: Buffy the Vampiric Vampire Slayer.

No more sugar past 10pm for me, huh?
Don't make eye contact
09:09 / 18.04.03
On the Preacher similarity.
Spoiler speculation for Angel

One of the things that is building up on Angel is setting up the powers that be as the enemy and Angel starting to fight them in a Jesse Custer style.
I think Joss just reread Preacher and doesn't realise it is affecting his ideas.
13:06 / 18.04.03
Anyone else think it's pretty interesting that Xander has this whole "Trust Buffy, she's never failed us" speech as Buffy leads everyone into what is CLEARLY a trap -- and then he gets his eye put out, 2 potentials get killed, and Buffy gets her ass handed to her?

My question is -- will this fuel some dramatic tension/distrust of Buffy's judgment? Will Xander say "It's OK Buffy, it's not your fault, you did your best" but deep down be angry with her for screwing up so badly and leading them all into a carnage-filled trap? Cause a lot of that ep. was about the wisdom (or lack thereof) of Buffy's judgment in this situation (or "sitch," as Faith says).
18:35 / 18.04.03
I was annoyed by Calib for different reasons, that the enemy all this time has been an abstract sort that can't be touched, and wasn't following the formula of having a Big Bad level boss for Buffy to beat up on in the end. But now there is one. I suppose I shouldn't be suprised, but I had hoped things would be a bit different this time.
15:39 / 19.04.03
Well, Caleb isn't the big bad that's still the abstract First. He's more like a the ubervamp, once Buffy beats him she's still got to deal with the First. So there's still hope.
Solitaire Rose as Tom Servo
19:08 / 19.04.03
OK...I have to ask...

What does Faith mean by her phrase "Five by five"? Where did that come from, anyway>?
Foust is SO authentic
00:59 / 20.04.03
I think it's a piloting phrase. Fero - the dropship pilot in Aliens - used the phrase to describe a good quality landing approach.
Elijah, Freelance Rabbi
02:40 / 20.04.03
its millitary speak as i understand it, meaning "square" or "even" maybe?
Elijah, Freelance Rabbi
02:43 / 20.04.03
i was half right, according to Phrase Finder

Q: Often in old war movies you'll hear a radio operator say, "I read you five-by-five." What does this mean?

A:The operator in question is ranking the voice transmission on a scale of one to five in two categories, strength and clarity. So, five-by-five is loud and clear and one-by-one would be weak and unintelligible.
Saint Keggers
03:04 / 20.04.03
And here I was thinking it refered the dimensions of a polaroid..5x5..picture perfect.
05:51 / 20.04.03
A little fuel to the controversy fires... A Freddie Prinze interview in which he comments on SMG's "feelings" towards Buffy:

Without going into specifics, Prinze hints that the later seasons of "Buffy" may have been rough for his bride.

"A lot of people owe Sarah a lot for doing that show," Prinze says, "and she doesn't always get the credit she deserves. She's a very strong woman, because she deals with a lot of nonsense, and instead of that nonsense, she should be thanked -- and she's not. That's the reason she won't be coming back." "Sarah's the most appreciative person in the world, and if that environment would have remained the way it would six years ago, she would go back, because she's loyal. But things change, and people's egos get in the way sometimes. They make poor decisions." "I don't agree with it, but I understand it, and I just pray I'm never guilty of it." Prinze asserts that, whatever happened, Gellar gave 100 percent. "And even if she's not, nobody knew, because she commits. She's badass."
Nietzsch E. Coyote
10:20 / 20.04.03
Anyone notice that she was completly following the advice of Wood, After he tried to kill spike AND he fired her?
15:57 / 21.04.03
Mike-O: I've read many articles with SMG saying that she hated season six. It was the worst for her on many levels. She didn't think the show was going in the right direction and it was too dark for her. She hated doing the character of Buffy because Buffy was too different (i.e. fucking Spike with the intent of punishing herself) with the overall darkness of the show.

I have my theories that this may be the meaning of that article. Possibly SMG and Joss Whedon butted heads one too many times.

My poor lil Xander. Christ. I actually knew what was supposed to happen and still screamed, "No! No! Damn it! Mother -bleep, bleep-" I had people checking on me to see if I was okay. I've been paying homage to Xander watching classic episodes like, The Zeppo, Bewitching, Bothered and Bewildered and Earshot 'cause I love the scene at the end with Xander and the lunch lady.
19:27 / 21.04.03
Such a shame about that, MMJ. I always thought Season 6 was the best Buffy had ever been. It's when I most identified with the characters, that's for sure.

And yeah, poor Xander eh? Right after his big "Buffy will look after us" speech, no less. Hey, maybe he can have a Bionic eye now! And his code name could be -- oh, you know, wait for it -- CYCLOPS!! YEAHH!!!! :P

BTW, just heard Joss is officially directing the last ep, now. That was already pretty obvious over here, but nonetheless the announcement has been made.
19:43 / 22.04.03
I read a synopsis of the final episode last night. I hope to God it's falsified to throw fans off the scent.
13:33 / 23.04.03
Was it a new one last night? I tried to tape it and my UPN reception was all shitty, so I ended up with an hour of static on tape (not even sound!!).
Foust is SO authentic
14:01 / 23.04.03
My network showed a rerun.
14:33 / 23.04.03
yeah, it was a rerun.

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